
Speech & audiology - journal articles


Caroll, R., Warzybok, A., Kollmeier, B., Ruigendijk, E. (2016) Age-related differences in lexical access relate to speech recognition in noise. Front Psychol 7, 990

Kollmeier, B., Schädler, M.R., Warzybok, A., Meyer, B.T., Brand, T. (in press) Sentence recognition prediction for hearing-impaired listeners in stationary and fluctuation noise with FADE: How to individualize the Attenuation and Distortion component introduced by Plomp? Accepted for publication in Trends in Hearing

Schädler, M.R., Warzybok, A., Ewert, S., Kollmeier, B. (2016) A simulation framework for auditory discrimination experiments: Revealing the importance of across-frequency processing in speech perception. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 139, 2708-2722.

Warzybok, A., Zokoll, M.A., Kollmeier, B. (2016) Auditory screening for Russian: Development and evaluation of the Russian digit triplet test. Acta Acust united Ac 102 (4), 714-724.


Völker, Ch., Warzybok, A., Ernst, S.M.A. (2015) Comparing binaural signal processing strategies III: Speech intelligibility of normal hearing and hearing impaired listeners. Trends in Hearing, Trends in Hearing 19, DOI: 10.1177/2331216515618609.

Kollmeier, B., Warzybok, A., Hochmuth, S., Zokoll, M., Uslar, V.N., Brand, T., Wagener, K.C. (2015) The multilingual matrix test: principles, applications and comparison across languages – a review. Int J Audiol, 54, Suppl. 2, 3-16.

Schädler, M.R., Warzybok, A., Hochmuth, S., Kollmeier, B. (2015) Matrix sentence intelligibility prediction using an automatic speech recognition system. Int J Audiol 54, Suppl. 2, 100-107.

Puglisi, G., Warzybok, A., Hochmuth, S., Visentinc, C., Astolfia, A., Prodi, N., Kollmeier, B. (2015) An Italian Matrix Sentence Test for the evaluation of speech intelligibility in noise. Int J Audiol 54, Suppl. 2, 44-50.

Warzybok, A., Brand, T., Wagener, C.K., Kollmeier, B. (2015) How much does language proficiency by non-native listeners influence speech audiometric tests in noise? . Int J Auiol 54, Suppl. 2, 88-99.

Warzybok, A., Zokoll, M.A., Wardenga, N., Ozimek, E., Boboshko, M., Kollmeier, B. (2015) Development of the Russian Matrix Sentence Test. Accepted for publication  Int J Audiol 54, Suppl. 2, 35-43.

Hochmuth, S., Kollmeier, B., Brand, T., Jürgens, T. (2015) Influence of noise type on speech reception thresholds across four languages measured with matrix sentence tests. Int J Audiol 54, Suppl. 2.

Wendt, D., Kollmeier, B., Brand, T. (2015) How hearing impairment affects sentence comprehension: using eye fixations to investigate the duration of speech processing. Trends in Hearing 19, 1-19.


Wendt, D., Brand, T., Kollmeier, B. (2014) An eye-tracking paradigm for analyzing the processing time of sentences with different linguistic complexities. PLoS One 9, e100186.

Rennies, J., Warzybok, A., Brand, T., Kollmeier, B. (2014) Modeling the effects of a single reflection on binaural speech intelligibility. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 135(3), 1556-67.

Jürgens, T., Ewert, S., Kollmeier, B. (2014) Prediction of consonant recognition in quiet for listeners with normal and impaired hearing using auditory model. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 135, 1505-1517.

Oetting, D., Brand, T., Ewert, S.D. (2014) Optimized loudness-function estimation for categorical loudness scaling data. Hearing Research 316, 16-27.


Zokoll, M., Hochmuth, S., Warzybok, A., Wagener, K., Buschermühler, M., Kollmeier, B. (2013) Speech-in-noise tests for multilingual hearing screening and diagnostics. American Journal of Audiology 22, 175-178.

Uslar, V.N, Carroll, R., Hanke, M., Hamann, C., Ruigendijk, E., Brand, T., & Kollmeier, B. (2013). Development and evaluation of a linguistically and audiologically controlled sentence intelligibility test. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 134(4), 3039-3056.

Uslar, V.N, Carroll, R., Wendt, D., Ruigendijk, E., Kollmeier, B., & Brand, T. (2013). Warum die Ente der Hund tadelt: Mögliche neue Wege in der Audiologie mit den Oldenburger Linguistisch und Audiologisch Kontrollierten Sätzen. Zeitschrift für Audiologie (Audiological Acoustics) 52(1), 6-15.

Warzybok, A., Rennies, J., Brand, T., Doclo, S., Kollmeier, B. (2013) Effects of spatial and temporal integration of a single early reflection on speech intelligibility. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 133(1), 269-282.


Zokoll, M.A., Wagener, K.C., Brand, T., Buschermöhle, M.,  Kollmeier, B.  (2012) Internationally comparable screening tests for listening in noise in several European languages: The German digit triplet test as an optimization prototype. Int J Audiol 51, 697-707.

Hochmuth, S., Brand, T., Zokoll, M.A., Zenker Castro, F., Wardenga, N., Kollmeier, B. (2012) A Spanish matrix sentence test for assessing speech reception thresholds in noise. International Journal of Audiology 51, 536–544.


Uslar, V., Ruigendijk, E., Hamann, C., Brand, T., Kollmeier, B. (2011) How does linguistic complexity influence intelligibility in a German audiometric sentence intelligibility test?. International Journal of Audiology 50, 621-631.

Jürgens, T., Kollmeier, B., Brand, T., and Ewert, S.D. (2011) Assessment Of Auditory Nonlinearity For Listeners With Different Hearing Losses Using Temporal Masking And Categorical Loudness Scaling. Hearing Research, in press, doi:10.1016/j.heares.2011.05.016.

Meyer, B.T., Brand, T., Kollmeier, B. (2011) Effect of speech-intrinsic variations on human and automatic recognition of spoken phonemes. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 129, 388-403.


Beutelmann, R., Brand, T., and Kollmeier, B. (2010) Revision, extension, and evaluation of a binaural speech intelligibility model. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 127, 2479-2497.

Meyer, B.T., Jürgens, T., Wesker, T., Brand, T., Kollmeier, B. (2010) Human phoneme recognition depending on speech-intrinsic variability. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 128, 3126-3141.

Sukowski, H., Brand, T., Wagener, K., and Kollmeier, B. (2010) Vergleich des Göttinger Satztests und des Einsilber-Reimtests nach von Wallenberg und Kollmeier mit dem Freiburger Sprachtest - Untersuchung bei einem klinisch repräsentativen Probandenkollektiv. HNO 58, 597-604.


Beutelmann, R., Brand, T., and Kollmeier, B. (2009) Prediction of binaural speech intelligibility with frequency-dependent interaural phase differences. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 126, 1359-1368.

Jürgens, T., and Brand, T. (2009) Microscopic prediction of speech recognition for listeners with normal hearing in noise using an auditory model. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 126, 2635-2648.

Sukowski, H., Brand, T., Wagener, K., and Kollmeier, B. (2009) Untersuchung zur Vergleichbarkeit des Freiburger Sprachtests mit dem Göttinger Satztest und dem Einsilber-Reimtest nach von Wallenberg und Kollmer. HNO 57, 239-250.


Sukowski, H., Brand, T., Wagener, K. C., and Kollmeier, B. (2008) Die Begutachtung beruflicher Lärmschwerhörigkeit: Können moderne Sprachtestverfahren den Freiburger Sprachtest zur Ermittlung des prozentualen Hörverlustes ersetzen?. MedReport 17, 11.


Meister, H., Wagener, K., Brand, T., von Wedel, H., and Walger, M. (2007) Sprachaudiometrische Untersuchungen im Störgeräusch bei Kinern mit Verdacht auf AVWS. Zeitschrift für Audiologie/Audiological Acoustics 46, 88-96.


Beutelmann, R., and Brand, T. (2006) Prediction of speech intelligibility in spatial noise and reverberation for normal-hearing and hearing-impaired listeners. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 120, 331-342.

Wagener, K., Brand, T., and Kollmeier, B. (2006) The role of silent intervals for sentence intelligibility in fluctuating noise in hearing--impaired listeners. International Journal of Audiology 45, 26-33.

Wagener, K. C., Brand, T., and Kollmeier, B. (2006) Evaluation des Oldenburger Kinderreimtest in Ruhe und im Störgeräusch. HNO 54, 171-178.


Wagener, K. C., and Kollmeier, B. (2005) Evaluation des Oldenburger Satztests mit Kindern und Oldenburger Kinder-Satztest. Zeitschrift für Audiologie/Audiological Acoustics 44, 134-143.

Wagener, K., and Brand, T. (2005) Sentence intelligibility in noise for listeners with normal hearing and hearing impairment: influence of measurement procedure and masking parameters. International Journal of Audiology 44, 144-156.


Wagener, K., Josvassen, J. L., and Ardenkjaer, R. (2003) Design, Optimization and Evaluation of a Danish Sentence Test in Noise. International Journal of Audiology 42, 10-17.


Brand, T., and Hohmann, V. (2002) An adaptive procedure for categorical loudness scaling. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 112, 1597-1604.

Brand, T., and Kollmeier, B. (2002) Efficient adaptive procedures for threshold and concurrent slope estimates for psychophysics and speech intelligibility tests. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 111, 2801-2810.

Bronkhorst, A. W., Brand, T., and Wagener, K. (2002) Evaluation of context effects in sentence recognition. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 111, 2874-2886.


Brand, T., and Hohmann, V. (2001) Effect of hearing loss, centre frequency, and bandwidth on the shape of loudness functions in categorical loudness scaling. Audiology 40, 92-103.

Brand, T., and Kollmeier, B. (2001) Moderne Hördiagnostik. Einblicke - Forschungsmagazin der Universität Oldenburg 33, 12-14.


Brand, T., and Kollmeier, B. (2000) Eignung des Göttinger und des Oldenburger Satztests für die Bestimmung von Verständlichkeitsfunktionen. Zeitschrift für Audiologie/Audiological Acoustics 39, 40-52.


Wagener, K., Kühnel, V., and Kollmeier, B. (1999) Entwicklung und Evaluation eines Satztests für die deutsche Sprache I: Design des Oldenburger Satztests. Zeitschrift für Audiologie/Audiological Acoustics 38, 4-15.

Wagener, K., Brand, T., and Kollmeier, B. (1999) Entwicklung und Evaluation eines Satztests für die deutsche Sprache II: Optimierung des Oldenburger Satztests. Zeitschrift für Audiologie/Audiological Acoustics 38, 44-56.

Wagener, K., Brand, T., and Kollmeier, B. (1999) Entwicklung und Evaluation eines Satztests für die deutsche Sprache III: Evaluation des Oldenburger Satztests. Zeitschrift für Audiologie/Audiological Acoustics 38, 86-95.

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