

Philosophisches Kolloquium

  • summer term 2022 – winter term 2024/2025; the Department of Philosophy’s colloquium; University of Oldenburg; organized jointly with Helena Esther Grass (summer term 2022), Gesa Wellmann (summer term 2023 – winter term 2024/2025), Tilo Wesche (summer term 2022 – winter term 2024/2025), Malte Maria Unverzagt (winter term 2024/2025), and Matthias Bormuth (winter term 2024/2025)
  • featuring contributions by Monika Albrecht, Dagmar Borchers, Alexandra Colligs, Gregor Damschen, Karin de Boer, Mitchell Dean, Kristina Engelhard, Bärbel Frischmann, Michael Hampe, Hilkje Hänel, Lisa Herzog, Maximilian Kiener, Dagmar Kiesel, Kristina Lepold, Ludger Schwarte, Sebastian Spanknebel, Titus Stahl, Eva Weiler, and Gesa Wellmann

Nur Fußnoten zu Platon?

  • summer term 2021; lecture series; University of Oldenburg; organized jointly with Gregor Damschen, Stephan Kornmesser, and Mark Siebel
  • featuring contributions by Rafael Ferber, Jörg Hardy, Christoph Helmig, Joachim Horvath, Mark Textor, and Emanuel Viebahn


  • winter term 2019/2020; lecture series; University of Oldenburg; organized jointly with Gregor Damschen and Mark Siebel
  • featuring contributions by Inga Bones, Elke Brendel, Guido Kreis, Paul Näger, Norman Sieroka, and Stefan Uppenkamp

Workshop der wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiter

  • December 13 – 15, 2017; workshop of the academic assistants of the research group “Need-Based Justice and Distribution Procedures” (FOR 2104) of the German Research Foundation (DFG); Karl-Jaspers-Haus in Oldenburg; organized jointly with Maximilian Lutz, Fabian Paetzel, Nils Springhorn, and Arne Robert Weiss
  • featuring contributions by Meike Benker, Marina Chugunova, Andrew Lawrence Fassett, Jan Philipp Krügel, Sabine Neuhofer, Manuel Schwaninger, Marc Wyszynski, and Patricia Zauchner, as well as a method workshop by Michael Jankowski

Empirical Research and Normative Theory

  • September 28 – 29, 2017; international summer school at the “Oldenburg School for the Social Sciences and the Humanities 2017” of the Graduate School for the Social Sciences and the Humanities (3GO); University of Oldenburg; organized jointly with Malte Ingo Meyerhuber and Rea Kodalle
  • featuring contributions by Max Agostini, Martijn Boot, Maarten Derksen, Niklas Dworazik, Carlos de Matos Fernandes, Andrea Klonschinski, Jannis Kreienkamp, Marvin Kunz, Bert Musschenga, Elsa Romfeld, Hanno Sauer, Sebastian Schleidgen, Mark Schweda, and Lars Schwettmann, as well as two public lectures by Stefan Müller-Doohm and Philipp Hübl


  • July 9 – 10, 2015; workshop; University of Oldenburg; organized jointly with Maxi Berger and Mark Siebel
  • featuring contributions by Gottfried Gabriel, Ernst Müller, and Falko Schmieder, as well as a public lecture by Wilhelm Schmidt-Biggemann

Das Öffentliche und das Private

  • January 28 – 29, 2015; conference of the Hannah-Arendt-Zentrum; University of Oldenburg; organized jointly with Nils Baratella and Johann Kreuzer
  • featuring contributions by Oliver Bruns, Thomas Jung, Stefania Maffeis, Roland Reuß, and Christian Schneider
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