



  • “Poisoned Babies, Shot Fathers, and Ruined Experiments – Experimental Evidence in Favor of the Compositionality Constraint of Actual Causation” (July 20, 2024; presentation at the 2nd meeting of the Society for Philosophy of Causation; University of Göttingen; invited by Tom Wysocki)
  • “Mind the Gap – Zur Vermittlung von normativer Theorie und empirischer Forschung” (December 8, 2017; presentation at the lecture series “Junge Philosophie”; Karl-Jaspers-Gesellschaft in Oldenburg; jointly with Malte Ingo Meyerhuber; invited by Ansgar Baumgart, Malte Maria Unverzagt, and Philip Penew)
  • “Grundlagen für Maße der Bedarfsgerechtigkeit – Axiomatische Überlegungen und empirische Untersuchungen” (November 22, 2016; presentation at the Department of Philosophy’s colloquium; University of Oldenburg; jointly with Arne Robert Weiss; invited by Nils Baratella)


  • “Poisoned Babies, Shot Fathers, and Ruined Experiments – Experimental Evidence in Favor of the Compositionality Constraint of Actual Causation” (September 16, 2023; presentation at the 3rd European Experimental Philosophy Conference; University of Zurich; attended online due to funding problems)
  • “Need and Responsibility – Experimental Philosophy Investigating Questions of Distributive Justice” (September 7, 2021; presentation at the 25th Congress of the German Society for Philosophy (DGPhil); Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg; moved online due to pandemic)
  • “Give What You Can, Take What You Need – The Effect of Framing on Fraudulent Behavior in Social Dilemmas” (August 23, 2021; poster presentation at the Subjective Probability, Utility, and Decision Making Conference; University of Warwick; jointly with Marc Wyszynski; moved online due to pandemic)
  • “Need and Responsibility – Experimental Philosophy on Questions of Distributive Justice” (July 2021; presentation accepted for the 18th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Justice Research; Católica Lisbon School of Business & Economics; not attended due to unforeseen circumstances)
  • “Austin in the Lab – Experimental Evidence in Favor of the Constative-Performative Distinction” (June 18, 2021; poster presentation and blitz talk at the 1st European Experimental Philosophy Conference; Charles University in Prague; jointly with Stephan Kornmesser; moved online due to pandemic)
  • “Valides Werkzeug oder bloßes Rechenspiel? Zur moralischen Aussagekraft von Gedankenexperimenten” (October 2020; presentation accepted for the 8th Conference for Practical Philosophy; University of Salzburg; jointly with Malte Ingo Meyerhuber und Jan Romann; cancelled due to pandemic)
  • “Need and Responsibility” (July 24, 2020; presentation at the annual conference of the Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics; National Research University, Higher School of Economics, Moscow; moved online due to pandemic)
  • “Need and Responsibility – Experimental Philosophy on Questions of Distributive Justice” (June 21, 2020; presentation at the 1st European Experimental Philosophy Conference; Charles University in Prague; moved online due to pandemic)
  • “Need and Responsibility – Experimental Philosophy on Questions of Distributive Justice” (May 2020, presentation accepted for the 20th International Conference on Moral and Political Philosophy; Universitat de les Illes Balears; cancelled due to pandemic)
  • “Modern Day Ethics Between Empirical Research and Normative Theory” (June 16, 2019; presentation at the Swedish Congress of Philosophy (Filosofidagarna); Umeå Universitet)
  • “Experiments on Needs-Based Justice – When Marginal Gains to the Poor do not Matter” (April 5, 2019; presentation at the 12th Annual University at Albany Philosophical Association Graduate Conference “Rage Against the Armchair”; University at Albany, The State University of New York; commented by Sydney Faught)
  • “Empirisch informierte Indizes der Bedarfsgerechtigkeit – Zu dem Versuch, Bedarfsgerechtigkeit zwischen normativer Theorie, mathematischer Formalisierung und empirischer Sozialforschung zu operationalisieren” (December 8, 2018; presentation at the 10th Doctoral Student’s Symposium of the Austrian Philosophical Society (ÖGP); University of Klagenfurt)
  • “Positive Psychologie zwischen empirischer Forschung und normativer Theorie” (May 5, 2018; presentation at the 3rd Conference of the German Society for Positive Psychological Research (DGPPF); Ruhr University Bochum; jointly with Malte Ingo Meyerhuber)
  • “Empirisch informierte Maße der Bedarfsgerechtigkeit – Zwischen normativer Theorie, mathematischer Formalisierung und empirischer Sozialforschung” (June 8, 2016; presentation at the congress of undergraduate research “forschen@studium”; University of Oldenburg)


  • “Measuring Need-Based Distributive Justice Normatively and Empirically” (May 22, 2022; poster presentation at the Symposium on Need-Based Justice of the research group “Need-Based Justice and Distribution Procedures” (FOR 2104) of the German Research Foundation (DFG); University of Hamburg; jointly with Mark Siebel)
  • “Types of Need” (February 14, 2020; presentation at the workshop of the academic assistants of the research group “Need-Based Justice and Distribution Procedures” (FOR 2104) of the German Research Foundation (DFG); Jacobs University Bremen)
  • “Need and Responsibility” (February 12, 2020; presentation at the meeting of the research group “Need-Based Justice and Distribution Procedures” (FOR 2104) of the German Research Foundation (DFG); Jacobs University Bremen)
  • “What Makes a Theory of Justice ‘Empirically Informed’? On the Possibilities and Impossibilities of Integrating Empirical Research Into Normative Theory” (November 22, 2018; presentation at the workshop of the academic assistants of the research group “Need-Based Justice and Distribution Procedures” (FOR 2104) of the German Research Foundation (DFG); University of Bremen)
  • “‘Wahrheit ist, was uns verbindet’” (February 16, 2018; address at the graduation ceremony of Faculty IV; University of Oldenburg)
  • “Comparative and Non-Comparative Justice – An Experimental Investigation in the Domain of Needs-Based Justice” (December 14, 2017; presentation at the workshop of the academic assistants of the research group “Need-Based Justice and Distribution Procedures” (FOR 2104) of the German Research Foundation (DFG); University of Oldenburg; jointly with Nils Springhorn)
  • “Empirische interkulturelle Forschung zur Evaluation von Bedarfsgerechtigkeit vor dem Hintergrund von sozialisationsbedingten Verzerrungen” (December 14, 2017; presentation at the workshop of the academic assistants of the research group “Need-Based Justice and Distribution Procedures” (FOR 2104) of the German Research Foundation (DFG); University of Oldenburg)
  • “Empirische Forschung und normative Theorie – Eine Problembestimmung” (October 28, 2017; presentation at the summer school “Empirical Research and Normative Theory” at the “Oldenburg School for the Social Sciences and the Humanities 2017” of the Graduate School for the Social Sciences and the Humanities (3GO); University of Oldenburg; jointly with Malte Ingo Meyerhuber)
  • “Entwicklung eines empirisch gestützen Maßes der Bedarfsgerechtigkeit – Ein axiomatischer Ansatz” (February 12, 2016; presentation at the meeting of the research group “Need-Based Justice and Distribution Procedures” (FOR 2104) of the German Research Foundation (DFG); Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg, Institute for Advanced Study (HWK) in Delmenhorst; jointly with Mark Siebel)
  • “Mögliche Maße der Bedarfsgerechtigkeit – Überlegungen zu Vektoren und Logarithmen” (July 7, 2015; presentation at Mark Siebel’s graduation colloquium; University of Oldenburg)
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