Prof. Dr. Tetiana Kuznietsova

Prof. Dr. Tetiana Kuznietsova

PhD Thesis «The Language of Bilingual Family in the Functional Aspect» (Kyiv State Linguistic University (1999)

Doctoral Thesis «Axiological Models of Mass Media Information: Communicative and Conceptual Approach (Institute of Journalism of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University, 2009)

2013-2022 - Dean of Faculty of Journalism, National University «Odessa Law Academy»

1.07.2022  - Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, Visiting researcher

Recent international projects:

2018-2022 Hybridization from two sides: Ukrainian-Russian and Russian-Ukrainian Code Mixing in the context of the (socio) linguistic situation in southern Ukraine along the Black Sea coast (DFG project, Oldenburg / Klagenfurt)

2017-2020 Overcoming Hate Speech in the Media, Southern Region of Ukraine (Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights)

2016-2017 Training of professionals in the field of adult education (Deutscher Volkshochschul Verband e.V.)

2015 - Transformation of intercultural conflicts: practice of dialogue and reconciliation» (DVV International), Supporting Journalism Education in Ukraine (US Embassy)

2013-2014 - Support for Innovation through the Regulatory Framework for Higher Education in Ukraine (Tempus Project, NU «Odesa Law Academy» with Lund University)

Fields of scientific interests: Sociolinguistic, Intercultural communications, Axiology (evaluation) of a media-text

Main published works:

  • With O. Palins’ka. Ukrainsko-russkaja smešannaja reč’ v publičnom prostranstve [Ukrainian-Russian Mixed Speech in Public Space]. In: Linguistica Copernicana. 2021. № 18. – Pp. 85-104. [In Russ.]
  • Rytoryka nenavysti v sučasnyx media: ukraïns’kyj kontekst [Rhetoric of Hatred in Present-Day Media: Ukrainian Context]. In: Lingva Montenegrina, 2020. Vol. 25. Pp. 151-161. [In Ukr.]
  • Aksiolohičnyj potencial movnoho kodu v mas-medijnij komunikaciï (na materiali ukraïns’kyx vydan’) [Axiological Potential of Language Code in Mass Media Communication (on the Material of Ukrainian Publications)]. In: Interaktion von Internet und Stilistik, Internet und Stil / Branko Tosovic, Arno Wonisch (Hg.). Institut für Slawistik der Karl-Franyeus-Universität Graz, 2016. Pp. 117-127. [In Ukr.]
  • Komunikacijni texnolohiï formuvannja social’nyx imperatyviv hromadjans’koho suspil’stva v Ukraïni [Communication Technologies of Formation of Civil Society Social Imperatives in Ukraine] / T Kuznetsova (ed.). Sumy, 2015. [In Ukr.]
  • Standart rivnosti: Posibnyk presovoï praktyky z hendernoï perspektyvy [Equality Standard: A Handbook of Press Practice on Gender Perspective] / S. Šturhec’kij (ed.). Kyïw, 2015. [In Ukr.]
  • Metamorfozy sovremennoj medijnoj aksiosfery: ukrainskij variant [Metamorphoses of the Modern Media Axiosphere: Ukrainian Version]. In: Perekrestki. Žurnal issledovanij vostočnoevropejskogo Pograničʺja. Vil’njus, 2012. № 3. Pp. 134–152. [In Russ.]
  • Socio-cultural space as a determinant of the mass-media axio-sphere (on the material of the Ukrainian mass-media). In: Studies in Slavic Languages and Literatures : ICCEES CONGRESS Stockholm 2010 Papers and Contributions, Portal PECOB. – January 2012. – P. 153–162 [In Engl.]
  • Aksiolohični modeli mas-medijnoï informaciï: komunikatyvno-konceptual’nyj pidxid [Axiological Models of Mass Media Information: Communicative and Conceptual Approach] [Habilitationsschrift]. Kyjiw, 2010. [In Ukr.]
  • Aksiolohični modeli mas-medijnoï informaciï [Axiological Models of Mass Media Information]. – Sumy, 2010. – 300 p. [In Ukr.]
  • «Svij» i «čužyj» u tekstovomu prostori ZMI [“Friend” and “Foe” in the Text Space]. In: Zbirnyk naukovyx prac’ „Styl’ i tekst”. Kyïv, 2007. Vol. 8. Pp. 59–65. [In Ukr.]
  • Dvomovna simʺja jak obʺjekt sociolinhvistyčnoho doslidžennja [Bilingual Family as an Object of Sociolinguistic Study]. In: Problemy semantyky slova, rečennja ta tekstu. Kyïw, 1999, pp. 95–100. [In Ukr.]
  • Mova bilinhval’noï simʺï u funkcional’nomu aspekti [The Language of Bilingual Family in the Functional Aspect]  [Doktorarbeit (PhD)]. Kyjiw, 1999. [In Ukr.]
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