Prof. Dr. Tetiana Kuznietsova
Prof. Dr. Tetiana Kuznietsova
Prof. Dr. Tetiana Kuznietsova
PhD Thesis «The Language of Bilingual Family in the Functional Aspect» (Kyiv State Linguistic University (1999)
Doctoral Thesis «Axiological Models of Mass Media Information: Communicative and Conceptual Approach (Institute of Journalism of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University, 2009)
2013-2022 - Dean of Faculty of Journalism, National University «Odessa Law Academy»
1.07.2022 - Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, Visiting researcher
Recent international projects:
2018-2022 Hybridization from two sides: Ukrainian-Russian and Russian-Ukrainian Code Mixing in the context of the (socio) linguistic situation in southern Ukraine along the Black Sea coast (DFG project, Oldenburg / Klagenfurt)
2017-2020 Overcoming Hate Speech in the Media, Southern Region of Ukraine (Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights)
2016-2017 Training of professionals in the field of adult education (Deutscher Volkshochschul Verband e.V.)
2015 - Transformation of intercultural conflicts: practice of dialogue and reconciliation» (DVV International), Supporting Journalism Education in Ukraine (US Embassy)
2013-2014 - Support for Innovation through the Regulatory Framework for Higher Education in Ukraine (Tempus Project, NU «Odesa Law Academy» with Lund University)
Fields of scientific interests: Sociolinguistic, Intercultural communications, Axiology (evaluation) of a media-text
Main published works:
- With O. Palins’ka. Ukrainsko-russkaja smešannaja reč’ v publičnom prostranstve [Ukrainian-Russian Mixed Speech in Public Space]. In: Linguistica Copernicana. 2021. № 18. – Pp. 85-104. [In Russ.]
- Rytoryka nenavysti v sučasnyx media: ukraïns’kyj kontekst [Rhetoric of Hatred in Present-Day Media: Ukrainian Context]. In: Lingva Montenegrina, 2020. Vol. 25. Pp. 151-161. [In Ukr.]
- Aksiolohičnyj potencial movnoho kodu v mas-medijnij komunikaciï (na materiali ukraïns’kyx vydan’) [Axiological Potential of Language Code in Mass Media Communication (on the Material of Ukrainian Publications)]. In: Interaktion von Internet und Stilistik, Internet und Stil / Branko Tosovic, Arno Wonisch (Hg.). Institut für Slawistik der Karl-Franyeus-Universität Graz, 2016. Pp. 117-127. [In Ukr.]
- Komunikacijni texnolohiï formuvannja social’nyx imperatyviv hromadjans’koho suspil’stva v Ukraïni [Communication Technologies of Formation of Civil Society Social Imperatives in Ukraine] / T Kuznetsova (ed.). Sumy, 2015. [In Ukr.]
- Standart rivnosti: Posibnyk presovoï praktyky z hendernoï perspektyvy [Equality Standard: A Handbook of Press Practice on Gender Perspective] / S. Šturhec’kij (ed.). Kyïw, 2015. [In Ukr.]
- Metamorfozy sovremennoj medijnoj aksiosfery: ukrainskij variant [Metamorphoses of the Modern Media Axiosphere: Ukrainian Version]. In: Perekrestki. Žurnal issledovanij vostočnoevropejskogo Pograničʺja. Vil’njus, 2012. № 3. Pp. 134–152. [In Russ.]
- Socio-cultural space as a determinant of the mass-media axio-sphere (on the material of the Ukrainian mass-media). In: Studies in Slavic Languages and Literatures : ICCEES CONGRESS Stockholm 2010 Papers and Contributions, Portal PECOB. – January 2012. – P. 153–162 [In Engl.]
- Aksiolohični modeli mas-medijnoï informaciï: komunikatyvno-konceptual’nyj pidxid [Axiological Models of Mass Media Information: Communicative and Conceptual Approach] [Habilitationsschrift]. Kyjiw, 2010. [In Ukr.]
- Aksiolohični modeli mas-medijnoï informaciï [Axiological Models of Mass Media Information]. – Sumy, 2010. – 300 p. [In Ukr.]
- «Svij» i «čužyj» u tekstovomu prostori ZMI [“Friend” and “Foe” in the Text Space]. In: Zbirnyk naukovyx prac’ „Styl’ i tekst”. Kyïv, 2007. Vol. 8. Pp. 59–65. [In Ukr.]
- Dvomovna simʺja jak obʺjekt sociolinhvistyčnoho doslidžennja [Bilingual Family as an Object of Sociolinguistic Study]. In: Problemy semantyky slova, rečennja ta tekstu. Kyïw, 1999, pp. 95–100. [In Ukr.]
- Mova bilinhval’noï simʺï u funkcional’nomu aspekti [The Language of Bilingual Family in the Functional Aspect] [Doktorarbeit (PhD)]. Kyjiw, 1999. [In Ukr.]