Jan Sören Schwarz
Jan Sören Schwarz
Simulation, Energieszenarien, Nachhaltigkeit, Datenmanagement
Department für Informatik (» Postanschrift)
Co-simulation of Socio-Technical Energy Systems: An Interdisciplinary Design Process
Adelt, Fabian and Barsanti, Matteo and Hoffmann, Sebastian and Sarma, Debopama Sen and Schwarz, Jan Sören and Vermeulen, Ben and Warendorf, Tom and Binder, Claudia and Droste-Franke, Bert and Lehnhoff, Sebastian and Myrzik, Johanna and Rehtanz, Christian and Weyer, Johannes ; Advances in Social Simulation; September / 2023
MOSAIK 3.0: Combining Time-Stepped and Discrete Event Simulation
Ofenloch, Annika and Schwarz, Jan Sören and Tolk, Deborah and Brandt, Tobias and Eilers, Reef and Ramirez, Rebeca and Raub, Thomas and Lehnhoff, Sebastian; 2022 Open Source Modelling and Simulation of Energy Systems (OSMSES); 2022
Socio-technical modeling of smart energy systems: a co-simulation design for domestic energy demand
Barsanti, Matteo and Schwarz, Jan Sören and Gérard Constantin, Lionel Guy and Kasturi, Pranay and Binder, Claudia R and Lehnhoff, Sebastian; Energy Informatics; 2021
CPES Testing with mosaik: Co-Simulation Planning, Execution and Analysis
Steinbrink, Cornelius and Blank-Babazadeh, Marita and El-Ama, André and Holly, Stefanie and Lüers, Bengt and Nebel-Wenner, Marvin and Ramírez Acosta, Rebeca P. and Raub, Thomas and Schwarz, Jan Sören and Stark, Sanja and Nieße, Astrid and Lehnhoff, Sebastian; Applied Sciences; 2019
Towards an Integrated Sustainability Evaluation of Energy Scenarios with Automated Information Exchange;
Jan Sören Schwarz, Tobias Witt, Astrid Nieße, Jutta Geldermann, Sebastian Lehnhoff, Michael Sonnenschein; Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems; April / 2017
Vollständige Liste unter: https://www.offis.de/offis/person/jan-soeren-schwarz.html