Esther van Dijk

Esther van Dijk

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Esther van Dijk (Didaktik der Biologie)

Ph. D. project - Profile - Journal Articles - Presentations - Lehrtätigkeit

  Esther van Dijk 
   Esther van Dijk

Graduate school: “Research on Learning and Instruction – Educational Reconstruction” (ProDid)
Didaktisches Zentrum
Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg
D-26111 Oldenburg, Germany


Ph. D. project

The model of Educational Reconstruction (ER model) has been developed as a theoretical framework for research that systematically studies the relation between students’ pre-scientific conceptions, scientific conceptions and teaching contents. This ER model will be developed further into a model of Educational Reconstruction for Teacher Education (ERTE). This ERTE model forms the basis for a qualitative study of teachers’ Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) on the topic of evolution. This study’s primary aim is to formulate recommendations and guidelines for the learning program for teacher education and will focus on the following three research questions:

  1. What knowledge and beliefs do teachers have of the subject matter for teaching?
  2. What knowledge and beliefs do teachers have of students’ pre-scientific conceptions on the subject of evolution?
  3. What knowledge and beliefs do teachers have of subject matter representations?


Esther van Dijk (born 1969 in Breda, The Netherlands) studied biology and philosophy at the Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands. She obtained an M.Sc. (1996) in biology with a thesis on “A 700 year record of anthropogenic influence in the northern Adriatic sea”; A B.A. of Education (competence degree for lower secondary school teaching) at the Fontys University of Professional Education Tilburg, The Netherlands, and a B.A. of Education (competence degree for upper secondary school teaching) at the University of Professional Education Utrecht, The Netherlands. She has worked as a biology teacher, education assistant at Leiden University, and location coordinator at a homework assistance centre. Since September 2004 she is Ph.D. student in the doctoral research program Research on learning and instruction – Educational Reconstruction at the Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg, Germany.


Peer reviewed journal articles

  • Van Dijk, E.M. & Kattmann, U. (2007). A research model for the study of science teachers’ PCK and improving teacher education. Teaching and Teacher Education, 23, 885-897.
  • Van Dijk, E.M. & Kattmann, U. (submitted). Putting biology education in a natural-history perspective.

Journal articles

  • Van Dijk, E.M. & Kattmann, U. (in press). Biologieunterricht in naturgeschichtlicher Perspektive: Zur Reform auf der Sekundarstufe I, Teil I: Grundlagen. Mathematischer und Naturwissenschaftlicher Unterricht.
  • Van Dijk, E.M. & Kattmann, U. (in press). Biologieunterricht in naturgeschichtlicher Perspektive: Zur Reform auf der Sekundarstufe I, Teil II: Umsetzung. Mathematischer und Naturwissenschaftlicher Unterricht.

Präsentationen und Vorträge

  • Internationale Ansätze der Gestaltung des Biologieunterrichts in der Sekundarstufe I durch Bezugnahme auf die Evolutionstheorie. “Biologie im Kontext” Workshop, IPN: Kiel, Februar 2006.
  • Educational reconstruction of evolution for teacher Education: A pedagogical content knowledge study (poster). ERIDOB-conference, Institute of Education, University of London: London, September 2006.
  • Eine Studie über ‘Pedagogical Content Knowledge’ zum Thema Evolutionstheorie. Internationale Tagung der Fachgruppe Biologiedidaktik im VBIO, Universität Duisburg Essen: Essen, September 2007.
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