Metus mutuus - Gemeinsames Seminar WS 2015

Metus mutuus - The special relationship between the Roman Empire and Ancient Germany
International seminar, Oldenburg oct 12th - 16th
(Università degli studi, Udine, and Carl von Ossietzky Universität)

Monday, oct 12th: The origins

11 st - 12.30 pm The Carl von Ossietzky University (walk across the Campus)

12.30 - 1.30 pm Lunch at the mensa (refectory)

2 st - 3.00 pm Germans. What Germans? A view to Ethnology and Ethnogenesis.

3 st - 4.00 pm ‚Germans‘ in my mind“. Individual research and study interests.

4.30 - 6 pm Intellegere, quid invicti Germani virtute possint:

Early contacts between Romans and trans-Rhenanian nations.

(based on Caesar, de bello Gallico)

6 st - 6.30 Lecture: Arminius and Marbod (by Prof. Sommer PhD)

Tuesday, oct 13th: Augustan times

9 st Departure, trip to Kalkriese

11 st am - 1 pm Guided tour across the Varusschlacht-excavation and museum

by Dr.  Susanne Wilbers-Rost and Dr. Achim Rost, chief excavators, with discussion.

1 st- 2 st pm Lunchtime in the museum’s refectory

2 st - 3.30 pm Vare, redde legiones - A Roman praetor’s shattered image: Augustan policy in the North (Based on Velleius, Tacitus, and Cassius Dio)

4 pm Return to Oldenburg by car

Wednesday, oct 14th: Pax Romana

9 st am -12 a) The Roman province of Germania under Augustus: literary and documentary sources.

b) The division and organization of the province of Germania: military and political aspects.

2 st - 4 pm Coins from the Jever treasury, presented by Dr. Müller (Landesmuseum für Kunst- und Kulturgeschichte).

Thursday, oct 15th: Barbaricum 

9 st -12 am Informis terris, aspera caelo, tristis cultu adspectuque: 

Mediterranean knowledge about the North (based on Tacitus [Germania] and Poseidonius)

2.30 - 3.30 pm Germanic life in the exhibition of Oldenburg’s Museum 'Natur und Mensch' (guided tour, by Dr. Jana Fries, district archaeologist

Friday, 0ct 16th: The Empire strikes back

9 ct - 11 am Οὐδενὸς ἀνθεστῶτος - Maximinus Thrax at the ‚Harzhorn’

(based on Herodian and the Historia Augusta)

11 ct am -1 pm Final discussion

Antonietta Castiello (Stand: 20.06.2024)  |  Kurz-URL:Shortlink:
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