Vortrag "Honestas and the Science of Living in Early Modern England" von Prof. Dr. Phil Withington im Rahmen der Ringvorlesung "Subjektivierung als 'Verhandklung' von Grenzen". Abstract: This lecture explores the translation and popularization of ‚honestas‘ in England: the classical concept of selfhood that came to characterize Renaissance and early Enlightenment notions of normative sociability. It examines the terms and genres by which and through which honestas was increasingly recommended to the wider reading public and the skills and qualities it demanded of the person. It pays particular attention to the ways in which a concept that ostensibly required people to reproduce prevailing social structures also encouraged reflective and socially critical selves. (<media 114400 _blank - "TEXT, Ringvorlesung Einzelankuendigung Withington, Ringvorlesung_Einzelankuendigung_Withington.pdf, 132 KB">Veranstaltungsplakat</media>) Bilder vom Vortrag:
Vortrag: Prof. Dr. Phil Withington