Molecular Mechanisms and Interactions

Molecular Mechanisms and Interaction

The Molecular Mechanisms and Interactions module (12 credits) is the second obligate module of our Master program. Like the Microbial Physiology and Diversity module, it consists of two obligate lectures, two colloquia, broadening lectures or seminars and an excursion.

  • The obligate lecture Molecular microbiology comprises structure and biochemistry of DNA, gene expression, enzymes and regulatory networks.
  • The obligate lecture Microbial ecology introduces into the principles of microbial ecology and different types of relationships. Methods used for activity measurement and phylogenetic analyses are conveyed as well as major processes in selected environments.
  • Various broadening lectures and seminars introduce into the profile- and main modules, and convey special knowledge in various fields related to the scientific work at the ICBM.
  • The Microbiological Colloqium and the ICBM Colloquium take place in an alternating two-week rhythm. National and international scientists present their current work related to Microbiology or Environmental Sciences.
  • Excursions are offered to bring the students either to institutes or companies doing microbiological work, or into the field in order to study microorganisms in their natural habitats.

Learning targets: The students know the molecular mechanisms of metabolism, genetics and evolution. They know regulatory mechanisms on the molecular level and feedback mechanisms between organisms. They know the basics of microbial ecology and the biogeochemistry of important microbal habitats. They know molecular and chemical-analytical methods of microbiology. The have experience with the field study of microoganisms.

(Stand: 20.06.2024)  Kurz-URL:Shortlink:
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