

Prof. Dr Kristin Tessmar-Raible

AWI: +49 (0)471 4831 – 2360

Mobile: +43 (0)6648 175618

Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz-Centre for Polar and Marine Research
Section: Polar Biological Oceanography
Am Handelshafen 12
D – 27570 Bremerhaven
Raum: 2390


Dr. Audrey Mat

(Deep sea)

Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz-Centre for Polar and Marine Research
Section: Polar Biological Oceanography
Am Handelshafen 12
D – 27570 Bremerhaven


Dr. Sören Häfker

(Pelagic habitats)

Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz-Centre for Polar and Marine Research
Section: Polar Biological Oceanography
Am Handelshafen 12
D – 27570 Bremerhaven



Häfker NS*, Andreatta G*, Manzotti A*, Falciatore A@, Raible F @ and Tessmar-Raible K@ Rhythms and clocks in marine organisms. Annual Reviews in Marine Science, in press


Häfker N.S. @, Holcik L., Vadiwala K., Beets I, Stockinger A.W., Hammer S, Schoofs L, Raible F., Tessmar-Raible K@. Molecular characteristics of diel rhythmic diversity reveal disconnection between different levels of organismal rhythmicity, preprint at bioRxiv:

Poehn, B@ and Tessmar-Raible, K@ “Assessment of circalunar rhythms” in “Circadian clocks”. Hirota,Tsuyoshi, Hatori, Megumi and Panda, Satchidananda (eds.), Neuromethods series, Springer Nature in press

Poehn B, Krishnan S, Zurl M, Coric A, Rokvic D, Orel L, Raible F, Wolf E@ and Tessmar-Raible K@ A Cryptochrome adopts distinct moon- and sunlight states and functions as moonlight interpreter in monthly oscillator entrainment. NatComm, in press, bioRxiv preprint:

Dao P, Hajny S, Mekis R, Orel L, Dinhopl N, Tessmar-Raible K@, Nowikovsky K@
The cation-exchanger Letm1, circadian rhythms and NAD(H) levels interconnect in diurnal zebrafish. (2022) Life Sci Alliance. 2022 Jun 13;5(9):e202101194. doi: 10.26508/lsa.202101194. Print 2022 Sep.

Zurl M, Poehn B, Rieger D, Krishnan S, Rokvic D, Veedin Rajan VB, Gerrard E, Schlichting M, Orel L, Lucas RJ, Wolf E, Helfrich-Förster C, Raible F@ and Tessmar-Raible K@ (2022) Two light sensors decode moonlight versus sunlight to adjust a plastic circadian/circalunidian clock to moon phase. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. May 31;119(22):e2115725119. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2115725119. Epub 2022 May 27.

Dekens MPS@,  Fontinha BM, Gallach M, Pflügler S, Tessmar‐Raible, K. (2022) Melanopsin elevates locomotor activity during the wake state of the diurnal zebrafish. EMBO Reports, Mar 1;e51528. doi: 10.15252/embr.202051528


Zekoll T, Waldherr M, Tessmar-Raible, K.@  Characterization of tmt-opsin2 in medaka fish provides insight into the interplay of light and temperature for behavioral regulation. Front. Physiol., doi: 10.3389/fphys.2021.726941

Revilla-i-Domingo R, Veedin Rajan VB, Waldherr M, Prohaczka G, Musset H, Orel L, Gerrard E, Smolka M, Farlik M, Lucas RJ, Raible F@ and Kristin Tessmar-Raible@  Characterization of cephalic and non-cephalic sensory cell types provides insight into joint photo- and mechanoreceptor evolution. eLife Aug 5;10:e66144. doi: 10.7554/eLife.66144.
Veedin Rajan VB, Häfker NS, Arboleda E, Poehn B, Gossenreiter T, Gerrard E, Hofbauer M, Mühlestein C, Bileck A, Gerner C, Ribera d'Alcala M, Buia MC, Hartl M, Lucas RJ and Tessmar-Raible K@ Seasonally relevant UVA light alters neurohormone amounts and behavior via a ciliary opsin in a marine mass spawning annelid. Nat.Ecol&Evol, Jan 11; doi: 10.1038/s41559-020-01356-1

Fontinha, BM, Zekoll, T, Gallach, M,  Reithofer, F, Barker,AJ, Hofbauer,M, Fischer,RM, von Haeseler,A, Baier, H, Tessmar-Raible, K@ TMT-Opsins differentially modulate medaka brain function in a context-dependent manner, PLoS Biology Jan 7;19(1):e3001012. doi: 10.1371/journal.pbio.3001012

Kaiser TS, von Haeseler A, Tessmar-Raible K, Heckel DG Timing strains of the marine insect Clunio marinus diverged and persist with strong gene flow. Mol Ecol, Jan 7 doi: 10.1111/mec.15791.

Özpolat B.D.@, Randel N@, Williams EA@,  Bezares-Calderón LA@, Andreatta G, Balavoine G, Bertucci PY, Ferrier D.E.K, Gambi, MC, Gazave E, Handberg-Thorsager M, Hardege J, Hird C, Hsieh Y-W, Hui J, Nzumbi K, Schneider S.Q., Simakov O, Vergara HM, Vervoort M, Jekely G@,  Tessmar-Raible@ K, Raible F@ and Arendt D@. (2021) The Nereid on the rise: Platynereis as a model system. EvoDevo, Sep 27;12(1):10. doi: 10.1186/s13227-021-00180-3.

Andreatta, G and Tessmar-Raible, K@  (2020) The still dark side of the moon: molecular mechanisms of lunar-controlled rhythms and clocks. JMB, May 29;432(12):3525-3546. doi: 10.1016/j.jmb.2020.03.009

Häfker, NS and Tessmar-Raible, K@ (2020) Current Opinion in Neurobiol. Rhythms of Behavior: Are the times changin’? Feb;60:55-66. doi: 10.1016/j.conb.2019.10.005.

For earlier publications please see:


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