

Achim Kittel

Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
Fakultät V - Institut für Physik
Carl-Von-Ossietzky-Str. 9-11
26129 Oldenburg

+49 441 798-3539  (F&P


"Heat transfer between two metals through subnanometric vacuum gaps"

Messina, R., Biehs, S. A., Ziehm, T., Kittel, A., & Ben-Abdallah, P. (2018). arXiv preprint arXiv:1810.02628.


"Giant heat transfer in the crossover regime between conduction and radiation"

Kloppstech, K., Könne, N., Biehs, S. A., Rodriguez, A. W., Worbes, L., Hellmann, D., & Kittel, A. (2017). Nature communications8(1), 1-5.

"Dancing the tight rope on the nanoscale—Calibrating a heat flux sensor of a scanning thermal microscope"

Kloppstech, K., Könne, N., Worbes, L., Hellmann, D., & Kittel, A. (2015). Review of Scientific Instruments86(11), 114902.

"Investigation of the time evolution of STM-tip temperature during electron bombardment"

Hellmann, D., Worbes, L., Kloppstech, K., Könne, N., & Kittel, A. (2013). Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films31(3), 031602.

"Enhanced near-field heat flow of a monolayer dielectric island"

Worbes, L., Hellmann, D., & Kittel, A. (2013). Physical review letters110(13), 134302.

"Compact device for cleaning scanner-mounted scanning tunneling microscope tips using electron bombardment"

Hellmann, D., Worbes, L., & Kittel, A. (2011). Review of Scientific Instruments82(8), 083701.

"Das NahfeldRasterwärmemikroskop"

Kittel, A., Hellmann, D., Worbes, L., & Holthaus, M. (2011). Physik in unserer Zeit42(1), 10-11.

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