

Prof. Dr. Karl-Wilhelm Koch

+49 (0)441 798-3640

W4 1-137

Wissenschaftliche Koordination

Dr. Kristin Tietje

+49 (0)441 798-3882

W10 0-007

Wissenschaftliche Koordination

Anne Depping

+49 (0)441 798-3270

V03 3-B314>>

Geschäftsstelle: Finanzen und Administration

Gabriele Ahrens

+49 (0)441 798-3336

+49 (0)441 798-193336

W4 1-167

Workshops und Kurse

Year Titel
2022 individual coaching sessions for female RTG PhD students
2022 succinct, honest, and engaging – Interview training for natural science PhDs for the (primarily) non-academic job market
2022 good scientific practise
2021 individual coaching sessions for female RTG PhD students
2021 create your network and sell your skills! - for women in academia 
2021 joint film evening on the topic of gender bias in science - "Picture A Scientist"
2021 beginners LaTeX-workshop 
2021 PhD success lab (Tress&Tress)
2021 beginners Python-Workshop 
2021 basic statistics with R
2021 career paths in science, medicine and technology (OLTECH ) with: Dr. Imke Tiessen (Scientific Executive Assistant) & Dr. Antje Cordshagen (Leitung Qualitätsmanagement)
2021 how to find your job on the German non-academic labour market, and how to write a persuasive application
2020 how to publish in peer reviewed journals
2020 empowerment of women in science through meditation and yoga
2020 mentoring programme for young researchers
2020 meet the postdoc - an online networking event 
2020 scientific data visualization: good paper, good graphics
2020 work life balance and stress coping
2019 basic statistics with R
2019 juggling career and family
2019 the written application for jobs outside of academia - equal opportunities for all 
2019 welcome to germany - an intercultural training
2018 motivation and time management workshop – against the PHD blues
Kristin Tietje (Stand: 20.06.2024)  Kurz-URL:Shortlink: https://uol.de/p88478
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