
Prof. Dr. Torsten J. Selck
E-Mail: Martin.Erdmann@uni-oldenburg.de
Sprechstunde: Nach Vereinbarung

Martin Erdmann

Short Bio

Ambassador ( ret. ) Martin Erdmann is a German career diplomat. He joined the Foreign Service in 1982 and held multiple positions both in the Foreign Office and abroad, i.a.

  • Spokesman of the German Foreign Office – “Foreign Ministry “  ( 1995-1999 )
  • Assistant Secretary General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (Nato ) (2005-2010 )
  • Permanent Representative of Germany on the North Atlantic Council (  “ Nato-Ambassador “ )    (2010-2015)
  • German Ambassador to the Republic of Turkey  ( 2015-2020 )

He retired in 2020 . Since then he publishes articles on security policy issues  and offers lectures.

Webmaster (Stand: 02.01.2025)  Kurz-URL:Shortlink: https://uol.de/p93575
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