


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jorge Marx Gómez


Sekretariat Julia Franke 

+49 (0) 441 / 798 - 44 78

+49 (0) 441 / 798 - 44 72 

A4 - 3. Stock

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Ecosystem Informatics

Development of Postgraduate Curriculum

The project will contribute to the reform of content, teaching methodologies, and the structure of the University studies in Ecosystem Informatics at the University "Sts. Cyril and Methodius" in Skopje, in accordance with the Bologna Declaration. Its main objectives are itemized below:

  • to develop a new, up-to-date, two-year undergraduate curriculum in Ecosystem Informatics at the University “Sts Cyril and Methodius” in Skopje, based on the European Credit Transfer System and in accordance with the Bologna Declaration, aimed to establish a European Higher Education Area;
  • to establish a master degree study based on the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) in Ecosystem Informatics which is to be implemented jointly by the University "Sts. Cyril and Methodius" - FYRO Macedonia, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki - Greece, Universität Oldenburg - Germany, Institute Jozef Stefan - Slovenia, and ESCi University - Spain.
  • Visits of the Partner Country academic staff to the EU Universities;
  • Survey of the Partner Country educational and labour market needs in the environmental and resources protection field;
  • Preparation of vocational guidance and the list of the new curriculum Modules, as well as the list of the Partner Country academic staff;
  • Production of educational materials;
  • Establishment of new Ecosystem Informatics Curriculum at the University "Sts. Cyril and Methodius" in Skopje.
  • Within the project the following activities are planed:
  • to develop and implement Online Learning Modules. This will allow the establishment of new learning environments, as well as methods and procedures for more efficient educational process, better suited to the students' needs. More precisely during the design phase of the new Curriculum priority will be given to the so-called "blended" education concept, that is, a combination of both classical educational methods through the direct contact between the teacher and the student and the Distance Online Learning methodology.
  • to disseminate the project outcomes. Dissemination will be achieved through the project web-site, informative sessions in each project year, and peer reviews in order to inform the academic community and the non-consortium policy-makers about the project progress, as well as the quality control of the project results.
  • to ensure the sustainability of the new Curriculum. The sustainability of the newly designed Curriculum will be achieved through the establishment of adequate financial and institutional coverage. This will be guaranteed by the financing of the corresponding environmental and resources engineering studies at the “Sts. Cyril and Methodius” University in Skopje;
  • to ensure Quality Control and Monitoring. The project quality control and monitoring will be performed as follows:
  • Internal assessment will include peer reviews performed by the Management Board, that is the representatives of all Consortium members;
  • External quality assessment will be provided by an External Assessor. After the yearly informative sessions and workshops among the Consortium Members, feedback on the project results and procedures will be asked to the Assessor.
(Stand: 20.06.2024)  Kurz-URL:Shortlink:
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