Image analysis workstations


Dr. Petra Bolte

Dr. Levent Gütay

W4 0-081 (Huygens)

W4-0-066 (Amira)


Image analysis workstations

We offer an access to 2 powerful windows workstations for image analysis. These can be booked via the online booking calendar.

The first computer runs the software package Huygens Essential by Scientific Volume Imaging (SVI), which allows to correct optical blurring, noise, spherical aberration and many others by 3D deconvolution of confocal data

The software contains options for Widefield, Confocal and STED deconvolution.

Additional features included in the license: Full File-readers Option, PSF Distiller (point spread function), Object Stabilizer, Deconvolution & Batch Express, Hot Pixel Remover, Twin-Slicer, Ortho-Slicer, MIP-Renderer, SFP Renderer.

On the second computer the software Amira (Thermofisher) is installed. Amira is a software tool used for 3D and 4 D data reconstruction, visualization and image analysis.


STED and confocal deconvolved

Figure 1. Comparisson of confocal and STED imaging and images processed by Huygens deconvolution program. Imaging done by Isabel Gross. The image present staining of a postsynaptic protein in dendrites of the mouse brain (Oregon green). 



Levent Gütay (Stand: 20.06.2024)  |  Kurz-URL:Shortlink:
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