Online resources and materials



Dr. Petra Bolte

Tel. +49 441 798 3478


W4 0-081 (Huygens)

W4-0-066 (Amira)


Online resources and materials

Guidelines how to report your microscopy data in publications:

  1. A guide to accurate reporting in digital image acquisition – can anyone replicate your microscopy data? Heddleston, J.M., Aaron, J.S., Khuon, S., Chew, T.-L. (2021)J. Cell Sci. doi: 10.1242/jcs.254144,(link)
  2. A guide to accurate reporting in digital image processing – can anyone reproduce your quantitative analysis? Aaron, J.S., Chew, T.-L. (2021) J. Cell Sci. doi:10.1242/jcs.254151,(link)


  1. Handbook of Biological Confocal Microscopy 
  2. Bioimage Data Analysis
  3. Fundamentals of Light Microscopy and Electronic Imaging

Tutorials and guides on microscopy for beginners and advanced users:

  1. "Tutorial: guidance for quantitative confocal microscopy", Nature Protocols volume 15, pages1585–1611(2020).  DOI: 10.1038/s41596-020-0313-9
  2. "A beginner’s guide to rigor and reproducibility in fluorescence imaging experiments", Molecular Biology of the CellVol. 29, No. 
  3. Neubias getaway 
  4. Intro videos of OiVM - Optical Imaging & Vital Microscopy

Online courses:

  1. List of online courses:
  2. Microcourses: background knowledge
  3. Bioimage analysis course Lecture BioImage Analysis 2020

Image analysis:

  1. Guide through the bio-image analysissoftware universe
  2. Neubias Academy
  3. Youtube channel of Neubias with webinars
  4. Amira online hands-on
  5. Huygens webinars
  6. Image analysis forum, where you can ask disturbing questions:
  7. Reproducible image handling and analysis Kota Miura and Simon F Nørrelykke.

Microscopy forums:


Fluorophores list:

  1. Fluorophores list
  2. Another Fluorophores list
  3. List of dyes and filter match (enable flash player)

Online materials provided by microscope companies

  1. Nikon
  2. Olympus
  3. Leica
  4. Zeiss
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