
Scientific director

Prof. Dr. Anja Bräuer

Deputy scientific director

Apl. Prof. Dr. Karin Dedek

Technical director

Dr. Petra Bolte

Technical Supervisor, Scientific Consultant

Dr. Levent Gütay


User Board Meeting "Nutzungsrattreffen" scheduled for 12.8.2024

Upcoming User Board Meeting ("Nutzungsrattreffen") of the Core Facility Fluorescence Microscopy.

The meeting will take place on 12.8.2024 at 11:00h…


Laser Safety Instruction 2024 will be on 23.5.2024 at 11:30h, online via BBB

Laser Safety Instruction 2024 will be on 23.5.2024 at 11:30h, online via BBB



User Board Meeting "Nutzungsrattreffen" scheduled for 29.2.2024

Upcoming User Board Meeting ("Nutzungsrattreffen") of the Core Facility Fluorescence Microscopy.

The meeting will take place on 29.2.2024 at 11:30h…


Updated: Workshop “Time-resolved Microscopy and Correlation Spectroscopy” with Picoquant

Join with us the 15th International Course on “Time-resolved Microscopy and Correlation Spectroscopy” by Picoquant on July 4 - 7...


"Nutzungsrattreffen" planned for 29.8.23

Upcoming "Nutzungsrattreffen" of the core facility fluorescence microscopy.

The meeting will take place on 29.8.2023 at 10:00h in room W37-002.



New co-worker has joined the team

Since 15.04.2023 the core facility has a new staff member...


The next biolab safety introduction-Sicherheitsbelehrung W34 Anatomie/Experimentelle Ophthalmologie

On Thu, 23.03.2023 at 17.15 the joint S2 safety introduction of the laboratories of Anatomy and Experimental Ophthalmology (W34) will take place. The…


Cover image for the paper of Prof. Dr. Anja Bräuer group

Paper of Prof.Dr. Anja Bräuer and colleauges „Systematic expression analysis of plasticity-related genes in mouse brain development brings PRG4 into…


Fluorescence life time imaging (FLIM) webinar organized by UOL and PicoQuant

We are happy to invite you to a webinar, which we organize together with PicoQuant (Berlin) on Fluorescence life time imaging.


New booking system

We are launching a new booking system for the core facility microscopes. The new booking system will substitute current booking system on the…



Levent Gütay (Stand: 20.06.2024)  Kurz-URL:Shortlink:
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