Superresolution microscopy


Dr. Petra Bolte

Tel. +49441 798 3478


Superresolution microscopy

Leica SP5 Stimulated emission depletion microscope (STED)

Technical Information

The Leica TCS SP5 II has a wide range of recording speeds and resolutions: up to 16.000 lines per second and up to 64 megapixels per image. With confocal single point recording, it combines high image capture rates, highest resolution and deep images with full multi-channel performance of spectral detection.

Leica SP5 STED

Special features:
Flexible excitation with white light laser (470-700 nm), filter-free spectral detection, simultaneous 5-colour detection, Super-resolution STED at 592 nm (green dyes), resonant scanners, gated detection.

Depletion: The system is equipped with a 592 nm continuous wave (CW) STED laser allowing for super-resolution microscopy. Sub-diffraction limited spatial (xy) resolution of down to ~50 nm standard green emitting STED dyes (eg. alexa488, Atto-488, abberior star 488, chromeo488). 

Detection: Emission wavelength collection is flexible because of the filter-free spectral detection system. The system is equipped with three point detectors; three PMT detectors and two hybrid (HyD) detectors. The HyD detectors have gated detection. 

Objective: 100X/1.4, oil.

Manual for the microscope usage.

Software for data analysis can be found here Leica LAS X


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