
Dr. Ferdinand Esser, MBA
Akademischer Koordinator für Forschende in frühen Karrierephasen (Promovierende und PostDocs) am ICBM
Koordinator des Promotionsstudiengangs „Environmental Sciences and Biodiversity
Koordinator des ICBM Alumni Netzwerk, Alumni-Beauftragter
Geschäftsführung und Koordination der Graduiertenschule Naturwissenschaft, Medizin und Technik (OLTECH)

Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
Institut für Chemie und Biologie des Meeres (ICBM)
Carl von Ossietzky Straße 9-11
26129 Oldenburg, GERMANY

+49 (0)441 - 798 3171

Raum: W15-0-031

Thesis committee

Thesis committee

A thesis committee supervises the progress of a PhD thesis. It helps the PhD student to develop the best possible PhD thesis within the intended period of time by regular meetings with experienced scientists. The committee also monitors the progress in generating additional competences through graduating the Research training group within the PhD program Environmental Sciences and Biodiversity.

The guidelines of a PhD thesis committee are helpful to prepare and invite to a first thesis committeeting.

Some information regarding the preparation of a thesis committee meeting and an example of "minutes of PhD thesis committee" will help you for your PhD project. After each thesis committee Meeting a Module Certificate "Olt432 Thesis Committee Meeting" has to be filled out and the minutes should be send to the coordinator Ferdinand Esser or to the Graduate School OLTECH.

The first step of conducting a PhD thesis work includes the preparation of a thesis concept paper. This paper provides a clear summary of the research project and enables the reader to understand what the researcher is investigating, why it is important, and how the investigation will proceed.

ICBM-Webmaster (Stand: 19.09.2024)  Kurz-URL:Shortlink: https://uol.de/p59855
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