
Patrick Thomas


Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning – Intraspecific Variation – Functional Traits – Ecological Stoichiometry


INSIDE: Inter- and intra‐specific size Diversity of phytoplankton and its impacts on Ecosystem functions. DFG (German Research Foundation) funded project within the Priority Programme SPP1704 “Flexibility matters: Interplay between trait diversity and ecological dynamics using aquatic communities as model systems”

Three selected publications

Carey, J.C., Jankowski, K., Julian, P., Sethna, L.R., Thomas, P.K. & Rohweder, J. (2019). Exploring silica stoichiometry on a large floodplain riverscape. Front. Ecol. Evol., 7, 1–18.

Thomas, P.K., Dunn, G.P., Coats, E.R., Newby, D.T. & Feris, K.P. (2019). Algal diversity and traits predict biomass yield and grazing resistance in wastewater cultivation. J. Appl. Phycol., 31, 2323–2334.

Thomas, P.K., Dunn, G.P., Good, A.R., Callahan, M.P., Coats, E.R., Newby, D.T., et al. (2019). A natural algal polyculture outperforms an assembled polyculture in wastewater-based open pond biofuel production. Algal Res., 40, 101488.

Short CV

M.S., Biology, Boise State University, 2016

B.S., Biology, University of California, Santa Cruz, 2010

(Stand: 03.09.2024)  | 
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