

Prof. Dr. Andrea Hildebrandt

 +49 (0)441 798-4629

 A07 0-062


Sandra Marienberg (aktuell in Mutterschutz/Elternzeit)
Kontaktieren Sie die Vertretung ab 01.08.2023 unter: sekretariat.psychologie@uol.de

 +49 (0)441 798 -5523

 A07 0-035


Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
Fakultät VI - Medizin und Gesundheitswissenschaften
Abt. Psychologische Methodenlehre und Statistik
Dep. für Psychologie
Gebäude A7
Ammerländer Heerstr. 114-118
26129 Oldenburg

Anfahrt und Lageplan

 Anfahrt zur Universität und Campusplan

Merle Marek

Research Interests

  • Self-regulation development
  • Consequences of preterm birth
  • Brain-behaviour association
  • Statistical modelling of longitudinal data
  • Neural reward processing and hypothalamic obesity
  • Signee of the OSIG Commitment to research transparency

Academic positions 

Since November 2022 Equal Opportunities Officer of Faculty VI Medicine and Health Sciences

Since July 2021

Scientific Researcher at the Department of Psychology, Division for Psychological Methods and Statistics, Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg

02/2019 – 02/2021

Research Assistant at the Department of Psychology, Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg


Since July 2021

PhD student (Supervisor Prof. Dr. Andrea Hildebrandt)

10/2018 - 05/2021

Master of Science at the Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg; Master Thesis: Hypothalamic Obesity in Craniopharyngioma Patients: Energy Regulation and Neural Responses to Food Cues

09/2014 - 07/2017

Bachelor of Science at the University of Groningen, Netherlands; Bachelor Thesis: The Effects of Prolonged Driving in a Driving Simulator on Vigilance in Two Age Groups, Compared to the Psychomotor Vigilance Task; and on Response-Frequencies to Traffic Signs

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