Sinikka Lennartz

Sinikka Lennartz

Junior-Professorin für Biogeochemische Ozeanmodellierung

Tel.: +49-441-798-3839


Research Interest

I am broadly interested in ocean biogeochemistry, and how ocean biogeochemistry interacts with the climate system. My focus lies on including microbial processes into biogeochemical ocean models.

Current Projects

  • Drivers behind the DOC distribution in the global ocean – present and future (MWK)
  • Global Carbon Cycling and Complex Molecular Patterns in Aquatic Systems: Integrated Analyses Powered by Semantic Data Management (funded by MWK/Volkswagen Foundation)
  • A novel approach to quantify global oceanic emissions of carbonyl sulfide (COS) (funded by MWK/Volkswagen Foundation)
  • Interaction networks of phototroph-heterotroph microbial communities (funded by Simons Foundation, USA)

Education & Academic Career

since 2022 Professor for Biogeochemical Ocean Modelling at University of Oldenburg
2021 - 2022 Walter-Benjamin Fellow at Massachusetts Institut of Technology, MA, USA
2019   – 2021 PostDoc, Marine Geochemistry, ICBM, University of Oldenburg
2017 - 2018 PostDoc, Marine Biogeochemistry, AG Prof. Marandino, GEOMAR, Kiel
2013 - 2017
Doctoral student, Marine Biogeochemistry, AG Prof. Marandino, GEOMAR, Kiel
Thesis “From local to global scale – marine emissions of the climate relevant sulfur gases carbonyl sulfide, carbon disulfide and dimethyl sulfide” (s.c.l.)
2011 - 2013

Geoecology, Master of Science, Technical University of Braunschweig, including stay at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (AG Doney)

2007 - 2010 Geoecology and ecosystem management, Bachelor of Science, University of Tübingen, including stays at ETH Zürich/eawag for Bachelor thesis (AG Wehrli) and Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental research, Lake Research (AG Friese)


2010   WHIII-345 (Bremerhaven - Bremerhaven)
2013 several one-day cruises with RV Littorina, Time Series Station Boknis Eck
2014 SO235-OASIS SONNE (Pt. Louis, Mauritius - Malé, Maledives)
2015 SO243 ASTRA-OMZ (Guayaquil, Ecuador - Antofagasta, Chile)
2017 M138 (Callao, Peru - Bahia las Minhas, Panama)


2018   Doctoral Prize of the Helmholtz-Association, Category “Earth and Environment”
2017 Award of the Werner-Petersen-Foundation for outstanding PhD thesis at Geomar
2017 Bernd-Rendel-Prize (DFG) for excellent early-career geoscientists
2016 Selected participant in the 25th Dissertation Symposium of Chemical Oceanography, Hawaii, USA
2015 Science Award of the Annette Barthelt Foundation for outstanding master thesis

Past Grants & Projects

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