Newest Publication

Schnettler, S. & J. Huinink (2024). Biosocial and evolutionary approaches in sociology. Special Issue, Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie. SpringerVS. (Open Access)


New Book Publication (Open Access)

S. Schnettler & J. Huinink (2024). Biosocial and evolutionary approaches in sociology. Special Issue, Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpychologie. 

About the book: „After a long neglect of biosocial and evolutionary approaches to human behavior and sociality in sociology during much of the twentieth century, in recent years sociologists have started to re-engage with these topics in a variety of promising ways. It is our aim with this collection of about twenty peer-reviewed articles to exhibit the variety of approaches sociologists engage with, often in interdisciplinary collaborations. The special issue spans topics like biosociology, cultural evolution, evolutionary sociology, neurosociology, and sociogenomics. Works in all of these areas, for which we were able to win some of the experts in the respective fields, shows how biological, cultural, and social mechanisms interact in manifold and complex ways. With this exhibit of biosocial and evolutionary approaches in sociology we wish to inspire more sociologists to jump on board a much-needed interdisciplinary endeavor.”

All articles available open access via Journal Website

(Please note: currently, a wrong version of the cover circulates on some Springer pages. We hope the publisher can solve this issue shortly.)


New Book Publication

M. Hammerl, S. Schwarz & K. Willführ (2024): Evolutionäre Sozialwissenschaften. Ein Rundgang. Springer VS.

About the book: „In vielen sozialwissenschaftlichen Disziplinen wurde mittlerweile das Potential der Darwinischen Evolutionstheorie erkannt und nicht selten hat diese Rezeption auch zur Herausbildung neuer Forschungsfelder geführt. So haben sich beispielsweise die Evolutionäre Psychologie, Evolutionäre Soziologie oder Evolutionäre Demografie als eigenständige Disziplinen etabliert und können als Evolutionäre Sozialwissenschaften zusammengefasst werden. Ausgewählte Konzepte und Anwendungsfelder der Evolutionären Sozialwissenschaften werden im vorliegenden Buch behandelt. Es wird dabei zu einem interdisziplinären Rundgang eingeladen, der unter anderem über die Disziplinen Psychologie, Soziologie, Familienwissenschaft, Verhaltensgenetik, Demografie, Geschichtswissenschaft, Spieltheorie bis hin zur Archäologie führt. Das Buch gliedert sich in zwei Teile. Im ersten Teil finden sich Beiträge, welche allgemein verständlich in die Forschungsfelder und zentralen Konzepte der Evolutionären Sozialwissenschaften einführen. Der zweite Teil beinhaltet Beiträge, die sich aus einer evolutionären Betrachtungsweise heraus einzelnen Fragestellungen widmen. Zielgruppe des Buches sind Sozialwissenschaftlerinnen und Sozialwissenschaftler sowie Studierende, welche sich mit der evolutionären Perspektive in den Sozialwissenschaften auseinandersetzen möchten.”

PDF version available via SpringerLink


Im Laufe seines freiwilligen wissenschaftlichen Jahres (2021-2022) am Institut für Sozialwissenschaften der Universität Oldenburg hat Felix Sajon die Shinyapp entwickelt. Die Shinyapp zielt darauf ab, Oldenburgs demographische Daten zugänglicher zu machen und zu visualisieren. Unter anderem soll ein Vergleich zu Europa hergestellt werden können, aber auch die Stadtteile untereinander vergleichbarer gemacht werden.

Further Achievements and Changes in 2022

We are proud to announce that in January of this year, Andreas Filser, doctoral student in our working group since 2016, successfully defended his dissertation on "Social consequences of imbalanced sex ratios" with "summa cum laude". Congratulations, Andreas! Andreas, in the meantime took on a postdoc at the Research Data Center of the Institute for Employment Research in Nürnberg. Also in the meantime, the working group succeeded in securing two additional grants: One is a research grant for the project "Establishing a health and contextual data inventory to facilitate interdisciplinary cross-border research" with Prof. Dr. Tobias Vogt and Prof. Dr. Viola Angelini at the University of Groningen. The project is funded with about 230.000 EUR and is part of the umbrella project "Comparison of healthcare structures, processes and outcomes in the Northern German and Dutch cross-border region II" with total funding of about 1.4m EUR, led by Prof. Dr. Lena Ansmann and Prof. Dr. Axel Hamprecht at the School of Medicine and Health Sciences at the University of Oldenburg. Funded by this project, we welcome Sophie Stroisch to the working group who will work on her dissertation on "The importance of social and economic context factors for health differences in the Dutch-German border region". Also, in 2022 we were granted close to 119.000 EUR for the teaching project "Curated Methods Teaching for the Flipped Classroom of the 21st Century" from the German Foundation for Innovation in University Teaching. The project aims at innovating statistics and methods training in the social science by combining curated digital contents with project and research based in-classroom teaching. Furthermore, Felix Sajon joined our working group as part of his Voluntary Scientific Year. Currently he works on an interactive and comparative dashboard to illustrated recent demographic developments in the region for decision makers and stakeholders in the region.

New Publication

Filser A, Willführ KP (2022) Sex ratios and union formation in the historical population of the St. Lawrence Valley. PLOS ONE 17(6): e0268039.

New Publication

Schnettler, Sebastian, and Anja Steinbach. 2022. “Is Adolescent Risk Behavior Associated with Cross-Household Family Complexity? An Analysis of Post-Separation Families in 42 Countries.” Frontiers in Sociology

Start of DFG-Project "Kinship effects or affected kinship?"

On the September 15th 2021, the DFG-Project "Kinship effects or affected kinship? – Investigating the functioning of family networks by their impact on adult mortality and fertility" (WI 4666/2-1) has started.

In the planned research project, in collaboration with colleagues from Canada, The Netherlands, and Sweden, the aim is to investigate functioning of family networks by estimating their effect on adult mortality and fertility using five different historical populations from Europe and North America. Click here to visit the project website.

New Publication


New Publication

Willführ, K. P., Eriksson, B., & Dribe, M. (2021). The impact of kin proximity on net marital fertility and maternal survival in Sweden 1900–1910—Evidence for cooperative breeding in a societal context of nuclear families, or just contextual correlations? American Journal of Human Biology, e23609.


(Stand: 19.11.2024)  | 
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