Newest Publication
Schnettler, S. & J. Huinink (2024). Biosocial and evolutionary approaches in sociology. Special Issue, Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie. SpringerVS. (Open Access)
Older Publications
- Schnettler, S. (2016): "Evolutionäre Soziologie" Soziologische Revue, 39(4), 507-536.
- Kolk, Martin und Sebastian Schnettler. 2016. „Socioeconomic Status and Sex Ratios at Birth in Sweden: No Evidence for a Trivers–Willard Effect for a Wide Range of Status Indicators“. American Journal of Human Biology 28(1):67–73.
- Klaus, D. & S. Schnettler (2016): „Social networks and support for parents and childless adults in the second half of life: Convergence, divergence, or stability?“ Advances in Life Course Research, 29, 95-105.
- Schnettler, S. & T. Wöhler (2016): „No children in later life, but more and better friends? Substitution mechanisms in the personal and support networks of parents and the childless in Germany“. Ageing & Society, 36(7), 1339-1363.