Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten
We offer students the possibility to write their bachelor/master thesis in our group. Under our supervision you develop and conduct your own research project, from data acquisition and analysis to documentation and presentation of your results. If you plan to use a neurophysiological recording technique (EEG, fMRI, NIRS) for your project you should already have some knowledge about your method of choice. This knowledge can for instance be gained in the Practical Project or in the Neurophysiology module of our Master’s course.
We offer projects from the following lines of research:
- Mobile neurophysiology
- Clinical neurophysiology and neurorehabilitation
- Cortical reorganization
- Temporal-visual attention
- Clinical neuropsychology and neuropsychiatry
See here for an overview of the finished research projects. You are also encouraged to propose your own research idea.
If you are interested in a specific topic or in the research possibilities in our group in general please contact:
- Dr. Martin Bleichner (1, 2)
- Dr Cornelia Kanczioch (2, 4)
Prof. Dr. Helmut Hildebrandt (5) or get in touch with the head of the lab Prof. Dr. Stefan Debener (1, 2, 3)