MG13 parallel session Black Holes in Higher Dimensions Stockholm, July 5, 2012 | |
Description of the session
We will discuss black holes in higher dimensions, including asymptotically flat black holes and black rings, black holes in Kaluza-Klein theory such as caged black holes and non-uniform black strings, black holes/strings in AdS space, etc.
Time and Place
The session will take place on Thursday, July 5, 2012 at the room A5:1041
Thursday, July 5
Radu, Eugen | Black rings in more than five dimensions Proceedings contribution |
Murata, Keiju | Black hole instabilities and local Penrose inequalities Proceedings contribution |
Tomizawa, Shinya | New solution generation techniques using SL(2,R)-duality and general black holes Proceedings contribution |
Nedkova, Petya | Charged Black Holes on the Taub-Bolt Instanton and Their Thermodynamics Proceedings contribution |
Hartmann, Betti | Anti-de Sitter black holes and solitons with scalar hair |
Yazadjiev, Stoytcho | New squashed black hole solution with electromagnetic field |
Kimura, Masashi | Analyticity of event horizons of extremal Kaluza-Klein black holes |
Chen, Yu | Black rings on Taub-NUT Proceedings contribution |
Igata, Takahisa | Chaos in Geodesic Motion around a Black Ring |
Mishima, Takashi | Existence and some properties of thermodynamic black di-rings Proceedings contribution |