

Stockholm, 1.-7.07.2012

MG13 parallel session

Black Holes in Higher Dimensions
(Black Rings and Black Strings)

Stockholm, July 5, 2012



Prof. Dr. Jutta Kunz 

Institute of Physics
University of Oldenburg
26111 Oldenburg


Description of the session

Bild We will discuss black holes in higher dimensions, including asymptotically flat black holes and black rings, black holes in Kaluza-Klein theory such as caged black holes and non-uniform black strings, black holes/strings in AdS space, etc.

Time and Place

The session will take place on Thursday, July 5, 2012 at the room A5:1041


Thursday, July 5

Radu, Eugen

Black rings in more than five dimensions
Proceedings contribution

Murata, Keiju

Black hole instabilities and local Penrose inequalities
Proceedings contribution

Tomizawa, Shinya

New solution generation techniques using SL(2,R)-duality and general black holes
Proceedings contribution

Nedkova, Petya

Charged Black Holes on the Taub-Bolt Instanton and Their Thermodynamics
Proceedings contribution

Hartmann, Betti

Anti-de Sitter black holes and solitons with scalar hair

Yazadjiev, Stoytcho

New squashed black hole solution with electromagnetic field

Kimura, Masashi

Analyticity of event horizons of extremal Kaluza-Klein black holes

Chen, Yu

Black rings on Taub-NUT
Proceedings contribution

Igata, Takahisa

Chaos in Geodesic Motion around a Black Ring

Mishima, Takashi

Existence and some properties of thermodynamic black di-rings
Proceedings contribution
(Stand: 20.06.2024)  |  Kurz-URL:Shortlink:
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