Interessierte Studierende können bei uns ihre Abschlussarbeit (Bachelor, Master) mit aktuellem Forschungsbezug anfertigen. Am besten sprechen Sie uns einfach an. Einige Themen werden auch in der Liste ausgeschriebener Abschlussarbeitsthemen veröffentlicht, welche jedoch nur einen sehr kleinen Bruchteil möglicher Themen abdeckt.
Damit Sie sich einen Eindruck davon verschaffen können, was es an möglichen Themen gibt, sei im folgenden eine Liste ausgewählter Abschlussarbeiten gegeben, welche in der SSI Abteilung erfolgreich abgeschlossen wurden (die Liste beinhaltet auch Arbeiten, die von Prof. Peter im Rahmen seiner Professur an der niederländischen Universität Twente betreut wurden):
- Arnold, Philipp Christian (2024) Hardening Passwords for Selected Locations using Extracted Secrets from WiFi Signals
- Buhr, Moritz (2024) Homomorphically Encrypted Biometric Authentication using Torus Based Fully Homomorphic Encryption
- Büchel, Marvin (2024) Human-Interpretable Attribute-Based Classification of IoT Devices
- Frei, Tobias (2024) I Have Never Seen This Password in my Life - Evaluating the Usability and Memorability of Strong Passwords Using the zxcvbn-Score
- Janke, Felix (2024) Interpretable Security Assessment - Anomaly Detection in Firewall Logs using SOM and Explainable Decision Trees
- Behrens, Tim (2023) A Review of DeepCASE: Improved Requirements, Documentation and Evaluation
- Oelrichs Garcia, Keno (2023) Effectiveness of DNS-Based Tracking Blockers in Reducing Web Tracking on German Websites: A Controlled Experiment
- Bakker, D.R. (2022) Autonomous emulation of adversary procedures in the (pre-)compromise domain.
- Weener, Jeroen (2021) Libertas: A Backward Private Dynamic Searchable Symmetric Encryption Scheme Supporting Wildcard Search.
- Gupta, C. (2021) HoneyKube : designing a honeypot using microservices-based architecture.
- Dunning, V.A. (2021) Developing a Multi-Party MPC Compiler with Covert Security and Public Verifiability.
- Hoekstra, Æ. S. (2021) Deobfuscating third party libraries in Android applications using library detection tools.
- Essen, T.M. van (2021) Investigations on Securing Repositories using Difference Analysis and Patch Applications on Encrypted Files.
- Bogaard, C.H.M van den (2020) Thwarting File-Injection Attacks on Searchable Encryption via Client-side Detection.
- Kortekaas, Y.A.M. (2020) Access Pattern Hiding Aggregation over Encrypted Databases.
- Bontekoe, T.H. (2020) Balancing privacy and accountability in digital payment methods using zk-SNARKs.
- Boot, J.J.F. (2020) Defending against Access Pattern Attacks on Secure Range Query Schemes.
- Groot Roessink, R. (2020) Experimental review of the IKK query recovery attack : Assumptions, recovery rate and improvements.
- Ahmed, A.B.H. (2020) Balancing security and usability in Web Single Sign-On.
- Brouwer, R (2020) Learning Timed Mealy Machines of the Physical Processes of an Industrial Control System for Anomaly-based Attack Detection.
- Scholten, R.H.D. (2020) Secure biometric verification in a malicious attacker model setting.
- Teesselink, T. (2019) Identifying Application Phases in Mobile Encrypted Network Traffic.
- Roppelt, J.C. (2019) Security risks surrounding cryptocurrency usage : a study on the security risks of cryptocurrencies and how security perception affects usage.
- Stritzl, David (2019) Privacy-Preserving Matching Using Bloom Filters: an Analysis and an Encrypted Variant.
- Duits, Ines (2019) The Post-Quantum Signal Protocol : Secure Chat in a Quantum World.
- Legoy, V.S.M. (2019) Retrieving ATT&CK tactics and techniques in cyber threat reports.
- Beets, Fedor (2018) Privacy-preserving automated rental checking.
- Ekambaranathan, Anirudh (2018) Using stylometry to track cybercriminals in darknet forums.
- Ede, Thijs S. van (2017) Detecting adaptive data exfiltration in HTTP traffic.
- Krak, R. (2017) Cycle-Accurate Timing Channel Analysis of Binary Code.
- Schroer, G.H. (2016) Feasibility of End-To-End Encryption using Attribute Based Encryption in Health Care.
- Esquivel-Vargas, Herson (2016) Automatic deployment of specification-based intrusion detection in the BACnet Protocol.
- Peeters, J.J. (2016) Fast and Accurate Likelihood Ratio Based Biometric Verification in the Encrypted Domain.
- Noort, W (2016) Gathering intelligence from the Bitcoin peer-to-peer network.
- Vries, S.H.S. de (2016) Achieving 128-bit Security against Quantum Attacks in OpenVPN.
- Odyurt, Uraz (2016) Bring your own authenticator/authentication security in physical access control systems.
- Müller, M. C. (2015) SIDekICk - Detecting Malicious Domain Names in the .nl Zone.
- Carvajal Gallardo, I. R. (2015) Privacy-preserving social DNA-based recommender.
- Galen, Rick van (2014) Design and feasibility of mobile peer-to-peer payment systems.
- Staicu, Cristian-Alexandru (2014) Evaluation of HIMMO with Long Identifiers, an Extension of the HIMMO Key Establishment Scheme.
- Kamp, T.R. van de (2014) Combining ABCs with ABE: Privacy-Friendly Key Generation for Smart Card Based Attribute-Based Encryption.