Co-Principal Investigator Subproject M2

Critical Systems Engineering



Prof. Dr. Werner Damm

Short Bio

Prof. Dr. Werner Damm holds the Chair for Safety Critical Embedded Systems at the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg. He is the Director of the Interdisciplinary Research Center on Human-Cyber-Physical Systems. He is a member of acatech, the German National Academy of Science and Engineering. Currently he is engaged as a director in the working group “highly automated systems” and, in the framework of acatech pushing on autonomous driving. As a member of the steering board he contributed similarly to the acatech-survey “New autoMobility – the future World of Automated Road Traffic I and II”, and to the Roadmap “Highly Automated Systems: Test, Safety, and Development Processes”. On a national level he is furthermore acknowledged in the field of strategical development by his membership in the working group of the ethics commission for Autonomous Driving of the Federal Ministry of Transportation and Digital Infrastructure.

In the Applied Research Institute OFFIS he is member of the Executive Board Transportation, and, furthermore, the Chairman of the German competence cluster SafeTRANS, integrating leading companies and research institutes in the transportation domain, the co-founder and member of the steering board of the European Institute for Complex Safety Critical Engineering EICOSE, the Chairman of the Artemis Working Group Tool Platforms.

Werner Damm is a member of various expert groups of the European Commission and the US National Science Foundation, notably on the topics of future strategies for Systems-of-Systems in Europe, and on Cyber-Physical Systems in the Transportation domain in the US.

Furthermore he is the scientific coordinator of the project Science of Design of Societal-Scale CPS (SD-SSCPS) as a part of the PIRE project since 2018 (Partner: Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg, OFFIS, TU München, DLR, University of California-Berkeley, Vanderbilt University).

His recent foundational research addresses mathematical models of embedded systems, systems-of-systems, and cyber physical systems, specification languages, hybrid systems, formal verification methods, formal synthesis, and real-time and safety analysis. This is complemented by applied research with industrial partners in avionics, automotive, space, and medical systems on system-and-safety development processes for safety related systems, where he pioneered contract-based systems engineering for functional requirements, safety and timeliness requirements, and stability requirements, the use of patterns for capturing such contracts, and tools for automatic test generation, consistency checking, and virtual integration testing based on formalized contracts.

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