In-Situ Liquid-Cell TEM
Prof. Dr. Sascha Schäfer
Raum W01A 1-105
Telefon +49-441-798-3536
In-Situ Liquid-Cell TEM
Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) was traditionally limited to the investigation of solid-state thin-film samples. Recent instrumental developments in advanced TEM sample holders now enable the in-situ TEM imaging of ultrathin liquid layers with a broad range of applications in (photo-)electrochemistry, photochemistry and biomedical imaging [1].
In such in-situ sample holders, the liquid sample is contained between two electron transparent windows which also host further electrodes for electrochemical biasing or temperature control.
In our work, we utilize a commercial sample holder fabricated by DENSsolution (model: stream), which incorporates microfluid channels for a reproducible and controllable flow of the investigated liquids.
Electrochemical and photoelectrochemical investigations are conducted collaboratively with the group of Prof. Dr. G. Wittstock (Univ. Oldenburg).
Figure 1: Liquid cell holder
Figure 2: SEM image of a bottom chip for liquid cell holder.
[1] H.-G. Liao and H. Zheng, Liquid Cell Transmission Electron Microscopy , Annu. Rev. Phys. Chem 2016, 67 719-47