Steve Burholt

Learning Technologist
Oxford University
United Kingdom

Career, Research Areas, and Projects

Steve is an expert in digital education and has recently set up his consultancy, Flexible Media, based in Oxford UK. He has more than 20 years’ experience working as a Learning Technologist, at the University of Oxford’s Centre for Teaching and Learning, as well as Oxford Brookes University. He is an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and trained in Coaching and Mentoring.

He has facilitated Learning Design workshops for teaching teams from different subject areas across the University. Adapted from the UCL ‘ABC’ model, these workshops formed part of a package of support offered to academics during the introduction of Canvas Virtual Learning Environment. 

He worked with academics and course leaders to design the University's first MOOC ‘From Poverty to Prosperity’ from the Blavatnik School of Government. This six-week online course attracted 47,000 registrations, with a total of 3000 students paying for a verified certificate. 

Steve has worked as a professional musician and teaches blues and jazz piano online. He has produced a series of popular short tutorials on Instagram and YouTube.

More information

Oxford’s MOOC ‘From Poverty to Prosperity’:

Oxford Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL):

Selected Publications

Laurent, X., Fresen, J.W., & Burholt, S. (2018). Usability methodology and testing for a virtual learning environment. International Journal on E-Learning, 17(3), 341-375.

Laurent, X., Burholt, S., Fresen, J.W. & Geng, F. (2016). Content repository vs learning pathway: using a VLE in a research-intensive university. Paper presented at the Association for Learning Technology Conference (ALT-C), Warwick University, United Kingdom, 6-8 September 2016.

Waite, M & Burholt, S. (2011). Persuading the decision-makers: the journey from online course design to creating reusable objects and publishing them as OERs. eLearning in Health 2011, Collaboration, Sharing and Sustainability in The Current Environment. Higher Education Academy. Aston University.

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