



Local Organization Chairs:

  • Martin Hilscher
  • Manuel Gieseking
  • Stephanie Kemper
  • Maike Schwammberger

Organized by the group Correct System Design of the University of Oldenburg and AVACS:




The symposium takes place at the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg, Campus Haarentor (Uhlhornsweg), in the BIS-Saal.

You can find information about how to get to the venue on the website of the university. We have summarised the important information plus some additional details below.

More information

You can find more information on public transport on the websites of the VBN (local transport in Bremen and Lower Saxony) and the VWG (local transport in Oldenburg, in German only)

Wednesday, September 9th 2015

Session: Semantics I -- Session Chair: Jonathan Bowen
9.00 - 9.30 Random Reflections on Nets, Terms and Apps
Holger Hermanns
9.30 - 10.00 Understanding Probabilistic Programs
Joost-Pieter Katoen, Friedrich Gretz, Nils Jansen, Benjamin Lucien Kaminski and Federico Olmedo
10.00 - 10.30 Fairness for Infinitary Control
Jochen Hoenicke and Andreas Podelski
10.30 - 11.00
Coffee Break
Session: Semantics II -- Session Chair: Holger Hermanns
11.00 - 11.30 Evaluation trees for proposition algebra: The case for free and repetition-proof valuation congruence
Jan A. Bergstra and Alban Ponse
11.30 - 12.00 Verifying the Timing Behaviour of Real-Time Systems
Jens Knoop
12.00 - 13.30
Session: Logic -- Session Chair: David Basin
13.30 - 14.00 Translating Testing Theories for Concurrent Systems
Jan Peleska
14.00 - 14.30 No Need Knowing Numerous Neighbours: Towards a realizable interpretation of MLSL
Martin Fränzle, Michael R. Hansen and Heinrich Ody
14.30 - 15.00 Automated Reasoning Building Blocks
Christoph Weidenbach
15.00 - 15.30
Coffee Break
Session: Synthesis -- Session Chair: Martin Fränzle
15.30 - 16.00 Bounded Synthesis for Petri Games
Bernd Finkbeiner
16.00 - 16.30 Mediator Synthesis in a Component Algebra with Data
Lukas Holik, Malte Isberner and Bengt Jonsson
16.30 - 17.00 Safe and Optimal Adaptive Cruise Control
Kim Guldstrand Larsen, Marius Mikucionis and Jakob Haahr Taankvist

Tuesday, September 8th 2015

Session: Opening -- Session Chair: Roland Meyer
9.00 - 9.05 Welcoming Words
Roland Meyer (Editor)
9.05 - 9.15 Welcoming speech
Katharina Al-Shamery (Vice president for research and transfer of the University of Oldenburg)
9.15 - 9.25 Welcoming speech
Martin Fränzle (Board member of AVACS)
9.30 - 10.15 Laudatio
Willem-Paul de Roever
9.15 - 10.45
Coffee Break
Session: xxx -- Session Chair: Markus Müller-Olm
10.45 - 11.15 Epistemic Protocols for Distributed Gossiping
Krzysztof Apt
11.15 - 11.45 Enforceable Security Policies
David Basin
11.45 - 12.00
Lunch Introduction
12.00 - 13.30
Session: Analysis -- Session Chair: Krzysztof Apt
13.30 - 14.00 Automata-based Analysis of Threaded Programs
Markus Müller-Olm
14.00 - 14.30 Being and Change: Reasoning About Invariance
Frank de Boer and Stijn de Gouw
14.30 - 15.00 Toward compact abstractions for processor pipelines
Sebastian Hahn, Jan Reineke and Reinhard Wilhelm
15.00 - 15.30
Coffee Break
Session: Process Algebra -- Session Chair: Heike Wehrheim
15.30 - 16.00 Causality, Behavioural Equivalences, and the Security of Cyberphysical Systems
Sibylle Fröschle
16.00 - 16.30 Structure Preserving Bisimilarity, Supporting an Operational Petri Net Semantics of CCSP
Rob van Glabbeek

By plane

The two nearest airports to Oldenburg are:

From Bremen Airport to Oldenburg main station:

  1. By tram and train:
    • From the airport (tram stop Flughafen Bremen), take tram 6 in the direction Universität. Ticket vending machines are available on the platform as well as inside the tram. Choose Oldenburg Hauptbahnhof (or maybe just Oldenburg) as destination. A single trip is 8.45 Euro.
    • Leave the tram at the stop Bremen Hauptbahnhof, and enter the train station.
    • Take a local train to Oldenburg (Oldb).
    • Leave the train at Oldenburg Hauptbahnhof
    For more information, check the websites of the BSAG (public transportation in Bremen) and the Deutsche Bahn (national railway company)
  2. By bus:
    • The company publicexpress offers a direct bus connection (five times per day) between the City Airport Bremen and Oldenburg central station
    • Tickets can be bought online on the publicexpress website (price for a single trip: 7.50 Euro), or directly in the bus (price for a single trip: 10 Euro).
      The former includes a seat reservation, the latter does not (i.e. you might have to stay behind in case the bus is already fully booked).
    See this website for timetables and the exact location of the bus stop on the airport ground. Unfortunately, the website is available in German only (the language switches have no effect)
  3. By shuttle taxi:
    • The company Luftibus-Transfer offers a shuttle taxi service from (and to) the City Airport Bremen to (and from) Oldenburg for a fixed price
    • You need to book the taxi in advance (see the website for details)!
    • The taxi will pick you up at the airport right after your arrival, and take you directly to you hotel (or whatever destination address you like)
    • It is possible to book a return trip (i.e., the taxi will take you from Oldenburg to Bremen Airport on the day of your departure) as well
    • The price for a single trip is 49 Euro (1 person)/56 Euro (2 persons)/..., the price for a return trip is 89 Euro (1 person)/99 Euro (2 persons)/...
    • Check the website of Luftibus-Transfer for more information

From Hamburg Airport to Oldenburg main station:

  1. By tram and train:
    • From the airport (tram stop Hamburg Airport (Flughafen)), take tram S1 in the direction Wedel. Ticket vending machines are available in the airport, in between arrival area and departure platform. You can probably buy a ticket to Oldenburg already, check with the airport office on the arrival level of terminal 2
    • Leave the tram at the stop Hamburg Hauptbahnhof (Hamburg Hbf), and find your way from the tram station/platforms to the train station/platforms (approximately 10 minutes walking)
    • Take a train to Oldenburg (Oldb). If you do not have a ticket already, be sure to buy one before entering the train. A single trip is around 35 to 40 Euro depending on the type of train you are travelling with.
    • Since the ticketing system of the Deutsche Bahn is somewhat complex - for example different prices for different types of trains (faster/slower) - and the vending machines offer all kinds of options, it is probably best if you buy your ticket at the counter
    For more information, check this flyer (information about tram S1, including for example the timetable), and the websites of the HVV (public transportation in Hamburg) and the Deutsche Bahn (national railway company)
  2. By shuttle taxi:
    • The company Luftibus-Transfer offers a shuttle taxi service from (and to) Hamburg Airport to (and from) Oldenburg for a fixed price
    • You need to book the taxi in advance (see the website for details)!
    • The taxi will pick you up at the airport right after your arrival, and take you directly to you hotel (or whatever destination address you like)
    • It is possible to book a return trip (i.e., the taxi will take you from Oldenburg to Hamburg Airport on the day of your departure) as well
    • The price for a single trip is 249 Euro (up to 2 persons)/259 Euro (3 or more persons), the price for a return trip is 490 Euro (up to 2 persons)/510 Euro (3 or more persons)
    • Check the website of Luftibus-Transfer for more information

Local transport in Oldenburg

Oldenburg has a quite dense network of bus lines, you can find an overview here or get a hardcopy at the information desk of the symposium located near by the BIS-Saal.

You can download the timetables of the different bus lines here. Additionally, we provide some timetables of the main bus lines serving the university (306, 310, 324) at the information desk of the symposium.

The public transportation trip planner can be found here.

Furthermore, you can find a map of the city centre of Oldenburg and some tourist information at the information desk of the symposium.

(Stand: 20.06.2024)  |  Kurz-URL:Shortlink: https://uol.de/p42864
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