Prof. Dr. Gundula Zoch
Institut für Sozialwissenschaften (» Postanschrift)
Eingeladene Vorträge
From Workplace to Home: How Maternal Job Demands affect Cognitive and Non-cognitive Early Child Development, Center for Research on Social Inequalities (CRIS), Paris, Mai 2024
Dimensionen sozialer Ungleichheit: Ursachen, Auswirkungen und mögliche Interventionen, Blickwinkel-Herausforderungen und gesellschaftliche Diskurs-Linien. Center für lebenslanges Lernen an der Universität Oldenburg, Oldenburg, Mai 2024
Political Trust and Myths During the Covid-19 Pandemic – Longitudinal Evidence from Germany, Kolloquium der Abteilung "Europäische Gesellschaften und ihre Integration" am Mannheimer Zentrum für Europäische Sozialforschung (MZES), Mannheim, Februar 2024
Müttererwerbstätigkeit und kindliche Entwicklung in Deutschland, Lunchbag Sessions „Familie am Mittag“, Deutsches Jugendinstitut, München/digital, November 2023
Nur eine Krise in der Krise? Soziale Ungleichheiten in der beruflichen Weiterbildung. Gender Equality Conference 2023 – Digital Transformation in the Gender Perspective. Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliches Institut (WSI) und Hugo Sinzheimer Institut für Arbeits- und Sozialrecht (HSI), Berlin/digital, März 2023
Motherhood Penalties in Job Tasks? Longitudinal Evidence from Germany. Sociology Seminar. Center for Research in Economics and Statistics CREST/INSEE, Palaiseau, Frankreich/digital, December 2022
How to Make the Most of Your Postdoc, BAGSS & LIfBi Lunchtime Talks, Bamberg, November 2022
Is there a Task Penalty of Motherhood? Workshop des DFG-Nachwuchsnetzwerkes „Berufe und soziale Ungleichheit“ & der Junge Akademie, Mainz, Juli 2022
Inequalities in the Workplace – (When) does the Birth of a Child Change Participation in Job-Related Training? DISTANT CLIC. Comparative Life Course Inequality Research Centre (CLIC) am European University Institute (EUI), Florenz, Italien/digital, Juni 2022
Familienarbeit – Durch die Pandemie auf Kurs in die Retraditionalisierung? mittags-info-online. Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg/digital, Mai 2022
The Gender Revolution (in Reverse): Gender Inequalities Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Germany. LCDS Meeting. Leverhulme Centre for Demographic Science der University of Oxford, Oxford, Februar 2022
Workplace Inequalities Following Childbirth? Examining Changes in Job Tasks Based on Panel Data. Forschungskolloquium Empirische Sozialforschung. Universität Konstanz/digital, Januar 2022.
The Covid-19 Pandemic and Its Effects. Talk and Panel Discussion at the Anniversary BAGSS Conference. Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg/digital, September 2021.
Penalties or Premiums? – The Role of Parenthood in Explaining Inequalities in Job-related Training, Brown Bag Seminars. CSIS | Center for Social Inequality Studies at the University of Trento, Trento, Italien/digital, April 2021.
Parenthood penalties or premiums? Gendered inequalities in job-related training following parenthood. Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliche Fakultät, Universität zu Köln/digital, April 2021.
Family Formation and Gender Inequalities in the Participation in Further Training, Learning and Work Seminar. ROA | Maastricht University, Maastricht, Niederlande/digital, November 2020.
Einstellungen im Kontext von Arbeit, Familie und Geschlecht – Alte und neue Ungleichheitsdynamiken, Fakultät I Bildungs- und Sozialwissenschaften. Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg/digital, September 2020.
Gender Ideologies in East and West Germany: Do Younger Cohorts still Differ?, WZB Berlin, Joint Colloquium of the National Educational Panel Group and the Research Unit Skill Formation and Labour Markets, Berlin, November 2019.
How Employment Promoting Family Policies Support Work-Care Arrangements, Workshop der Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes, Leysin, Schweiz, August 2018.
Mothers’ Return-to-Work Behaviour in East and West Germany. An Analysis of the Stepwise Childcare Expansion between 2007 and 2014, Bundesinstitut für Bevölkerungsforschung, Wiesbaden, April 2017.
Verhandlung am Wickeltisch? – Der Einfluss der Elternzeit auf die partnerschaftliche Arbeitsteilung, Mentoring-Programm für Frauen in Wissenschaft und Forschung, Universität Stuttgart, Juli 2016.
Partnerschaftliche Arbeitsteilung – neue Modelle in Familie und Arbeitswelt?, Hohenheimer Tage der Familienpolitik 2015: Familienleitbilder und Familienrealitäten in Deutschland. Tagung der Familien Forschung Baden-Württemberg im Statistischen Landesamt und der Katholischen Akademie der Diözese Rottenburg-Stuttgart, Oktober 2015.
Konferenzen und Workshops
(* von KoautorIn gehalten, + abgesagt aufgrund Covid-19 Pandemie)
Different patterns under the same cover? Susceptibility to conspiracy beliefs during the Covid-19 pandemic and social inequality (mit Steffen Wamsler), DVPW-Kongress 2024, Göttingen, September 2024 *
From Workplace to Home: How Maternal Job Demands affect Cognitive and Non-cognitive Early Child Development (mit Susanne Schmid, Ann-Christin Bächmann), ECSR Conference, Barcelona, September 2024
Maternal Age and Child Development: New Evidence from Germany (mit Susanne Schmid, Malin Mahlbacher, Mathias Hübener), Poster Präsentation auf der ECSR Conference, Barcelona, September 2024 *
Same but different? Patterns of Susceptibility to Conspiracy Beliefs during the COVID-19 Pandemic (mit Steffen Wamsler), ECPR General Conference 2024, Dublin, August 2024 *
From Parenthood to Planet Care? The Evolution of Environmental and Climate Concerns during Family Formation (mit Nicole Kapelle), International German SOEP User Conference, Berlin, Juli 2024
Same Crisis, Divergent Trust? Studying Authoritarian Legacies in Political Trust during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Germany (mit Steffen Wamsler), EPSA Annual Conference, Köln, Juli 2024 *
The Role of Firms for Children's Development (mit Mathias Hübener, Malin Mahlbacher, Susanne Schmid), European Population Conference 2024, Edinburgh, Juni 2024 *
Same Crisis, Divergent Trust? Studying Authoritarian Legacies in Political Trust during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Germany (mit Steffen Wamsler), Jahrestagung des DVPW-Arbeitskreises „Wahlen und politische Einstellungen“, Siegen, Juni 2024 *
From Workplace to Home: Investigating How Maternal Job Demands Affect Child Development (mit Susanne Schmid, Ann-Christin Bächmann), Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS) – Sektion Familiensoziologie, Bamberg, Mai 2024 *
Das Cofoni Projekt – Soziale Ungleichheiten in der Genesung von Post Covid Erkrankten (mit Linda Jespersen), Institutskolloquium IfSol, Oldenburg, April 2024 *
From Workplace to Home: Investigating How Maternal Job Demands Affect Child Development (mit Susanne Schmid, Ann-Christin Bächmann), 20-jährige Jubiläum des IAB Forschungsdatenzentrums, Nürnberg, April 2024 *
Same but different? Patterns of Susceptibility to Conspiracy Beliefs during the COVID-19 Pandemic (mit Steffen Wamsler), Frühjahrstagung der DGS-Sektion “Soziale Ungleichheit und Sozialstrukturanalyse”, Bremen, März 2024
Same but different? Patterns of Susceptibility to Conspiracy Beliefs during the COVID-19 Pandemic (mit Steffen Wamsler), Jahreskongress der Schweizerischen Vereinigung für Politikwissenschaft, St. Gallen, Februar 2024 *
Understanding the Link Between Maternal Age and Child Development (mit Mathias Hübener, Malin Mahlbacher, Susanne Schmid), Herbsttagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS) – Sektion Familiensoziologie, Köln, Dezember 2023 *
The Pivotal Factors? How Mothers’ Pre-Birth Employment Characteristics Shape Child Development (mit Mathias Hübener, Malin Mahlbacher, Susanne Schmid), NEPS-Konferenz, Bamberg, November 2023 *
Gender Inequalities in Job-Related Training during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Longitudinal Evidence from Germany (mit Christina Haas, Corinna Kleinert), SLLS Annual Conference, München, Oktober 2023
Did the Covid-19 pandemic strengthen or weaken Matthew effects in Job-related training? (mit Christina Haas, Corinna Kleinert), SLLS Annual Conference, München, Oktober 2023 *
Career or children first? Investigating the interplay between women's careers and child development (mit Mathias Hübener, Malin Mahlbacher, Susanne Schmid), SLLS Annual Conference, München, Oktober 2023 *
Same Crisis, Divergent Trust? Examining East-West Differences during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Germany (mit Steffen Wamsler), Herbsttagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS) – Sektion Soziale Ungleichheit und Sozialstrukturanalyse, Jena, September 2023
Family Policies and Couples’ Division of Housework Following Childbirth – Evidence from Germany (1994-2019) (mit Stefanie Heyne), ECSR Conference, Prag, September 2023
Educational Disparities in Trust Changes during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Longitudinal Evidence from Germany (mit Steffen Wamsler), Dreiländertagung der Deutschen Vereinigung für Politikwissenschaft (DVPW), Linz, September 2023 *
Career or children first? Investigating the interplay between women’s careers and child development (mit Mathias Hübener, Malin Mahlbacher, Susanne Schmid), EAPS Workshop „Families’ resilience and well-being of children and youth”, Paris, Mai 2023
Coping with the Winds of Change? Evidence on the Re-traditionalisation of Maternal Employment in East Germany (mit Andreas Haupt), RC28 Spring Meeting, Paris, Mai 2023
The Motherhood Wage Penalty – How do Job Tasks matter? (mit Wiebke Schulz), RC28 Spring Meeting, Paris, Mai 2023 *
Berufliche Weiterbildung - Matthäus-Effekte auch in Krisenzeiten?, Institutskolloquium, Oldenburg, Mai 2023
Coping with the Winds of Change? Evidence on the Re-traditionalisation of Maternal Employment in East Germany (mit Andreas Haupt), Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS) – Sektion Soziale Ungleichheit und Sozialstrukturanalyse, Mannheim, März 2023
The Motherhood Wage Penalty – How do Job Tasks matter? (mit Wiebke Schulz), Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS) – Sektion Soziale Ungleichheit und Sozialstrukturanalyse, Mannheim, März 2023*
Family Policies and Couples’ Division of Housework Following Childbirth – Evidence from Germany (1994-2019) (mit Stefanie Heyne), Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS) – Sektion Familiensoziologie, digital, März 2023
Understanding the role of maternal labour markets and workplace contexts for children’s development (mit Susanne Schmid), Institutskolloquium, Oldenburg, Januar 2023
Does the provision of childcare reduce motherhood penalties in job-related training participation? Longitudinal evidence from Germany, 7. Internationale NEPS-Konferenz, digital, Dezember 2022
The motherhood penalty in job tasks (mit Wiebke Schulz), NEPS-Konferenz, digital, Dezember 2022
Coping with the winds of change? Evidence on the re-traditionalisation of maternal employment in East Germany (mit Andreas Haupt), Konferenz “Forschen mit dem Mikrozensus”, digital, November 2022
Childbirth and the Division of Labor Among Immigrants in Germany (mit Stefanie Heyne), DeZIM-Tagung, Berlin, Oktober 2022 *
Decline of the Working Class Identity in Eastern Germany, 1991–2018: A Counterfactual Decomposition Perspective (mit Patrick Präg), ECSR Conference, Amsterdam, Juli 2022 *
Family Formation and Unpaid work – Has Technological Change Altered Gender Inequalities over Time? International SOEP User Conference, Berlin, Juni/Juli 2022
Decline of the Working Class Identity in Eastern Germany, 1991–2018: A Counterfactual Decomposition Perspective (mit Patrick Präg), Poster Präsentation auf der European Population Conference, Groningen, Juni/Juli 2022 *
Mothers’ Job-Related Training Participation in East and West Germany – Higher Child-Care Rates and Lower Motherhood Training Penalties? Work and Family Researchers Network Conference, New York City, Juni 2022
The Division of Unpaid Labor in East and West Germany – (Still) a Divided Country?, 7th pairfam Interdisciplinary International Conference, München, Mai 2022
Job tasks – Is there a Motherhood Penalty? (mit Wiebke Schulz), RC28 Spring Meeting, London, April 2022
Does the Provision of Public Childcare Reduce Motherhood Penalties in Job-Related Training? Longitudinal Evidence from Germany, RC28 Spring Meeting, London, April 2022
Decline of the Working Class Identity in Eastern Germany, 1991-2018: A Counterfactual Decomposition Perspective (mit Patrick Präg), Poster Präsentation auf dem RC28 Spring Meeting, London, April 2022 *
One country, one Identity? Working Class Identity in East and West Germany since Reunification (mit Patrick Präg), In_equality Conference 2022, Cluster of Excellence "Politics of Inequality”, Konstanz, April 2022
Decline of the Working Class Identity in Eastern Germany, 1991-2018: A Counterfactual Decomposition Perspective (mit Patrick Präg), Poster Präsentation auf dem PAA 2022 Jahrestreffen, Atlanta, April 2022 *
Job Tasks: Is there a Motherhood Penalty? (mit Wiebke Schulz). ECSR Conference, digital, Oktober 2021
Gendered Effects of Childbirth on Job-related Training – Fatherhood Premiums vs Motherhood Penalties? Working Group Meeting “Gendered Lives and Careers” – COST Action: Transdisciplinary Solutions to Cross Sectional Disadvantage in Youth, Madrid/digital, September 2021
Childbirth and The Division of Labor Among Immigrants in Germany? (mit Stefanie Heyne). Working Group Meeting “Gendered Lives and Careers” – COST Action: Transdisciplinary Solutions to Cross Sectional Disadvantage in Youth, Madrid/digital, September 2021 *
Inequalities in Job-related Training – The Role of Family Formation and Public Childcare Provision. Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS) – Sektion Soziale Ungleichheit und Sozialstrukturanalyse, Berlin/digital, Juni 2021
Reconciling Paid and Care Work in the COVID-19 Pandemic in Germany: Inequalities and Implications for Parents’ Mental Health (mit Ann-Christin Bächmann, Basha Vicari). Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS) – Sektion Soziale Ungleichheit und Sozialstrukturanalyse, Berlin/digital, Juni 2021 *
Penalties or Premiums? – The Role of Parenthood in Explaining Inequalities in Job-Related Training. ISA RC28 Spring Meeting, Turku/digital, Juni 2021
Gender Inequalities in Working Conditions and Well-being during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Germany (mit Ann-Christin Bächmann, Basha Vicari). ISA RC28 Spring Meeting, Turku/digital, Juni 2021 *
Families in the COVID-19 Pandemic in Germany: Inequalities in Parents’ Mental Health (mit Basha Vicari, Ann- Christin Bächmann). Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS) – Sektion Familiensoziologie, Köln/digital, März 2021*
Penalties or Premiums? – The Role of Parenthood on Gender Inequalities in Further Education. Leibniz LERN-Jahrestagung 2021, Hannover/digital, März 2021
Wie nutzen Erwerbstätige Weiterbildung durch digitales informelles Lernen während der Covid-19-Pandemie? (mit Martin Ehlert, Corinna Kleinert, Basha Vicari). Leibniz LERN-Jahrestagung 2021, Hannover/digital, März 2021 *
The division of paid and unpaid labour in the shadow of divorce: The impact of the 2008 alimony reform in Germany (with Stefanie Heyne), Forschungskolloquium Analytische Soziologie am Institut für Soziologie, LMU/digital, Januar 2021 *
Digitales Lernen während der COVID-19-Pandemie (mit Martin Ehlert, Corinna Kleinert, Basha Vicari), WZB Kolloquium "Soziologische Perspektive auf die Corona-Krise", Berlin/digital, Dezember 2020 *
Gender Disparities in Further Education – The Role of Family Formation, 4th International NEPS Conference, Bamberg/digital, Dezember 2020
Who Cares when Care Closes? Care-Arrangements and Parental Well-being during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Germany (mit Ann-Christin Bächmann, Basha Vicari), NEPS Conference, Bamberg/digital, Dezember 2020 *
The Impact of the 2008 Alimony Reform in Germany (mit Stefanie Heyne), 18th Meeting of the European Network for the Sociological and Demographic Study of Divorce, Köln/digital, Oktober 2020 *
The Impact of the 2008 Alimony Reform in Germany (mit Stefanie Heyne), IAB Conference 2020 on Labor Market Transitions, Nürnberg, September 2020 *
Einstellungswandel in Ost- und Westdeutschland – Polarisierung oder Konvergenz? Eine vergleichende Untersuchung von älteren und jüngeren Kohorten, Gesellschaft unter Spannung – 40. Konferenz der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS), Berlin/digital, September 2020
Employment Interruption after Birth – Similar Conditions in Small and Large Companies, Poster Presentation bei der ECSR 2020 Conference, Amsterdam, Juli 2020 +
Gender Ideology Changes in the Life-Course of three Different Cohorts – Are there still Differences between East and West Germany? ISA RC28 Spring Meeting, Turku, Mai 2020 +
Thirty Years after the Fall of the Berlin Wall – Do East and West Germans still Differ in their Attitudes towards Maternal Employment, Childcare and the Division of Housework? Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS) – Sektion Familiensoziologie, München, März 2020
Unterschiedliche Einstellungen zu Frauenerwerbtätigkeit und formeller Betreuung in Ost und West? Ergebnisse von 3 Kohorten, Workshop: Ostdeutsche Krisenerfahrungen und ihre Folgen, Göttingen, November 2019
Different Sides of the Same Coin - Disparities in Changing Gender Ideologies among three Cohorts from East and West Germany, 2019 ECSR Conference, Lausanne, September 2019
Social Desirability in Self-reported Gender Ideologies: Investigating heterogeneous Interviewer Gender Effects, ESRA Conference, Zagreb, Juli 2019
Conflictive Preferences? Values & Gender Ideologies VS. Self-Interest in Policy Support among Parents & Unemployed (mit Nadja Wehl), Poster Presentation. 4th International ESS Conference: Turbulent Times in Europe: Instability, Insecurity and Inequality, Mannheim, April 2019 *
Social Desirability in Self-Reported Gender Ideologies: Investigating Heterogeneous Interviewer Gender Effects, ISA RC28 Spring Meeting, Frankfurt, März 2019
Social Desirability in Self-Reported Gender Ideologies: Investigating Heterogeneous Interviewer Gender Effects, 3rd International NEPS Conference, Bamberg, November 2018
Social Desirability in Self-Reported Gender Ideologies: Investigating Heterogeneous Interviewer Gender Effects, ECSR 2018 Conference, Paris, Oktober 2018
The Duration of Family-Related Employment Interruptions across Firms of different Sizes?, 16th ESPAnet Conference, Vilnius, August 2018
Childcare Availability and Mothers’ Employment Participation in East and West Germany – Do all Mothers Benefit from the Childcare Expansion (2007 – 2015)?, Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS) – Sektion Familiensoziologie, Wiesbaden, Februar 2018
Childcare Availability and Mothers’ Employment Participation in East and West Germany – Do all Mothers Benefit from the Childcare Expansion (2007 – 2015)?, 10th GradAB Workshop, Nürnberg, Januar 2018
Childcare Availability and Mothers’ Labour Supply in East and West Germany – Do all Mothers Benefit from the Childcare Expansion (2007 – 2015)?, 15th ESPAnet Conference, Lisbon, September 2017
Public Childcare Expansion and Mothers’ Employment Participation in East and West Germany – Do all Mothers Benefit from Greater Availability of State-Subsidised Childcare?, 2017 ECSR Conference, Milan, September 2017
Expansion of Childcare Services and Changing Attitudes of Parents in East and West Germany (mit Pia S. Schober), 5th International pairfam User Conference, Bremen, Juni 2017
Public Childcare Provision and Mothers’ Employment in East and West Germany – Do all Mothers Benefit from the Childcare Reform (2007 – 2015)?, 1st Joint Doctoral Workshop of the PhD students from the Universities Trento, Bamberg, Tilburg and Milan. University of Trento, März 2017
Expansion of Childcare Services and Changing Attitudes of Parents in East and West Germany (mit Pia S. Schober), Poster Presentation. Workshop “What people know and think: The role of attitudes and information in the process of political decision-making and policy use”, Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences, März 2017
Expansion of Childcare Services and Changing Attitudes of Parents (mit Pia S. Schober), SLLS Annual International Conference 'Education and the Life Course: Determinants and Consequences of Unequal Educational Opportunities', Bamberg, September 2016
Public Childcare Expansion and Mothers’ Return to Work Behaviour (mit I. Hondralis), SLLS Annual International Conference 'Education and the Life Course: Determinants and Consequences of Unequal Educational Opportunities', Bamberg, September 2016 *
Normative Leitbilder der Sozialpolitik? Der Ausbau frühkindlicher Betreuung und die Einstellungsveränderung von Eltern (mit Pia S. Schober), Geschlossene Gesellschaften. 38. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS), Bamberg, September 2016
How does Universal Childcare Affect Return to Work Patterns and what Role does the Social Background Play? (mit Irina Hondralis), 14th ESPAnet Conference 2016, Rotterdam, September 2016
Expansion of Childcare Services and Changing Attitudes of Parents (mit Pia S. Schober), 14th ESPAnet Conference 2016, Rotterdam, September 2016
Public Childcare Expansion and Mothers’ Return to Work Behaviour (mit I. Hondralis), ISA RC28 Annual Summer Conference 2016 ‘Economic Inequalities, deprivation, and poverty’, Bern, August 2016 *
Change in the Gender Division of Domestic Work after Mummy or Daddy Took Leave: An Examination of Alternative Explanations (mit Pia S. Schober), Distributed Paper. The Futures We Want: Global Sociology and the Struggles for a Better World. 3rd ISA Forum of Sociology, Wien, Juli 2016
Day-Care Expansion and Changing Attitudes of Parents (mit Pia S. Schober), Distributed Paper. The Futures We Want: Global Sociology and the Struggles for a Better World. 3rd ISA Forum of Sociology, Wien, Juli 2016
Do Attitudes follow Family Policy? Analysing the Impact of Day-Care Expansion on Attitude Change of Parents (mit Pia S. Schober), Interim Meeting 2016 – Parenthood: Perspectives on Family Lives. Research Network Sociology of Families and Intimate Lives (RN13) – European Sociological Association, Bristol, Juli 2016
Public Childcare Expansion and Mothers’ Return to Work Behaviour – Evidence from a Quasi-Experiment in Germany (mit Irina Hondralis), SOEP2016 – 12th International German Socio-Economic Panel User Conference, Berlin, Juni 2016 *
Beruflicher Wiedereinstieg im Zuge des Kitaausbaus (mit Irina Hondralis), Poster Session des Arbeitskreises „Junge Demographie“. Aktuelle nationale und internationale Herausforderungen der Demografie. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Demographie 2016, Leipzig, März 2016 *
Der Ausbau frühkindlicher Betreuungseinrichtungen und die Einstellungsveränderung von Eltern (mit Pia S. Schober), Regional und soziale Rahmenbedingungen der Familie. Herbsttagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS) – Sektion Familiensoziologie, Heidelberg, Oktober 2015
Day-care expansion and changing attitudes of parents (mit Pia S. Schober), Inequalities. Annual Conference of the Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences 2015, Bamberg, September 2015
After Mummy and Daddy Took Leave: What Explains the (Un)Changed Gender Division of Domestic Labour? (mit Pia S. Schober), Spektrum demografischer Forschung in Deutschland: Herausforderungen – Leistungen –Perspektiven. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Demographie 2015, Berlin, März 2015 *