Prof. Dr. Gundula Zoch
Institut für Sozialwissenschaften (» Postanschrift)
Journal articles (Peer-Reviewed)
2024 Zoch, G. and Wamsler, S., From rally to reality: unveiling long-term dynamics in political trust over two years of COVID-19 in Germany. Political Research Exchange, 6(1), 1-24. (Online first: September 2024). doi: 10.1080/2474736X.2024.2403438
2024 Zoch, G., Does the provision of childcare reduce motherhood penalties in job-related training participation? Longitudinal evidence from Germany. Journal of European Social Policy, 34(1), 69–84. (Online first: December 2023). doi: 10.1177/09589287231217199
2023 Zoch, G. and Heyne, S., The Evolution of Family Policies and Couples' Housework Division after Childbirth in Germany, 1994–2019. Journal of Marriage and Family, 85(5): 1067-1086. (Online first: August 2023). doi: 10.1111/jomf.12938
2023 Kleinert, C., and Zoch, G., Polarisierung oder Verringerung ungleicher Lernchancen? Auswirkungen der COVID-19-Pandemie auf das berufliche Lernen im Erwachsenenalter [Polarizing or reducing unequal participation opportunities? Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on adult vocational learning]. Journal of Educational Research, 1–30. (Online first: February 2023). doi: 10.1007/s11618-023-01142-2
2023 Zoch, G., Participation in Job-Related Training – Is There a Parenthood Training Penalty? Work, Employment and Society, 37(1), 274–292. (Online first: November 2022). doi: 10.1177/09500170221128692
2022 Vicari, B., Zoch, G. and Bächmann, A.-C., Childcare, work or worries? What explains the decline in parents’ well-being at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany? Journal of Family Research, 34(1), 310–332. (Online first: January 2022). doi: 10.20377/jfr-707
2022 Zoch, G., Bächmann, A.-C. and Vicari, B., Reduced Well-being during the COVID-19 Pandemic – the Role of Working Conditions. Gender, Work & Organization, 29(6), 2969–1990. (Online first: December 2021). doi: 10.1111/gwao.12777
2021 Kleinert, C., Zoch, G., Vicari, B. and Ehlert, M., Work-related online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany. Journal for Research on Adult Education, 44, 197–214. (Online first: November 2021). doi: 10.1007/s40955-021-00192-5
2021 Zoch, G., Bächmann, A.-C. and Vicari, B., Who Cares When Care Closes? Care-arrangements and Parental Working Conditions during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Germany. European Societies, 23:sup1, 576–588. (Online first: October 2020). doi: 10.1080/14616696.2020.1832700
2021 Zoch, G., Thirty Years after the Fall of the Berlin Wall – Do East and West Germans Still Differ in Their Attitudes to Female Employment and the Division of Housework? European Sociological Review, 37(5), 731–750. (Online first: February 2021). doi: 10.1093/esr/jcab002
2021 Zoch, G., Gender-of-interviewer Effects in Self-reported Gender Ideologies – Evidence Based on Interviewer Change in a Panel Survey. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 33(3), 626–636. (Online first: November 2020). doi: 10.1093/ijpor/edaa017
2020 Zoch, G., Public Childcare Provision and the Employment Participation of East and West German Mothers with Different Educational Backgrounds. Journal of European Social Policy, 30(3), 370–385. (Online first: January 2020). doi: 10.1177/0958928719892843
2019 Schober, P. S. and Zoch, G., Change in the Gender Division of Domestic Work after Mothers or Fathers Took Leave: Exploring Alternative Explanations. European Societies, 21(1), 158–180. (Online first: April 2018). doi: 10.1080/14616696.2018.1465989
2018 Zoch, G. and Schober, P. S., Public Child-Care Expansion and Changing Gender Ideologies of Parents in Germany. Journal of Marriage and Family, 80(4), 1020–1039. (Online first: May 2018). doi: 10.1111/jomf.12486
2017 Zoch, G. and Hondralis, I., The Expansion of Low-Cost, State-Subsidized Childcare Availability and Mothers‘ Return-to-work Behaviour in East and West Germany. European Sociological Review, 33(5), 693–707. (Online first: September 2017). doi: 10.1093/esr/jcx068
Books, Chapters and Reports
2021 Zoch, G., Bächmann, A.-C. and Vicari, B., Gender Differences in Reduced Well-being during the COVID-19 Pandemic – the Role of Working Conditions. IAB Discussion Paper, 4/2021, 1–45.
2021 Ehlert, M., Kleinert, C., Vicari, B. and Zoch, G., Digitales selbstgesteuertes Lernen Erwerbstätiger in der Corona-Krise – Analysen auf Basis der NEPS-Startkohorte 6. LIfBi Working Paper, 94, 1–25. doi: 10.5157/LIfBi:WP94:1.0
2020 Zoch, G., Familie und Beruf. In Kiess, J. (ed), Sachsen in Arbeit. Trends und Analysen der sächsischen Arbeitswelt. Leipzig: edition überland, 103–114.
2020 Zoch, G., Bächmann, A.-C. and Vicari, B., Care-arrangements and parental well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany. LIfBi Working Paper, 91, 1–44. doi: 10.5157/LIfBi:WP91:2.0
2020 Kleinert, C., Bächmann, A.-C. and Zoch, G., Schützt Bildung vor Erwerbsrisiken in der Corona-Krise? Analysen auf Basis der NEPS-Startkohorten 2, 4, 5 und 6. [Does Educational Attainment protect against Employment Risks in the Corona crisis? Analyses based on the NEPS SC 2, 4, 5 and 6.] LIfBi Working Paper, 89, 1–30. doi: 10.5157/NEPS:WP89:1.0
2018 Zoch, G., Expanding Public Childcare Services for Under-threes. An Empirical Investigation of Maternal Employment and Gender Ideologies in East and West Germany. Bamberg: opus.
2017 Schober, P. S. and Zoch, G., Change in the Gender Division of Domestic Work after Mummy or Daddy Took Leave: An Examination of Alternative Explanations. SOEPpapers, 803, 1–39. https://www.diw.de/documents/publikationen/73/diw_01.c.519262.de/diw_sp0803.pdf
Data & reports
2022 Fiedler, D., Lösch T., Heinz, G., Heck, T., Díez Díaz, V., Repke, L., Williams, H., Breuer, J., Zoch, G., Who are Leibniz PostDocs and what is it like to work in a Leibniz Institute? Report of the first Leibniz PostDoc Survey 2020. https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:0168-ssoar-83394-4
2017 Schober, P. S., Spieß, K. C., Stahl, J., Zoch, G. and Camehl, G.F., The Early Childhood Education and Care Quality in the Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP-ECEC Quality) Study – K²ID-SOEP Data. DIW Data Documentation, 91, 1–54.
Public Science
2021 Kleinert, C., Vicari, B, Zoch, G. and Ehlert, M., Wer bildet sich in Pandemiezeiten beruflich weiter? Veränderungen in der Nutzung digitaler Lernangebote während der Corona-Krise [Who continues job-related Training during the Pandemic? Digital Learning during the Crisis.]. NEPS Corona & Bildung, 7, 1–7. doi: 10.5157/NEPS:Bericht:Corona:07:1.0
2021 Zoch, G., 30 Jahre nach dem Mauerfall – Unterscheiden sich Ost- und Westdeutsche noch immer in ihren Rollenbildern? [30 years after the fall of the Wall - Do East and West Germans still differ in their Gender Roles?] LIfBI Forschung Kompakt Bericht, 1, 1–4. doi: 10.5157/LIfBi:Bericht:01:Rollenbilder:1.0
2020 Zoch, G., Bächmann, A.-C. and Vicari, B., Kinderbetreuung in der Corona-Krise: Wer betreut, wenn Schulen und Kitas schließen? Wie der berufliche Alltag von erwerbstätigen Eltern die Kinderbetreuung während des Lockdowns beeinflusst hat. [Who cares when Care closes? Working Parents and Care-Work during the Pandemic.] NEPS Corona & Bildung, 3, 1–9. doi: 10.5157/NEPS:Bericht:Corona:03:1.0
2020 Kleinert, C., Bächmann, A.-C. and Zoch, G., Erwerbsleben in der Corona-Krise: Welche Rolle spielen Bildungsunterschiede? Analysen auf Basis der NEPS-Startkohorten 2, 4, 5 und 6. NEPS Corona & Bildung, 2, 1–6. doi: 10.5157/NEPS:Bericht:Corona:02:1.0
2020 Zoch, G., Familie und Beruf. In Kiess, J. (ed), Arbeit in Sachsen. Trends und Analysen der sächsischen Arbeitswelt. Sonderausgabe für die Sächsische Landeszentrale für politische Bildung. Dresden/Leipzig: Sächsische Landeszentrale für politische Bildung/edition überland, 103–114. Online: https://www.slpb.de/buch/arbeit-in-sachsen
2019 Zoch, G. Frag Leibniz: Wo gehen die Klügsten hin? Forschung oder Wirtschaft? [Where do the smartest People go? Research or Business?] Online: https://frag-leibniz.de/frag_categories/bildung/ [29.02.2020]
2015 Schober, P. S. and Zoch, G. Kürzere Elternzeit von Müttern: gleichmäßigere Aufteilung der Familienarbeit? [Shorter maternal leave: more equal sharing of family work?] DIW Wochenbericht, 50, 1190–1196.
Manuscripts under Review or in Preparation
Zoch, G. und Kapelle, N., Parenthood to Planet care? The Evolution of Environmental and Climate Concerns during Family Formation, SocArXiv. doi: 10.31235/osf.io/n4xwf
Zoch, G. and Wamsler, S., Dynamics of Political Trust in a Prolonged Pandemic: Longitudinal Analysis with Regional Variation, SocArXiv. doi: 10.31235/osf.io/dwpbv
Zoch, G. and Wamsler, S., Educational Disparities in Trust Changes During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Longitudinal Evidence from Germany (2017-22), SocArXiv. doi: 10.31235/osf.io/3wbzv
Haas, C., Kleinert, C. and Zoch, G., Gender Differences in Job-related Training during the Covid-19 Pandemic.
Heyne, S. and Zoch, G., Similar Events – Different re-traditionalization Effects? The Division of Housework among Natives and Migrants.
Huebener, M., Mahlbacher, M., Schmid, S. and Zoch, G., The Pivotal Factors? How Mothers’ Pre-Birth Employment Characteristics Shape Child Development.
Schulz, W. and Zoch, G., Motherhood, Change to Work Activities and Wages: A Job Task Approach using German panel data.
Wamsler, S. and Zoch, G., United in Threat, Divided in Political Trust: Exploring East-West Dynamics during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Germany (2017-2022)
Zoch, G. and Haupt A., Coping with the Winds of Change? Maternal Employment in East Germany.
Zoch, G., Schmid, S. and Bächmann, A.-C., Working Mothers, Growing Children: The Relationship Between Maternal Job Demands and Child Development.