
Prof. Dr. Stefan Debener


Sandra Marienberg (aktuell in Mutterschutz/Elternzeit)
Kontaktieren Sie die Vertretung ab 01.08.2023 unter: sekretariat.psychologie@uol.de


Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
Fakultät VI - Medizin und
Department für Psychologie
Abt. Neuropsychologie
Ammerländer Heerstr. 114-118
26129 Oldenburg

Anreise und Campusplan



October 2018

Stefan will be presenting a new flex-printed electrodes array, the fEEGrid (forehead EEG grid) at the BMBF NeuroCommTrainer collaborative research group meeting in Bielefeld. We are in the process of validating the fEEGrid and expect it to be available to others some time in 2019. Stay tuned for further infromation, or contact Stefan directly. Two more cEEGrid papers were accepted for publication, both validate the usefulness of the cEEgrid for sleep-EEG monitoring. Concurrent cEEGRid and PSG recording were analysed by experts and with automatic slep staging, and strongly suggest that the cEEGrid captures most, if not all the information that is necessary for sleep staging. The papers will be published soon (look out for Sterr et al. in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, and for Mikkelsen et al., Journal of Sleep Research). Full references will be added as soon as they are available. Congratulations to our friends and collaborators in Surrey and Oxford, UK, for working so hard on this project! A new PhD student has joined our lab, Nadine Jacobsen will work on the cortical signature of normal and compromised gait in Parkinson's disease, using mobile EEG and inertial measurement units. Welcome on board Nadine!

September 2018

Our Cluster of Excellence Grant Hearing4All 2.0 was awarded to the University of Oldenburg, Hannover Medical School and Leibniz University Hannover! Hearing4All is a large scale funding initiative that made it possible for us to develop the cEEGrids. For the next seven years hearing research will be supported with 41 million euros! I hope that we will be able to develop a behind-the-ear wireless EEG system, together with our partners in Oldenburg and Hannover. Check the website (Hearing4All: link www.hearing4all.eu) for further information on Hearing for All!

July 2018

Sarah received the BrainProducts MoBI award (3rd prize) at the 3rd International Mobile Brain Body Imaging Conference in Berlin, 11-14 July. This is an annual award recognizing excellence in the field of mobile brain/body imaging research. Congratulations Sarah, well done! Joanna Scanlon received the BrainProducts MoBI award (1st prize) at the 3rd International Mobile Brain Body Imaging Conference in Berlin, 11-14 July. This is an annual award recognizing excellence in the field of mobile brain/body imaging research. Joanna will be joining Stefan's lab in Oldenburg as a PhD student from September. Congratulations Joanna, and welcome in Germany!

June 2018

Martin and Sarah presented our recent progress at the 40th International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBC 18 Hawaii, and received enthusiastic feedback from industry and academia.

February 2018

Our cEEGrid-related research will be presented this year on various national and international workshops and conferences. To name a few:

  • Martin will give a talk at EMBC 2018 in Honolulu, Hawai (embc.embs.org/2018/)
  • Stefan will present at CuttingEEG in Paris, France (CuttingEEG), at the Auditory EEG Signal Processing symposium in Leuven, Belgium (Leuven Symposium), and at the 3rd International MOBI Conference in Berlin, Germany (MOBI Berlin).
  • Sarah and Nadine will attend the 2nd International Neuroergonomics Conference (Neuroergonomics)
  • Maria will attend SPR 2018 in Quebec, Canada (SPR 2018).

January 2018

Sarah has been developing SCALA, an Android online signal processing and classification tool for time-series data and available on Github (Github S4rify). We hope to expand the project soon with an online EEG artifact suppression solution.

December 2017

Funded by the German BMBF and in collaboration with EasyCap, Stefan and Sarah started developing a new flex-printed electrodes array aimed towards long-term EEG acquisition in minimally conscious patients (NeuroCommTrainer). The new grid will be named fEEGrid, as it will run along the forehead mainly, and, unfortunately, will not be available for free.

May 2017

March 2017

Martin and Stefan published a review/opinion paper on the transparent EEG acquisition and the potential of cEEGrid ear-EEG recordings.

December 2016

Martin and Stefan host the first international Lab Streaming Layer Workshop, which will take place at the Hanse Institute for Advanced Studies in Delmenhorst, Germany, on December 19-20, 2016. LSL is a great piece of open software, enabling the time-synchronized collection of different streams of signals.

November 2016

  • The company TMSI will present cEEGrids to the neuroscience community at SFN Neuroscience 2016, November 12-16, San Diego, CA. CE marking of cEEGrids version 3 is under way.
  • Certified cEEGrids will be available from TMSI in January 2017.
  • Stefan will present latest cEEGrid developments at the Annual Hearing4All meeting in Oldenburg, November 3-4, Oldenburg, Germany.

October 2016

Martin's paper on auditory selective attention decoding with cEEGrids has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Neural Engineering.

September 2016

Stefan and Maarten visited the prestigious School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science (SEECS) at NUST in Islamabad, Pakistan, to foster a collaboration in the field of mobile EEG.

(Stand: 20.06.2024)  Kurz-URL:Shortlink: https://uol.de/p84914
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