

Prof. Dr. Jannika Mattes


Dr. Camilla Chlebna

Dr. Meike Löhr

Dr. Sebastian Rohe

Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg 
Institut für Sozialwissenschaften 
26111 Oldenburg



2024: Chlebna, Camilla & Mattes, Jannika: Regional Transition Fields - Exploring institutional dynamics of contestation and entrenchment in an energy transition case in Germany. Energy Research & Social Science. doi.org/10.1016/j.erss.2024.103684

2023: Löhr, Meike, Chlebna, Camilla: Multi-system interactions in hydrogen-based sector coupling projects: System entanglers as key actors. Energy Research and Social Science, Vol. 105, pp.1-15. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.erss.2023.103282

2023: Ohlendorf, Nils, Löhr, Meike, Markard, Jochen: Actors in multi-sector transitions – discourse analysis on hydrogen in Germany. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions. Vol. 47, pp. 1-30. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eist.2023.100692

2023: Sebastian Rohe, Ricarda Schmidt-Scheele & Jannika Mattes: The embeddedness of companies in regional energy transitions, European Planning Studies, DOI: 10.1080/09654313.2023.2179389

2022: Chlebna, Camilla, Martin, Hanna & Mattes, Jannika: Grasping transformative regional development – Exploring intersections between industrial paths and sustainability transitions. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1177/0308518X221137346

2022 Rohe, Sebastian; Chlebna, Camilla: The evolving role of networking organizations in advanced sustainability transitions. In: Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 183, 121916. doi.org/10.1016/j.techfore.2022.121916

2022: Löhr, Meike; Chlebna, Camilla; Mattes, Jannika: From institutional work to transition work: Actors creating, maintaining and disrupting transition processes. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, Vol. 42, 251-267. authors.elsevier.com/c/1eRYN7sbuJDHHj.

2022: Rohe, Sebastian; Mattes, Jannika: What about the regional level? Regional configurations of Technological Innovation Systems. In: Geoforum, 129. doi.org/10.1016/j.geoforum.2022.01.007

2022: Löhr, Meike; Mattes, Jannika: Facing transition phase two: Analysing actor strategies in a stagnating acceleration phase. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Vol. 174. doi.org/10.1016/j.techfore.2021.121221.

2021: Rohe, Sebastian; Chlebna, Camilla: „Wir haben die Vorgaben seit Jahren erfüllt!“ – Regionale Entscheidungsträger und die Windenergie. In: ET. Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen 71 (9), 58-62. Online verfügbar unter: www.researchgate.net/publication/354312765_Wir_haben_die_Vorgaben_seit_Jahren_erfullt_-_Regionale_Entscheidungstrager_und_die_Windenergie

2021: Rohe, Sebastian; Chlebna, Camilla: A spatial perspective on the legitimacy of a technological innovation system: Regional differences in onshore wind energy. In: Energy Policy, 151. doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2021.112193

2020: Chlebna, Camilla; Mattes, Jannika: The fragility of regional energy transitions. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 37, 66–78. doi.org/10.1016/j.eist.2020.07.009.

2020: Rohe, Sebastian: The regional facet of a global innovation system: Exploring the spatiality of resource formation in the value chain for onshore wind energy. In: Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 36, 331-344. doi.org/10.1016/j.eist.2020.02.002

Bücher und Buchbeiträge

2020: Rohe, Sebastian; Löhr, Meike: Erneuerbare Energieversorgung durch Windenergie: Entwicklung und Herausforderungen der Energietransition im Oldenburger Land. In: Panschar, Meike; Slopinski, Andreas; Berding, Florian; Rebmann, Karin (Hrsg.), Zukunftsmodell: Nachhaltiges Wirtschaften (S. 109-132). Bielefeld: wbv Media. doi.org/10.3278/6004769w


2024: Chlebna, Camilla & Mattes, Jannika: Regional Transition Fields – How adaptation and delimitation shape regional transition processes. GEIST Working Paper No. 2024(01) https://www.geist-wp.com/papers/geist_wp_2401.pdf

2021: Rohe, Sebastian; Mattes, Jannika: What about the regional level? Regional configurations of Technological Innovation Systems. In: PEGIS - Papers in Economic Geography and Innovation Studies, No. 2021/01.

2021: Chlebna, Camilla; Martin, Hanna; Mattes, Jannika: Grasping transformative regional development from a co-evolutionary perspective - a research agenda. GEIST Working Paper Series, Article 5. geist-wp.com/grasping-transformative-regional-development-from-a-co-evolutionary-perspective-a-research-agenda/

2021: Rohe, Sebastian; Chlebna, Camilla: The evolving role of networking organizations in advanced sustainability transitions. GEIST Working Paper Series, Article 4. geist-wp.com/the-evolving-role-of-networking-organizations-in-advanced-sustainability-transitions/

2020: Löhr, Meike; Mattes, Jannika: Facing transition phase two: Analysing actor strategies in a stagnating acceleration phase. CIRCLE - Working Paper Series, No 2020/12. swopec.hhs.se/lucirc/abs/lucirc2020_012.htm.

2020: Löhr, Meike; Chlebna, Camilla; Mattes, Jannika: Transition work: Analysing transition processes as interplay of actors, institutions and technologies - evidence from the German wind sector. Konferenzbeitrag. IST.

2019: Chlebna, Camila; Mattes, Jannika:  When the novelty fades – Socio-technical, spatial and temporal dimensions of regional energy transitions. CIRCLE - Working Paper Series, No. 2019/6, swopec.hhs.se/lucirc/abs/lucirc2019_006.htm.



2021: Rohe, Sebastian: Zooming in on a multi-scalar innovation system: The role and relevance of regions in the onshore wind energy sector in Germany. Dissertation. Online verfügbar: doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.17381.32489/1



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