Dilshod Rahmatov


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Oliver Theel

Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
Fakultät II  Department für Informatik
Abteilung Systemsoftware und verteilte Systeme
D-26111 Oldenburg

+49 441 798-2364

+49 441 798-2756



Meike Burke

Regina Knippenberg

+49 (0) 441 - 798 2855

+49 (0) 441 - 798 2756

A04 2-226

Dilshod Rahmatov


Postadresse: Carl v. Ossietzky Universität
Fakultät II, Department für Informatik
Oldenburg, Niedersachsen 26111
Telefon: +49 441 798 2365 (Uni)
Fax: +49 441 798 2756 (Uni)
Email: dilshod.rahmatov@informatik.uni-oldenburg.de  
Room: A4-2-224 (A4-2-225A)


Supervisor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Oliver Theel
Title: Design and Analysis of Highly Available Region-Adherent Distributed Algorithms in Faulty Environments
Research Interests: Operations Systems, Fault Tolerance, Graceful Degradation, Distributed Systems


Funding: Erasmus Mundus Target II, DFG-GK SCARE
Project: System Correctness Under Adverse Conditions (SCARE)


[1]. J. S. Becker, D. Rahmatov, and O. Theel, "Brief Announcement: Region-Adherent Algorithms - Bounding the Impact of Faults in Space," in Proc. of the 16th Intern. Symp. on Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed Systems (SSS '14), LNCS Vol. 8756, Paderborn, Germany, Sep. 2014, pp. ICU.

[2]. J. S. Becker, D. Rahmatov, and O. Theel, "Dependable Systems through Region-Adherent Distributed Algorithms," in Proc. of the IEEE Intern. Conf. in Central Asia on the Internet (ICI '13). Tashkent, Uzbekistan, Oct. 2013.

[3]. J. S. Becker, D. Rahmatov, and O. Theel, "Region-Adherent Algorithms: Restricting the Impact of Faults on Service Quality," in Proc. of the 20th IEEE Pacific Rim Intern. Symp. on Dependable Comp. (PRDC'14), Singapore, Nov. 2014, pp. 203-212.

[4]. D. Rahmatov and O. Theel, "Towards a Design Theory of Region-Adherent Algorithms," in Proc. 23d Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Processing, Work-in-Progress (PDP 2015), Finland, March 2015.

[5]. D. Rahmatov "Region-Adherent Distributed Algorithms in Faulty Environments," The Masters' and Doctoral Symposium of the Information Technologies in Environmental Engineering Conference (ITEE 2015), Port Elizabeth, South Africa, July 2015.

[6]. D. Rahmatov, J.S. Becker, and O. Theel, "A Transformational Approach for the Hardening of Region-Adherent Algorithms," In Proc. 21st IEEE Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing (PRDC 2015), IEEE, Zhangjiajie, China, 2015.
[7]. Dilshod Rahmatov, "Problems of security of information systems"(in russian), International Conference on «Actual problems of applied mathematics and information technologies - Al-Kharizmi-2009» - Tashkent, 2009. - p.203-207
[8]. Dilshod Rahmatov "Modern technology to detect and prevent attacks" International Conference "The problems of information and communication technologies and training" - Tashkent, TUIT, 2009. - p.140-144
[9]. Sodiq S. Qosimov, Dilshod Rahmatov, "A comparison mechanism of security to authentifications and identifications on operating systems Linux and Solaris" International Conference "The problems of information and communication technologies and training" - Tashkent, TUIT, 2009. p.110-114
[10]. Sodiq S. Qosimov, Dilshod Rahmatov, "Algorithms for isolation of logical and physical sites from malicious programs" 4th IEEE International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technologies AICT-2010, Tashkent, TUIT, 2010. - p. 289-291
[11]. Sodiq S. Qosimov, Dilshod Rahmatov, David Madusmanov "Technology to block malicious behavior of the softwares", 4th IEEE International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technologies AICT-2010 - Tashkent, TUIT, 2010. - p. 349-352


[1] Uz-Booyo 1.0 operatsion tizimi (Operation system UzBooyo1.0), № DGU 01547, 19.06.2008
[2] UzMOT 1.0 - Uzbek Milliy Operatsion Tizimi (Uzbek National Operation System) № DGU 01899, 04.03.2010


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