Tim Claudius Stratmann

Tim Claudius Stratmann


I am a PhD student in the PhD program "Safe Automation of Maritime Systems - SAMS" (sams.uni-oldenburg.de).

My research focus lies on developing multimodal user interfaces for ship bridges to enhance the situational awareness in dangerous or alarm situations. I try to achieve this by controlling the users attention through multimodal interfaces to create an attention shift.


University of Oldenburg

Department of Computing Science
Media Informatics and Multimedia Systems
Escherweg 2
26121 Oldenburg

Mail: tim.claudius.stratmann(at)uni-oldenburg.de
Phone: +49 (0) 441 - 97 22 431
Fax:+49 (0) 441 - 97 22 102 
Room: OFFIS E 104

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