Volume 9
ASF-Series - Volume 9
Jane E. Brindley, Christine Walti & Olaf Zawacki-Richter (Eds.)
Learner Support in Open, Distance and Online Learning Environments.
(+ DVD-Video).
In this volume, active practitioners and leading authors discuss their ideas, research, and approaches in order to provide both those new to the field and experienced distance educators with a broad view of learner support concepts, practices, and opportunities in open, distance, and online learning today. The book has four major sections: (I) visions and retrospectives: broad views of the history and future of learner support; (II) strategies for success: an examination of practice in a variety of contexts; (III) planning and management: issues and evolving practice; and (IV) keynote addresses: voices from leaders on vision, values, management, and research. The DVD which accompanies this book features the original recordings of all keynote speeches given at the 3rd EDEN Research Workshop.
Oldenburg: BIS-Verlag der Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg (2004)
ISBN 3-8142-0923-0 / € 38,00 / $ 45.00
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