Civil Wilderness (2021)

Das Institut für Kunst und visuelle Kultur bildet den Ausgangspunkt für ein künstlerisches Partizipationsprojekt von Helene von Oldenburg und Claudia Reiche. Bild-, Text-, Audio und Videobeiträge in deutscher und englischer Sprache sind willkommen!

Civil Wilderness (2021)

Künstlerisches Partizipationsprojekt Civil Wilderness #23

Helene von Oldenburg, Claudia Reiche

— Invitation to a participatory art project —

The project CIVIL WILDERNESS does [not] define wilderness in terms of civilization. CIVIL

WILDERNESS declares areas as ‘wild’: under certain conditions.

condition # 23 —"Hier gelten keine Verbote." ("No prohibitions apply here.")

duration — 02/20/2021 –

location — 53° 8! 48.743" N , 8° 10! 52.741" E

Civil Wilderness #23 has been placed for the time being in a garden "Prinzenpark", surrounded by teaching and working facilities of the “Institut für Kunst und visuelle Kultur”, Carl-von-Ossietzky-Universität Oldenburg, Germany.

context — This Civil Wilderness refers as much to a defined geo-location as it is dedicated to concepts, loosely linked with the “Institut für Kunst und visuelle Kultur”, by means of an example and within a network of cooperations. This Civil Wilderness #23 has been conceived on the occasion of “QUE(E)RULIERT! Praktiken des Störens in Kunst / Medien / Wissenschaft”, online conference July 2-3, 2021, curated by Oliver Klaassen and Lena Radtke from the aforementioned institute: “Die Tagung lädt dazu ein, das Que(e)rulieren als künstlerische sowie kunst- und medienwissenschaftliche Praxis und (Forschungs-)Haltung positiv um- und neuzubesetzen.” / “The conference invites to positively reassign and recast que(e)rulation as an artistic as well as art- and media-studies practice and (research-)attitude.”

subject — The reputed past of the institute as a hotspot of Geschlechterforschung –

gender and queer studies and art – its potential future too, is subject of this Civil

Wilderness. What happens under current and upcoming changes of political ‘climate’,

turning against so called ‘genderism’ today? Is it possible to document changes with onsite

observations, oral history, statistics or else

participation — Please send your comments, observations, memorabilia and wild

guesses, texts, images, video and audio files etc. to for

publication here, with or without adding your name.

Beiträge in deutscher Sprache sind ebenso willkommen wie in englischer.


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