

Prof. Dr. Monika Ortmann

Fachrichtung: Pädagogik bei körperlichen und motorischen Beeinträchtigungen Raum: A01 1-105
Telefon: 0441/798-3742
Fax: 0441/798-2012
Sprechstunde: MIttwoch 15.00 - 16.00 Uhr
E-Mail: monika.ortmann@uol.de

Curriculum Vitae

Teacher Exam 1984
University degreee: Special Education and Rehabilitation


Nomination as school inspector 1993
Nomination as Professor at a college of higher education for Curative Education 1995
Nomination as University Professor for Special Education and Rehabilitation, Departement: Physical disability

practical work

1967 - 1972
Work as a kindergarden teacher in different areas. Pre-school ecucation for children between 3-6, Managment. 1975 - 1976
Teacher at a school for pupils with learning disabilities 1976 - 1978
Teacher in Training for regular school 1978 - 1981
Teacher at a school for pupils with learning disabilities 1981 - 1982
Teacher at a school for pupils with physical disabilities 1984 - 1985
Teacher at a school for pupils with physical disabilities 1985 - 1990
Research co-worker in the department of physical disability at the Humbolt University of Berlin 1990 - 1991
Teacher for Integration at primary school 1991 - 1993
Work as a school inspector for primary and special education schools, Advisor for HIV-Infections and AIDS at schools Management of vocational trainings Lehrerfortbildungsbeauftragte 1993 - 1995
Professor at a college of higher education for social work and social pedagogy as a representative for curative education. 1995 until now
University Professor in the institute of special education and rehabilitation, department physical disability

Presentations and Lectures

  • Integrative Work in elementary schools
  • Development of Curriculae for Kindergardenteachers and their apprenticeship
  • Teacher in the area of vocational training for kindergarden teachers
  • Adult education at the adult education centre
  • Parent- and Teacher counseling
  • Promotion of communication of children and youth with complex disabilities
  • Integration at primary school
  • Kooperation of Teachers in primary school and special education teachers in integrative schooling
  • children and youth with progressive illnesses at different schools
  • Educating teachers under consideration of qualifications for integrative work at regular schools
  • Ethnomethodological Researchcentre Iraq: People with physical disabilities and trauma

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