

Heidenreich, Martin

A6 4-403



Zemke, Kerstin

Heyen, Isolde

A6 4-401


Institut für Sozialwissenschaften
Fakultät I
Ammerländer Heerstr. 114-118 
Universität Oldenburg 
D-26111 Oldenburg


Territorial and Social Inequalities in Europe

Challenges of European Integration

Heidenreich, Martin (Hg.) (2022)

​This book examines social inequalities in Europe, especially those caused by economic factors. It starts with the paradox of European inequality, where on the one hand, even total income inequality in Europe is significantly lower than in most parts of the world; but on the other, Europe is also characterised by profound and durable inequalities within the continent. It discusses inequalities caused by the exclusion of marginalised groups from the labour market, with considerable and sometimes increasing differences between central and peripheral regions, pronounced wealth and labour market inequalities, and significant rates of persistent poverty, deprivation, educational poverty, low wages and unemployment. The book also discusses broader territorial inequalities, which are the basis for divisions between Northern and Southern Europe, East and West, between qualified and unqualified employees, younger and older people, men and women, and migrants and non-migrants. The book raises questions about the winners and losers of the social transformations linked to the introduction of the Euro, the Eastern enlargement of the EU, and the financial and Eurozone crises. It is based on a comprehensive analysis of a European-wide microdata set on income and living conditions (EU-SILC). The empirical research material, which is the first to deploy this data in a comprehensive manner, consists of detailed empirical analyses of social divisions and Europeanisation processes in 30 European countries. It analyses and explains the transformation of the previously dominant national spaces into a European social space.

This topical book is of interest to academics and students in the fields of sociology and comparative social sciences, along with those studying European regional geography, anthropology, international relations, and international politics.

Heidenreich, Martin (Hg.) (2022)

Soziale Ungleichheiten sind eine zentrale Herausforderung für die europäische Integration. Die zahlreichen räumlichen und sozialen Spaltungslinien in Europa gefährden nicht nur den nationalen, sondern auch den europäischen Zusammenhalt. Die Ursachen für Benachteiligungen, Armut und Ausgrenzung werden von den Bürgern auch auf europäischer Ebene verortet. Auf Grundlage aktueller Daten über das Leben und Arbeiten in Europa werden in dem Buch die nationalen und transnationalen Muster sozialer Ungleichheiten analysiert und damit ein besseres Verständnis der Europäisierung gesellschaftlicher Konflikte ermöglicht.  

Heidenreich, Martin (Hg.) (2019)

European integration has transformed the social life of European citizens. Daily life and work no longer take place primarily in a local and national context, but increasingly in a European and transnational frame – a process of ‘Horizontal Europeanisation’ which, while increasing the life chances of European citizens, also brings about conflicts among them. This book focuses on processes of Europeanisation in the academic, bureaucratic, professional and associational field, as well as on the Europeanisation of solidarity, networks and social inequalities. Drawing on detailed empirical studies and attending to the reinforcement of centre-periphery structures in Europe, it analyses the dynamics of horizontal Europeanisation processes, highlighting the crucial role of national practices and perceptions in a transnational context, as well as the related conflicts between the winners and losers in this process. As such, it will appeal to scholars of sociology and political science with interests in European integration, social change and social stratification.

Marie-Luise Assmann (2019)

Edited by Bjørn Hvinden, Professor, Christer Hyggen, Senior Researcher, Mi Ah Schoyen, Senior Researcher, Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway and Tomáš Sirovátka, Professor, Institute for Public Policy and Social Work, Masaryk University, Czech Republic

Providing original insights into the factors causing early job insecurity in European countries, this book examines its short- and long-term consequences. It assesses public policies seeking to diminish the risks to young people facing prolonged job insecurity and reduce the severity of these impacts. Based on the findings of a major study across nine European countries, this book examines the diverse strategies that countries across the continent use to help young people overcome employment barriers.

Appropriations of the German Minimum Income Scheme and Life Planning

Norbert Petzold (2019)

Against the background of a high incidence of long-term benefit receipt and an increasing focus of interventions on the individual beneficiary, this study shows how individualised policies within the German minimum income scheme serve long-term beneficiaries as a way out of benefit receipt. By applying a qualitative research design, the link between individual appropriations of policies and individual life planning is reconstructed in the form of an empirically grounded typology. The analysis shows that individualised policies are ridden with prerequisites. Beneficiaries, that are not able to expertly appropriate them and to plan in the long-term, face unintended consequences like a limitation of life planning, a separation from the scheme or an establishment within entitlement.

(Stand: 20.06.2024)  Kurz-URL:Shortlink: https://uol.de/p32177
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