

  • Pérez López de Castro, R.; Pérez Armayor, Dania; Marx Gómez, J.; Sáez Mosquera, I.; Díaz Batista, J. A.:

    Semantic Supported Modeling and Orchestration of Logistic Integrated Processes, with focus on Supply Chain: Framework Design. In: Proceedings of the ICT Innovations Conference 2009 (ICT2009), Ohrid / Macedonia, Springer, 2009.

  • Ortega González, Y.; Izquierdo Roda, E.; Stuart Cárdenas, M. L.; García Fenton, V.; Escandón Bon, R.; Padrón Astorga, S.; et al.:

    The Industrial Engineering in the software production. ISBN: 959-07-0288-4.

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