

Within the scope of DEMIS, 4  PhD students will be joining our faculty team until the middle of November.

Hortência Joana Macombo Massinga
From Mozambique - Maputo
Universidade Pedagógica

Her Master research (EMIS) was about Intelligent Decision Support System: Case Study Ministry of Land, Environment and Rural Development. In this research she:

  • Described how decision are made in the Ministry according to the core business and the Government Strategy following the priorities of a Five Years Program.            
  • Try to solve the actual problems encountered by suggesting a prototype interactive system where the information must be visualized using Power Business Intelligence and Qlik View platform

For the DEMIS project she would like to go further with this topic in order to bring the decision support system at a Government level, where the Information Technology is aligned with all the strategic process. She would also like to integrate the Information Technology Governance Framework to strengthen the corporate decision.

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