Leica DMi8 Inverted Widefield Microscope for Calcium Imaging


Scientific director

Prof. Dr. Anja Bräuer



Dr. rer. nat. Nicola Brandt

Tel. +49 441 798 3797

Leica DMi8 Inverted Widefield Microscope for Calcium Imaging

Leica DMi8 Inverted Widefield Microscope with Calcium Indicator Fura2

This inverted widefield microscope allows live cell imaging and also is suitable for calcium imaging.

Leica DMi8


HC PL FLUOTAR L 20x/0.40 Dry (LMD; PH1), HC PL FLUOTAR L 40x/0.60 Dry, HC PL FLUOTAR 40x/1.30 Oil (Fura), HC PL APO 63x/1.40 Oil, HC FLUOTAR 100x/1.30 Oil (Fura), HC PL FLUOTAR 20x/0.80 Oil (Fura)

Filters and light sources:

DSRED: Excitation: 546/11, DC:560, Emission: 605/75. GFP: Excitation: 470/40, DC: 495, Emission: 525/50. FURA2 Set: Excitation: 340/26, 380/11, DC: 400, Emission: 510, 80

sample loading

(Stand: 20.06.2024)  | 
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