IncuCyte S3 – Live-Cell Imaging and Analysis


Scientific director

Prof. Dr. Anja Bräuer


Dr. rer. nat. Nicola Brandt

Tel. +49 441 798 3797

IncuCyte S3 – Live-Cell Imaging and Analysis

IncuCyte S3 – Live-Cell Imaging and Analysis around-the-clock

If you work with live cells, you can use the IncuCyte microscope/incubator system. It allows study of cells migration and viability, toxicity effects in real time.

The image analysis software provided by IncuCyte is also available for the users.


Objectives: 4x, 10x, 20x, air

Excitation/emission: 440-480nm/504-544nm (Green) and 565-605nm/625-705nm (Red).

Temperature regime: 0-42C.

IncuCyte S3

IncuSyte S3 website

Levent Gütay (Stand: 20.06.2024)  |  Kurz-URL:Shortlink:
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