Analysis and Implementation of Ontology-based Web Services Classification

Analysis and Implementation of Ontology-based Web Services Classification

Diploma/Master thesis


Analysis and Implementation of Ontology-based Web Services Classification
In Semantic Enterprise Service Oriented Architecture (SE-SOA)


Nowadays, it becomes more and more critical for the vendors in the business-related markets to tailor their products and software to the Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) since their market share has been enormously raised and the issues related to Business-to-Business (B2B) environment become important challenges to be considered in such area.

Talking about integration within B2B markets, Web Services seem to be one of the powerful techniques to solve the integration problems. Enterprises’ Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) solutions are the killing applications to be utilized in the SME market. Semantic-enabled Enterprise Service Oriented Architecture (SE-SOA) is one of these solutions. Initial design of a Web Service ontology called “assemblage ontology” has been done, and the focus in this work will be to complete this ontology design and to realize it. This ontology will be placed in a specific component called “semantic Web-Service-based system” in SE-SOA reference model. Web Services supplied by multiple service providers are to be registered as members in this ontology based on the area of interest and a registration scenario has to be designed and implemented (also an initial design has already done).

Later step in this work is to place this work in the SE-SAO core implementation that has been done using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010. There is a unit test in SE-SOA core implementation and the developing efforts in this work have to meet the rules of this unit test. Formal specifications in relation with SE-SOA’s components are required

Good practice in visual studio 2010 (C#) is required. Also XML and RDF Web Services representations are essential. Brief knowledge in ontology formalisms and engineering is making a good starting point.


Prof. Dr. Jorge Marx Gómez
Dipl.-Inf. Tariq Mahmoud

(Stand: 20.06.2024)  |  Kurz-URL:Shortlink:
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