Shalom, Nitsan

Mitarbeiter/in Altes Testament


  • B.A.: 2010–2013 – Tel Aviv University, Department of Archaeology and Ancient Near Eastern Cultures and Department of Hebrew Culture (summa cum laude)
  • M.A.: 2013–2017 – Tel Aviv University, Department of Archaeology and Ancient Near Eastern Cultures (summa cum laude) Dissertation title: Changes in the Settlement Pattern in Judah between the Persian and Early Hellenistic Periods Name of supervisor: Prof. Oded Lipschits
  • Ph.D.: 2018–2024 – Tel Aviv University, School of Jewish Studies and Archaeology (submitted, March 2024) Dissertation title: The Babylonian Conquest of Jerusalem: Macro-Archaeological, Micro- Archaeological and Textual Analysis Name of supervisors: Prof. Elisabetta Boaretto (Weizmann Institute of Science), Prof. Yuval Gadot and Prof. Oded Lipschits


  • 2015–2024 Teaching assistant, Tel Aviv University, Department of Archaeology and Ancient Near Eastern Cultures
  • 2017–2019  Teaching the classes “Academic Workshop” and “Research Workshop,” Ancient Israel International MA Program, the Institute of Archaeology, Tel Aviv University (teaching in English)


  • 2013–2019 Writing and editing the publications of the Ramat Rahel Renewed Excavations project (Directed by Oded Lipschits, Yuval Gadot and Manfred Oeming)
  • 2015–2022 Area supervisor, the Lautenschläger Tel Azekah Expedition (Directed by Oded Lipschits, Yuval Gadot, Manfred Oeming and Sabine Kleiman)
  • 2017–2020 Field director, Giv'ati Parking Lot Excavations, Jerusalem (Directed by Yuval Gadot and Yiftah Shalev)
  • Since 2021 Ceramic analysis, Area U Excavations, Jerusalem (Directed by Ortal Chalaf and Joe Uziel)
  • Since 2023 Scientific coordinator, the Tel Moza Expedition (Directed by Oded Lipschits and Shua Kisilevitz)


  • 2015–2019 Assistant editor at the Institute of Archaeology of Tel Aviv University publications
  • 2015–2022 In charge of the academic program in the Lautenschläger Tel Azekah Archaeological Expedition, including teaching the course “Introduction to Field Archaeology” (teaching in English)
  • 2017 Guest scholar, Department of History and Archaeology, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia


 Organizer of Scientific Meetings


  • 2021 Annual Aharoni Symposium: The Forces that Shaped Jerusalem: Earth, Faith and People, Tel Aviv University (co-organized by Yuval Gadot and Helena Roth)
  • 2023 Applied Sciences and Technology in Archaeology: International Scope, Tel Aviv University and Anáhuac University, Mexico City (online conference; coorganized by Andrea Garza, Gerardo Diaz and Rosaura Sanz Rincón)
  • 2024 Applied Sciences and Technology in Archaeology: GIS in Heritage Management, Tel Aviv University and Anáhuac University, Mexico City (online conference; co-organized by Andrea Garza, Gerardo Diaz and Rosaura Sanz Rincón)


Active Participation in Scientific Meetings

  • 1. Changes in Settlement Patterns in Judah between the Persian and Hellenistic Periods. American Schools for Oriental Research (ASOR) Annual Meeting, November 2016, Atlanta, USA.
  • 2. Invited Lecture, Changes in Settlement Patterns in Judah between the Persian and Hellenistic Periods. Ancient History Department Seminar, April 2017, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia.
  • 3. Invited Lecture, Changes in Settlement Patterns in Judah between the Persian and Hellenistic Periods. The Transition from the Achaemenid to the Hellenistic Period in the Levant, Cyprus and Cilicia: Cultural Interruption vs Cultural Continuity? October 2017, Philipps-Universität Marburg, Marburg, Germany.
  • 4. Changes in Settlement Patterns in Judah in the Transition from the Persian to the Hellenistic Periods. Transcending Time, Young Scholars of Archaeology Conference, November 2017, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel.
  • 5. Invited Lecture, How to Destroy a City? New Archaeological Evidence of the Babylonian Campaign to Jerusalem. Cities, Villages and Regions in the Biblical Period: Biblical Description versus Archaeological Finds, June 2019, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic.
  • 6. Invited Lecture, How to Destroy a City? New Archaeological Evidence of the Babylonian Campaign to Jerusalem. Jerusalem in Archaeological, Historical and Theological Perspectives, June 2019, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany.
  • 7. How to Destroy a City? New Archaeological Evidence of the Babylonian Campaign to Jerusalem. New Studies in the Archaeology of Jerusalem and Its Environs, October 2019, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel.
  • 8. Invited Lecture, A Unique Plaster Floor and the Destruction of Building 100. Jerusalem Researchers Seminar, January 2020, Israel Antiquities Authority, Jerusalem, Israel.
  • 9. Invited Lecture, How to Destroy a City? New Archaeological Evidence for the Babylonian Campaign to Jerusalem. Public lecture at the Tel Aviv University Archaeology Zoom Lecture Series, May 2021, Tel Aviv University, online lecture.
  • 10. New Archaeological Evidence of the Babylonian Conquest of Jerusalem. American Society of Overseas Research (ASOR) Annual Meeting, November 2021, online conference.
  • 11. Invited Lecture, How to Destroy a City. Public lecture for the English Speaking Residents Association, December 2021, online lecture.
  • 12. The Contribution of Micro-Archaeological Research to the Study of Destruction Processes in a Late Iron Age Public Building in Jerusalem. 47th Annual Archaeological Congress, April 2022, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel.
  • 13. The Contribution of Micro-Archaeological Research to the Study of Destruction Processes in a Late Iron Age Public Building in Jerusalem. European Association of Archaeologists Annual Meeting, August 2022, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary.
  • 14. Invited Lecture, Destruction Processes in a Public Building from the End of the Iron Age in Jerusalem. BeMa'abe Hahar: West Benjamin Conference, October 2022, Hashmonaim, Israel.
  • 15. Invited Lecture, Reevaluating the Babylonian Destruction of Jerusalem Using Micro- Archaeological Analysis of Ruined Structures. Anglo-Israel Archaeological Society and King's College Workshop: Judah Under the Rule of Assyrian and Babylonian Empires, March 2023, King's College, London, UK.


  • 2011 Rector's Award for outstanding B.A. students, Tel Aviv University.
  • 2012–2013 Two Dean's Awards for outstanding B.A. students, Tel Aviv University.
  • 2012–2014 Three awards for outstanding B.A. students, Tel Aviv University,Archaeology and Ancient Near Eastern Cultures Department.
  • 2013–2016 Student in the Adi Lautman Program for Outstanding Students.
  • 2015 The Inbar Attiya Fund Award for Outstanding Students.
  • 2018–2020 The Rector's scholarship for outstanding Ph.D. candidates.
  • 2020–2023 The Nathan Rotenstreich Scholarship (Council for Higher Education, Israel) for outstanding Ph.D. candidates.
  • 2021 The Center for Research on Ancient Jerusalem Research Grant.
  • 2021 Scholarship for participation in field research, the Institute of Archaeology, Tel Aviv University.
  • 2023 The Institute of Archaeology scholarship for a published paper in a peerreviewed journal.


Articles in Peer-Reviewed Scientific Journals


  • 1. Lipschits, O.*, Shalom, N., Shatil, N. and Gadot, Y. 2014. Judah in the "Long Third Century"―An Archaeological Perspective. New Studies in the Archaeology of Jerusalem and Its Region 8: 134‒152 (Hebrew).
  • 2. Mendel-Geberovich, A.*, Shalev, Y., Bocher, E., Shalom, N. and Gadot, Y. 2019. A Newly Discovered Personal Seal and a Bulla from the Excavations of the Giv‛ati Parking Lot, Jerusalem. Israel Exploration Journal 69: 154–174.Nitsan Shalom April 20245
  • 3. Shalom, N.*, Shalev, Y., Uziel, J., Chalaf, O., Boaretto, E. and Gadot, Y. 2019. How to Destroy a City? New Evidence for the Babylonian Campaign to Jerusalem. New Studies in the Archaeology of Jerusalem and Its Region 13: 229–248 (Hebrew).
  • 4. Shalev, Y.*, Shalom, N., Bocher, E. and Gadot, Y. 2020. New Evidence on the Location and Nature of Iron Age, Persian and Early Hellenistic Period Jerusalem. Tel Aviv 47: 149–172.
  • 5. Shalev, Y.*, Avisar, R., Freud, L., Koch, I., Bocher, E., Shalom, N. and Gadot, Y. 2022. “And He Had Prepared for Him a Great Chamber” (Nehemiah 13: 5): Examining Jerusalem’s Elite in the Terminal Phases of the Iron Age through Building 100 in the Giv’ati Parking Lot Excavations. New Studies in the Archaeology of Jerusalem and Its Region 15: 89–106 (Hebrew).
  • 6. Shalev, Y.*, Gadot, Y., Bocher, E., Bejerano, O., Gellman, D., Sindel, M., Zalut Har-Tov, R., Machline, H., Roth, H. and Shalom, N. 2022. The Giv’ati Parking Lot Excavations: Four Years of the Renewed Excavations (2017–2020). Qadmoniot 164: 24–35.
  • 7. Shalom, N.* 2023. The Babylonian Destruction of Jerusalem as a symbol? New Archaeological
  • Evidence of the Babylonian Conquest. Hebrew Bible and Ancient Israel 12: 85–107.
  • 8. Shalom, N.* and Gadot, Y. 2023. Editorial Introduction: Jerusalem in Transition ― Decisive Moments in the Creation of Jerusalem in Reality and as a Myth. Hebrew Bible and Ancient Israel 12: 1–5.
  • 9. Shalom, N.*, Vaknin, Y., Shaar, R., Ben-Yosef, E., Lipschits, O., Shalev, Y., Gadot, Y. and Boaretto, E. 2023. Destruction by Fire: Reconstructing the Evidence of the 586 BCE Babylonian Destruction in a Monumental Building in Jerusalem. Journal of Archaeological Science 157.
  • 10. Regev, J., Gadot, Y., Uziel, J., Chalaf, O., Shalev, Y., Roth, H., Shalom, N., Bocher, E., Szanton, N., Pearson, C., Brown, D.M., Mintz, E., Regev, L. and Boaretto, E.* Accepted. Radiocarbon Chronology of Iron Age Jerusalem: Combining Narratives and Destructions with Unexpected Excursions from the Calibration Curve. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Articles in Journals Without Peer-Review Process

  • 1. Lipschits, O.*, Freud, L., Shalom, N. and Wrathall, A. 2021. Tel Azekah – 2019: Preliminary Report. Khadashot Arkheologiyot 133.
  • 2. Shalom, N.*, Gadot, Y., Bocher, E., Machline, H. and Shalev, Y. 2021. Giv’ati Parking Lot 2017‒2018: Preliminary Report. Khadashot Arkheologiyot 133.
  • 3. Shalom, N.* 2023. Destruction as Symbol: View on the Babylonian Destruction in 586 BCE from the Elite Chamber Uncovered in the Givati Parking Lot Excavations in Jerusalem. City of David Studies of Ancient Jerusalem 18: 17–31.Nitsan Shalom April 2024 6
  • 4. Shalev, Y.*, Bocher, E., Shalom, N., Sindel, M., Gellman, D. and Gadot, Y. In press. Giv’ati Parking Lot 2019‒2020: Preliminary Report. Khadashot Arkheologiyot.

Articles Published in Books

  • 1. Shalom, N.* and Lipschits, O. 2020. Judah during the Transition between the Persian and Early Hellenistic Periods: Regional Processes. In: Held, W. and Kotitsa, Z., eds. The Transition from the Achaemenid to the Hellenistic Period in the Levant, Cyprus and Cilicia: Cultural Interruption vs Cultural Continuity? Proceedings of the Symposion in Marburg 12-15 October 2017 (Marburger Beiträge zur Archäologie 6). Marburg: Eigenverlag des Archäologischen Seminars der Philipps-Universität. Pp. 7–26.
  • 2. Shalev, Y.*, Bocher, E., Roth, H., Sandhaus, D., Shalom, N. and Gadot, Y. 2021. Jerusalem in the Early Hellenistic Period: New Evidence for Its Nature and Location. In: Berlin, A.M. and Kosmin, P.J., eds. The Middle Maccabees: Archaeology, History and the Rise of the Hasmonean Kingdom. Atlanta: SBL Press. Pp. 17–36.
  • 3. Shalom, N.*, Lipschits, O., Shatil, N. and Gadot, Y. 2021. Judah in the Early Hellenistic Period: An Archaeological Perspective. In: Honigman, S., Nihan, C. and Lipschits, O., eds. Times of Transition: Judea in the Early Hellenistic Period. University Park, Pennsylvania and Tel Aviv: Eisenbrauns and Emery and Claire Yass Publications in Archaeology, The Institute of Archaeology, Tel Aviv University. Pp. 63–79.
  • 4. Gadot, Y.*, Bocher, E., Shalom, N. and Shalev, Y. 2023. The Stamped Jar Handles from Area 10 at Giv’ati Parking Lot Excavations: Evidence for 700 Years of Continuous Habitation and Administration. In: Soennecken, K., Leiverkus, P., Zimni, J. and Schmidt, K., eds. Through the Ages: Essays in Honour of Dieter Vieweger. Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus. Pp. 361–378.
  • 5. Shalom, N.* 2023. Sensible Havoc? The Neo-Babylonian Campaigns to the Southern Levant and Ideological Aspects of Destruction. In: Koch, I. and Sergi, O., eds. Studies in the History and Archaeology of Ancient Israel and Judah. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck. Pp. 167–186.


  • 1. Shalom, N.* and Gross, B. 2020. Area C1: Stratigraphy and Architecture. In: Lipschits, O., Oeming, M. and Gadot, Y. Ramat Rahel IV: The Renewed Excavations by the Tel Aviv-Heidelberg Expedition (2005–2010). University Park, Pennsylvania: Eisenbrauns. Pp. 104–157.
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