Hidaka, Kishiya
Hidaka, Kishiya
Mitarbeiter Altes Testament
2017-2020 | Tokyo Union Theological Seminary, M.Div. in Theology Department of Theology Tokyo, Japan Master Thesis Title: “The Composition of Hexateuch and the Literary Activities of the Remnants in the Land” Excellent Grades |
2013-2017 | International Christian University, B.A. in Philosophy and Religious Studies Department of Arts Science Tokyo, Japan Thesis Title: “The Suspension of Prophetic Duty in the Book of Jeremiah and Ezekiel: The Theological Concept of Gola-Oriented Redaction” |
Working Experiences
2020 | Licensed Preaching Minister of the United Church of Christ in Japan |
“The Composition of Hexateuch and the “‘Am Ha-Aretz” Redaction,” (Japanese), Seishogakuronnju (Journal of Biblical Studies) 51, pp. 49-82.
“Hexateuch, Enneateuch, and Pentateuch: The ‘Am Ha-Aretz Redaction and the Compositional Function of Joshua 24,” Shingaku: Journal of Theology LXXXII (2020): 191-214 (Japanese).
“Leviticus 26 and the Pro-Babylonian-Golah and Pro-Diaspora Redactions in the Context of Identity Formation and Conflict of Yahwistic Groups in the Persian Period,” in: Benedikt Hensel, Bartosz Adamczewski, and Dany Nocquet (ed.), Social Groups behind Biblical Traditions: Identity Perspectives from Egypt, Transjordan, Mesopotamia, and Israel in the Second Temple Period (FAT 167), Mohr Siebeck; Tübingen, 2023, 205-223.
“Joseph Story and Its Theology of Diaspora,” Old Testament Studies 17 (2023): 1-30 (Japanese).
“The Political Theology of Pg and Its Relation to the Contemporary Pro-Babylonian Golah Redaction in the Book of Ezekiel,” Annual of the Japanese Biblical Institute XLVIII (2023): 5-27.
André LaCocque / Paul Ricœur, Penser la Bible (Joint Translator: Hiroshi Kume), Kyo Bun Kwan; Tokyo, 2021 (Japanese).
Konrad Schmid, Theologie des Alten Testaments (Joint Translator: Satoshi Otomo), Kyo Bun Kwan; Tokyo, 2023 (Japanese).
Academic Presentations at Conferences and Other Academic Meetings
Lev 26 and the Pro-Babylonian-Golah and Pro-Diaspora Redactions in the Context of Identity Formation and Conflict of the Yahwistic Groups in the Persian Period,” EABS Annual Conference, Wuppertal, Germany / online, 2021.
“The Composition of the Joseph Story and the Egyptian Diaspora,” Society of the Old Testament Studies in Japan, Tokyo, Japan, 2021 (Japanese).
“The Literary Reelections of the Judean Diaspora Communities in the Ancestor narratives,” Conference Transjordan in Biblical Trasitions: Exploring New Avenues and Perspectives for Future Research on Ancient Transjordan from Hebrew Bible Studies and Related Fields, Carl von Ossietzky University, Oldenburg, Germany, 2022 (Invited).
“The Inclusive Political Theology of Pg and Its Socio-Political Context Reflected in the Contemporary Texts of the Book o Ezekiel,” European Association of Biblical Studies Graduate Symposium, Prague, Czech Republic, 2022.
Conference Old Testament Theology: Current Concepts, Issues, and Methods, Protestant faculty of Theology, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, 2022.
“The historical Development of the Diaspora Identity Concepts in 1-2 Kings and Deuteronomy,” European Association of the Biblical Studies Annual Conference, Toulouse, France, 2022.
“The Theme of Diaspora in Deut 28-30*: The Conflict of the Identity Formation between the Babylonian-Golah and the Diaspora in Deuteronomy,” Society of Biblical Literature International Meeting, Salzburg, Austria, 2022.
“The Historical Development of the Political Theology between P and the Book of Ezekiel,” 24th Congress of the International Organization for the Study of the Old Testament, Zürich, Switzerland, 2022.
“How God Speaks to Abraham: A Literary-Historical Study of the Word of God in the Ancestor Narratives,” Conference Word of God Workshop: In the Perspective of Biblical, Systematic, and Practical Theology, Protestant Theological Faculty, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, 2023.
“P and Deutero-Isaiah: An Attempt of the Literary-Historical Analysis of Their Literary Relationship,” Workshop Unity and Literary Profile of the Priestly Writings, Prague, Czech Republic, 2023 (Invited).
“The Anti-Diaspora Scribal Group and the Formation of the Wilderness Narrative,” European Association of Biblical Studies Annual Conference, Syracuse, Italy, 2023.
“Is Daniel among the Deuteronomists?,” (Anti-)Apocalypticism throughout Antiquity -An Interdisciplinary Conference, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland, 2023.
Grants, Prize, and Other Academic Activities
2020 Schweizerische Bundes-Exzellenz-Stipendien by Eidgenössische Stipentienkomission für ausländische Studierende (ESKAS)
2023 EABS Student Prize (awarded by the European Association of Biblical Studies)