Sekretariat im Pius-Hospital Oldenburg
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Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
Fakultät VI Medizin und Gesundheitswissenschaften
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Publikationen 2023
- Al Maree, H, Fischer, R, Weller, R, Uslar, V, Weyhe, D and Zachmann, G. Collaborative Vr Anatomy Atlas Investigating Multi-User Anatomy Learning. 2023. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.
- Cetin, T, Mühlenbrock, A, Zachmann, G, Weber, V, Weyhe, D and Uslar, V (2023) A Virtual Reality Simulation of a Novel Way to Illuminate the Surgical Field – a Feasibility Study on the Use of Automated Lighting Systems in the Operating Theatre. Frontiers in Surgery 10 DOI: 10.3389/fsurg.2023.1055053.
- Kraft, V, Schumann, C, Salzmann, D, Weyhe, D, Zachmann, G and Schenk, A (2024) A Clinical User Study Investigating the Benefits of Adaptive Volumetric Illumination Sampling. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics: p. 1-8 DOI: 10.1109/TVCG.2024.3353926.
- Müller, S, Weyhe, D, Herrle, F, Horvath, P, Bachmann, R, von Ehrlich-Treuenstätt, V, Heger, P, Nasir, N, Klose, C, Ritz, A, Sander, A, Grohmann, E, Dörr-Harim, C and Mihaljevic, AL (2023) Prophylactic Effect of Retromuscular Mesh Placement During Loop Ileostomy Closure on Incisional Hernia Incidence—a Multicentre Randomised Patient- and Observer-Blind Trial (P.E.L.I.O.N Trial). Trials 24(1): p. 76 DOI: 10.1186/s13063-023-07089-3.
- Niebuhr, H, Köckerling, F, Fortelny, R, Hoffmann, H, Conze, J, Holzheimer, RG, Koch, A, Köhler, G, Krones, C, Kukleta, J, Kuthe, A, Lammers, B, Lorenz, R, Mayer, F, Pöllath, M, Reinpold, W, Schwab, R, Stechemesser, B, Weyhe, D, Wiese, M, Zarras, K, Meyer, HJ and Leistenhernienchirurgie, DA-Ka (2023) Leistenhernienoperationen – Immer Ambulant? Die Chirurgie 94(3): p. 230-236 DOI: 10.1007/s00104-023-01818-9.
- Obonyo, D, Uslar, VN, Münding, J, Weyhe, D and Tannapfel, A (2023) The Impact of Resection Margin Distance on Survival and Recurrence in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma in a Retrospective Cohort Analysis. PLOS ONE 18(2): p. e0281921 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0281921.
- Reinschluessel, AV, Muender, T, Fischer, R, Kraft, V, Uslar, VN, Weyhe, D, Schenk, A, Zachmann, G, Döring, T and Malaka, R, Versatile Immersive Virtual and Augmented Tangible or – Using Vr, Ar and Tangibles to Support Surgical Practice, in Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 2023, Association for Computing Machinery: Hamburg, Germany. p. Article 477.
- Rennies, J, Ohlenbusch, M, Volgenandt, A, Spitz, T, Baumgartner, H, Rollwage, C, Weber, V and Uslar, V (2023) Analyse Und Algorithmische Optimierung Von Geräuschkulissen Und Sprachkommunikation Im Op-Saal.
- Rosenkranz, M, Cetin, T, Uslar, VN and Bleichner, MG (2023) Investigating the Attentional Focus to Workplace-Related Soundscapes in a Complex Audio-Visual-Motor Task Using Eeg. Frontiers in Neuroergonomics 3: p. 1062227.
- Stroink, L, Erhebung Der Vitamin-D-Versorgung Unter Klinischem Personal Des Pius-Hospitals Oldenburg Verglichen Mit MüLlwerkern Der Stadt Oldenburg Und Identifikation Von Weiteren Einflussfaktoren Auf Die Versorgung Mit Vitamin D. 2023, Universität Oldenburg.
- Timmer, A, Neuser, J, Uslar, V, Kappen, S, Seipp, A, Tiles-Sar, N, de Sordi, D, Beckhaus, J and Otto-Sobotka, F (2023) Wissenschaftsausbildung Im Medizinstudium: Das Oldenburger Datenanalyseprojekt Als Umsetzungsbeispiel [Lessons Learned]. GMS Med Inform Biom Epidemiol 19.
- Uslar, V, Strotmann, C, Ödemis, V, Tabriz, N, Salzmann, D and Weyhe, D (2023) Anwendung Von Augmented-Reality-Devices in Der Anatomischen Lehre in Abhängigkeit Vom Räumlichen Vorstellungsvermögen in Der Medizinischen Lehre Zur Leber. Z Gastroenterol 61(08): p. KV453 DOI: 10.1055/s-0043-1772150.
- von Schudnat, C, Weyhe, D, de Miguel Molina, B, Schoeneberg, K-P, Albors-Garrigos, J, Lahmann, B, Selzer, A and Weise, R (2023) Qualitative and Economic Impact of Standardized and Digitalized Operation Room Processes in Obesity Surgery. Obesity Surgery 33(12): p. 3860-3870.
- Weyhe, D, Uslar, VN and Schneider, T (2023) Augmented-, Virtual-and Mixed Reality in Visceral Surgery. Frontiers in Surgery 10.
- Weyhe, F, Knappstein, M, Uslar, V, Bisotti, MA, Weyhe, D and Salzmann, D (2023) 3d Lebersegmentierung in Augmented Reality Vs. Standard Ct in 2d – Pilotstudie Zu Unterschieden Bezüglich Korrektheit Der Diagnostik Sowie Der Beurteilungsdauer. Z Gastroenterol 61(08): p. KV443 DOI: 10.1055/s-0043-1772140.
Publikationen 2022
Peer Review Artikel
- Gloy, K., Weyhe, P., Nerenz, E., Kaluschke, M., Uslar, V., Zachmann, G., & Weyhe, D. (2022). Immersive Anatomy Atlas: Learning Factual Medical Knowledge in a Virtual Reality Environment. Anatomical sciences education, 15(2), 360-368. doi:
- Köckerling, F., Adolf, D., Lorenz, R., Stechemesser, B., Kuthe, A., Conze, J., . . . Weyhe, D. (2022). Perioperative outcome in groin hernia repair: what are the most important influencing factors? Hernia, 26(1), 201-215. doi:10.1007/s10029-021-02417-5
- Köckerling, F., Lorenz, R., Reinpold, W., Zarras, K., Conze, J., Kuthe, A., . . . Weyhe, D. (2022). What is the reality in outpatient vs inpatient groin hernia repair? An analysis from the Herniamed Registry. Hernia, 26(3), 809-821. doi:10.1007/s10029-021-02494-6
- Muender, T., Reinschluessel, A. V., Salzmann, D., Lück, T., Schenk, A., Weyhe, D., . . . Malaka, R. (2022). Evaluating Soft Organ-Shaped Tangibles for Medical Virtual Reality. Paper presented at the Extended Abstracts of the 2022 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, New Orleans, LA, USA.
- Mühlenbrock, A., Cetin, T., Weyhe, D., & Zachmann, G. (2022). Optimizing the arrangement of fixed light modules in new autonomous surgical lighting systems (Vol. 12034): SPIE.
- Reinschluessel, A. V., Muender, T., Salzmann, D., Döring, T., Malaka, R., & Weyhe, D. (2022). Virtual Reality for Surgical Planning - Evaluation Based on Two Liver Tumor Resections. Frontiers in Surgery, 9, 821060. doi:10.3389/fsurg.2022.821060
- Uslar, V., Becker, C., Weyhe, D., & Tabriz, N. (2022). Thyroid disease-specific quality of life questionnaires - A systematic review. Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism, 00:e357. doi:
- Vajsbaher, T., Schultheis, H., Janssen, S., Weyhe, D., Bektas, H., Uslar, V., & Francis, N. (2022). The development of visuospatial abilities and their impact on laparoscopic skill acquisition: a clinical longitudinal study. Surgical Endoscopy. doi:10.1007/s00464-022-09328-1
- Weyhe, D., Obonyo, D., Uslar, V., & Tabriz, N. (2022). Effects of intensive physiotherapy on Quality of Life (QoL) after pancreatic cancer resection: a randomized controlled trial. BMC Cancer, 22(1), 520. doi:10.1186/s12885-022-09586-1
Publikationen 2021
Peer Review Artikel
- Filser, B., Uslar, V., Weyhe, D., & Tabriz, N. (2021). Predictors of adenoma size and location in primary hyperparathyroidism. Langenbeck's Archives of Surgery, 1-8.
- Gloy, K., Weyhe, P., Nerenz, E., Kaluschke, M., Uslar, V., Zachmann, G., & Weyhe, D. (2021). Immersive Anatomy Atlas: Learning Factual Medical Knowledge in a Virtual Reality Environment. Anatomical Sciences Education.
- Hoffmann, H., Köckerling, F., Adolf, D., Mayer, F., Weyhe, D., Reinpold, W., Fortelny, R., & Kirchhoff, P. (2021). Analysis of 4,015 recurrent incisional hernia repairs from the Herniamed registry: risk factors and outcomes. Hernia, 25(1), 61-75.
- Köckerling, F., Heine, T., Adolf, D., Zarras, K., Weyhe, D., Lammers, B., Mayer, F., Reinpold, W., Jacob, D. (2019). Trends in Emergent Groin Hernia Repair-An Analysis From the Herniamed Registry. Frontiers in Surgery 30;8:655755.
- Köckerling, F., Hoffmann, H., Adolf, D., Reinpold, W., Kirchhoff, P., Mayer, F., Weyhe, D., Lammers, B., & Emmanuel, K. (2021). Potential influencing factors on the outcome in incisional hernia repair: a registry-based multivariable analysis of 22,895 patients. Hernia, 25(1), 33-49.
- Köckerling, F., Adolf, D., Lorenz, R., Stechemesser, B., Kuthe, A., Conze, J., Lammers, B., Fortelny, R., Mayer, F., Zarras, K., Reinpold, W., Hoffmann, H., & Weyhe, D. (2021). Perioperative outcome in groin hernia repair: what are the most important influencing factors?. Hernia, 1-15.
- Köckerling, F., Lammers, B., Weyhe, D., Reinpold, W., Zarras, K., Adolf, D., Riediger, H., & Krüger, C. M. (2021). What is the outcome of the open IPOM versus sublay technique in the treatment of larger incisional hernias?: A propensity score-matched comparison of 9091 patients from the Herniamed Registry. Hernia, 25(1), 23-31.
- Köckerling, F., Adolf, D., Zarras, K., Fortelny, R., Lorenz, R., Lammers, B., Reinpold, W., Stechemesser, B., Schug-Pass, C., & Weyhe, D. (2021). What is the reality in epigastric hernia repair? – a trend analysis from the Herniamed Registry. Hernia, 1-12.
- Köckerling, F., Lorenz, R., Stechemesser, B., Conze, J., Kuthe, A., Reinpold, W., Niebuhr, H., Lammers, B., Zarras, K., Fortelny, R., Mayer, F., Hoffmann, H., Kukleta, J.F. & Weyhe, D. (2021). Comparison of outcomes in rectus abdominis diastasis repair—which data do we need in a hernia registry?. Hernia, 1-13.
- Köckerling, F., Hoffmann, H., Mayer, F., Zarras, K., Reinpold, W., Fortelny, R., Weyhe, D., Lammers, D., Adolf, D. & Schug-Pass, C. (2021). What are the trends in incisional hernia repair? Real-world data over 10 years from the Herniamed registry. Hernia, 25(2), 255-265.
- Köckerling, F., Brunner, W., Mayer, F., Fortelny, R., Adolf, D., Niebuhr, H., Lorenz, R., Reinpold, W., Zarras, K. & Weyhe, D. (2021). Assessment of potential influencing factors on the outcome in small (< 2 cm) umbilical hernia repair: a registry-based multivariable analysis of 31,965 patients. Hernia, 25(3), 587-603.
- Köckerling, F., Brunner, W., Fortelny, R., Mayer, F., Adolf, D., Niebuhr, H., Lorenz, R., Reinpold, W., Zarras, K., & Weyhe, D. (2021). Treatment of small (< 2 cm) umbilical hernias: guidelines and current trends from the Herniamed Registry. Hernia, 25(3):605-617.
- Kraft, V., Schumann, C., Salzmann, D., Nopper, H., Lück, T., Weyhe, D., & Schenk, A. (2021). Towards realistic organ models for 3D printing and visualization. Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering, 7(1): 166-170.
- Nopper, H., Schendel, O., Karayagiz, F., Freitas, U., Lück, T., Stadie, T., Lampe, L., Reinschlüssel, A., Döring, T., Salzmann, D., & Weyhe, D. (2021). Advanced training scenarios for liver surgery with realistic interactive 3D-printed phantoms. Transactions on Additive Manufacturing Meets Medicine, 3(1), 502-502.
- Seipp, A., Uslar, V., Weyhe, D., Timmer, A., & Otto‐Sobotka, F. (2021). Weighted expectile regression for right‐censored data. Statistics in Medicine. DOI: 10.1002/sim.9137
- Tabriz, N., Gruben, A., Uslar, V., & Weyhe, D. (2021). Risk factors for Graves' Orbitopathy in surgical patients—Results of a 10‐year retrospective study with review of the literature. Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism, 4(1), e00210.
- Tabriz, N., Gloy, K., Schantzen, A., Fried, D., Weyhe, D., & Uslar, V. (2021). Validity and reliability of the German version of the shortened thyroid-specific quality of life questionnaire (ThyPRO-39de). Endocrine Connections, 10(9), 1065-1072.
- Tabriz, N., Uslar, V.N., Obonyo, D. & Weyhe, D. (2021). Micronutritional status after pylorus preserving duodenopancreatectomy: analysis of data from a randomized controlled trial. Scientific Reports 11, 18475 (2021).
- Weyhe, D., Obonyo, D., Uslar, V.N., Stricker, I., Tannapfel, A. (2021). Predictive factors for long-term survival after surgery for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma: Making a case for standardized reporting of the resection margin using certified cancer center data. PLoS One, 16(3):e0248633.
Weyhe, D., Salzmann, D., & Gloy, K. (2021). Prophylaxe von parastomalen, perinealen und Narbenhernien in der kolorektalen Chirurgie. Der Chirurg, 1-9.
Peer Review Konferenzbeiträge
- Reinschluessel, A. V., Muender, T., Döring, T., Uslar, V. N., Lück, T., Weyhe, D., Schenk, A. & Malaka, R. (2021). A Study on the Size of Tangible Organ-shaped Controllers for Exploring Medical Data in VR. In Extended Abstracts of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. Article 261): Association for Computing Machinery.
- Weyhe, D. (2021). Patientensicherheit in der Chirurgie. In Viszeralchirurgische Operationen und technische Varianten (pp. 1-12). Viszeralchirurgische Operationen und technische Varianten. Hrsg: Michael Korenkov, Christoph-Thomas Germer & Hauke Lang. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
Publikationen 2020
Peer Review Artikel
- Hoffmann, H., Köckerling, F., Adolf, D., Mayer, F., Weyhe, D., Reinpold, W., ... & Kirchhoff, P. (2020). Analysis of 4,015 recurrent incisional hernia repairs from the Herniamed registry: risk factors and outcomes. Hernia, 1-15.
- Köckerling, F., Lammers, B., Weyhe, D., Reinpold, W., Zarras, K., Adolf, D., ... & Krüger, C. M. (2020). What is the outcome of the open IPOM versus sublay technique in the treatment of larger incisional hernias?: A propensity score-matched comparison of 9091 patients from the Herniamed Registry. Hernia, 1-9.
- Köckerling, F., Hoffmann, H., Adolf, D., Reinpold, W., Kirchhoff, P., Mayer, F., Weyhe, D., Lammers, B. & Emmanuel, K. (2020). Potential influencing factors on the outcome in incisional hernia repair: a registry-based multivariable analysis of 22,895 patients. Hernia, 1-17.
- Köckerling, F., Brunner, W., Mayer, F., Fortelny, R., Adolf, D., Niebuhr, H., ... & Weyhe, D. (2020). Assessment of potential influencing factors on the outcome in small (< 2 cm) umbilical hernia repair: a registry-based multivariable analysis of 31,965 patients. Hernia, 1-17.
- Köckerling, F., Zarras, K., Adolf, D., Kraft, B., Jacob, D., Weyhe, D., & Schug-Pass, C. (2020). What Is the Reality of Hiatal Hernia Management?—A Registry Analysis. Frontiers in Surgery, 7, 84.
- Köckerling, F., Hoffmann, H., Adolf, D., Weyhe, D., Reinpold, W., Koch, A., & Kirchhoff, P. (2020). Female sex as independent risk factor for chronic pain following elective incisional hernia repair: registry-based, propensity score-matched comparison. Hernia, 24(3), 567-576.
- Köckerling, F., Hoffmann, H., Mayer, F., Zarras, K., Reinpold, W., Fortelny, R., Weyhe, D., Lammers, B., Adolf, D. & Schug-Pass, C. (2020). What are the trends in incisional hernia repair? Real-world data over 10 years from the Herniamed registry. Hernia, 1-11.
- Köckerling, F., Brunner, W., Fortelny, R., Mayer, F., Adolf, D., Niebuhr, H., ... & Weyhe, D. (2020). Treatment of small (< 2 cm) umbilical hernias: guidelines and current trends from the Herniamed Registry. Hernia, 1-13.
- Lück, T., Nopper, H., Schendel, O., Weyhe, D., Salzmann, D., Uslar, V., ... & Schumann, C. (2020). Exploring realistic haptics for 3D-printed organ phantoms in surgery training in VR and AR. Transactions on Additive Manufacturing Meets Medicine, 2(1).
- Seelig, M.H., Winkels, R., Wiese, M., Weyhe, D. (2020). Spermatic cord liposarcomas incidentally found during hernia surgery: is histology of any lipoma mandatory? A review of the literature. Acta Chir Belg., 120(2):79-84. doi: 10.1080/00015458.2019.1689645.
- Tabriz, N., Grone, J., Uslar, V., Tannapfel, A., & Weyhe, D. (2020). BRAF V600E mutation correlates with aggressive clinico-pathological features but does not influence tumor recurrence in papillary thyroid carcinoma—10-year single-center results. Gland Surgery, 9(6):1902.
- Tabriz, N., Gruben, A., Uslar, V., Weyhe, D. (2020). Risk factors for Graves' Orbitopathy in surgical patients-Results of a 10-year retrospective study with review of the literature. Endocrinol Diabetes Metab. 4(1):e00210. doi: 10.1002/edm2.210.
- Tabriz, N., Uslar, V. N., Tabriz, I., & Weyhe, D. (2020). Quality of life is not affected by thyroid surgery in nontoxic benign goitre in long‐term surveillance—A prospective observational study. Endocrinology, diabetes & metabolism, 3(2), e00115.
- Templin, R., Tabriz, N., Hoffmann, M., Uslar, V. N., Lück, T., Schenk, A., ... & Weyhe, D. (2020). Case Report: Virtual and interactive 3D vascular reconstruction before planned pancreatic head resection and complex vascular anatomy: a bench-to-bedside transfer of new visualization techniques in pancreatic surgery. Frontiers in Surgery, 7.
Peer Review Konferenzbeiträge
- Lück, T.; Salzmann, D., Uslar, V., Weyhe, D. (2020). Beurteilung der Druckfestigkeit von Lebermodellen zur Entwicklung von 3D-Organmodellen in VR/AR Umgebungen. DGCH- Rapid Communication, digital
- Lubasch, J.S.; Voigt-Barbarowicz, M.; de Wilde, R.L.; Griesinger, F.; Lazovic, D.; Ocampo Villegas, P.C.; Roeper, J.; Salzmann, D.; Seeber, G.H.; Torres-de la Roche, A.; Weyhe, D., Lippke, S., Ansmann, L.; Brütt, A.L. (2020): Partizipativ angelegte Implementierung eines Kommunikationskonzeptes zur Verbesserung der professionellen Gesundheitskompetenz – PIKOG-Studie. Deutscher Kongress für Versorgungsforschung, digital. doi: 10.3205/20dkvf313
- Templin, R., & Weyhe, D. (2020). Virtual and interactive 3D-vascular-reconstruction before planned pancreatic head resection and complex vascular anatomy: A bench-to-bedside transfer of virtual reality. Abstracts DGCH. Innovative Surgical Sciences. 2020;5(s1): s218-s266.
- Weyhe D. Hernien. In: Lorenz DF, Helmut; Germer, Christoph-Thomas, editor. DGAV Chirurgie Update 2020 Handbuch Allgemein-/Viszeralchirurgie. Wiesbaden: MED PUBLICO 2020.
Publikationen 2019
Peer Review Artikel
- Bittner, R., Bain, K., Bansal, V. K., Berrevoet, F., Bingener-Casey, J., Chen, D., ... & Yao, Q. (2019). Update of Guidelines for laparoscopic treatment of ventral and incisional abdominal wall hernias (International Endohernia Society (IEHS))—Part A. Surgical endoscopy, 33(10), 3069-3139.
- Köckerling, F., Bittner, R., Kofler, M., Mayer, F., Adolf, D., Kuthe, A., & Weyhe, D. (2019). Lichtenstein versus total extraperitoneal patch plasty versus transabdominal patch plasty technique for primary unilateral inguinal hernia repair: a registry-based, propensity score-matched comparison of 57,906 patients. Annals of surgery, 269(2), 351-357.
- Köckerling, F., Simon, T., Adolf, D., Köckerling, D., Mayer, F., Reinpold, W., ... & Bittner, R. (2019). Laparoscopic IPOM versus open sublay technique for elective incisional hernia repair: a registry-based, propensity score-matched comparison of 9907 patients. Surgical endoscopy, 33(10), 3361-3369.
- Köckerling, F., Sheen, A. J., Berrevoet, F., Campanelli, G., Cuccurullo, D., Fortelny, R., ... , Weyhe, D. & Simons, M. P. (2019). Accreditation and certification requirements for hernia centers and surgeons: the ACCESS project. Hernia, 23(2), 185-203.
- Köckerling, F., Hoffmann, H., Adolf, D., Weyhe, D., Reinpold, W., Koch, A., Kirchhoff, P. (2019). Female sex as independent risk factor for chronic pain following elective incisional hernia repair: registrybased,
propensity score-matched comparison. Hernia, 24(3):567-576. - Köckerling, F., Bittner, R., Kofler, M., Mayer, F., Adolf, D., Kuthe, A., Weyhe, D. (2019. )Lichtenstein Versus Total Extraperitoneal Patch Plasty Versus Transabdominal Patch Plasty Technique for Primary Unilateral Inguinal Hernia Repair: A Registry-based, Propensity Score-matched Comparison of 57,906 Patients. Annals of Surgery, 269(2):351-357.
- Köckerling, F., Sheen, A. J., Berrevoet, F., Campanelli, G., Cuccurullo, D., Fortelny, R., ..., Weyhe, D. & Simons, M. P. (2019). The reality of general surgery training and increased complexity of abdominal wall hernia surgery. Hernia, 23(6), 1081-1091.
- Seelig, M., Winkels, R., Wiese, M., Weyhe, D. (2019). Spermatic cord liposarcomas
incidentally found during hernia surgery: is histology of any lipoma mandatory?: a review of the literature.
Acta chirurgica Belgica, 120(2019), 2, Seite 79-84. - Weyhe, D., Klinge, U., Uslar, V. N., Tabriz, N., & Kluge, A. (2019). Follow Up Data of MRI-Visible Synthetic Meshes for Reinforcement in Large Hiatal Hernia in Comparison to None-Mesh Repair—A Prospective Cohort Study. Frontiers in surgery, 6, 17.
- Weyhe, D., Uslar, V., Kühne, J., & Kluge, A. (2019). Hiatushernie. Der Chirurg, 90(4), 331-348.
- Vajsbaher, T., Schultheis, H., Uslar, V. N., Weyhe, D., Bektas, H., & Francis, N. (2019). Exploring the role of visuospatial processes in surgical skill acquisition: A longitudinal study. In CogSci (p. 3595).
Peer Review Konferenzbeiträge
- Aumann-Münch, T., Uslar, V., Janssen, S., Sahlmann, B., & Weyhe, D. (2019). Evaluation der operativen Lehre im Rahmen einer randomisiert-kontrollierten Studie aus Sicht der Studierenden. Zeitschrift für Gastroenterologie, 57(09), KV-458.
- Muender, T., Reinschluessel, A., Zargham, N., Döring, T., Wenig, D., Malaka, R., ... & Lück, T. (2019). Application Scenarios for 3D-Printed Organ Models for Collaboration in VR & AR. Mensch und Computer 2019-Workshopband.
- Reinschluessel, A. V., Muender, T., Uslar, V., Weyhe, D., Schenk, A., & Malaka, R. (2019, May). Tangible organs: introducing 3D printed organ models with VR to interact with medical 3D models. In Extended Abstracts of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 1-6).
- Vajsbaher, T., Uslar, V., Schultheis, H., & Weyhe, D. (2019). Paradigmenwechsel in der Ausbildungserwartung in der Viszeralchirurgie. Zeitschrift für Gastroenterologie, 57(09), KV-524.
- Weyhe, D., Seipp, A., Uslar, V., Timmer, A., & Otto-Sobotka, F. (2019). Outcome-Analyse mithilfe von Quantilregression bei 1028 Patienten mit kolorektalem Karzinom. Zeitschrift für Gastroenterologie, 57(09), KV-310.
- Koch, A., Köckerling, F., Weyhe, D., Conze, J., Schlein, U., & Löber, N. (2019). 4. Leitlinien, Qualitäts-und Fehlermanagement. In Hernienschule (pp. 307-328). De Gruyter.