Priv.-Doz. Dr. rer. nat. Sonja Mertsch


Direktor der Universitätsklinik für Augenheilkunde

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dr. med. Stefan Schrader

Leitung des Labors für Experimentelle Ophthalmologie

PD Dr. rer. nat. Sonja Mertsch

Sekretariat im Pius-Hospital Oldenburg

+49 (0)441 229-1241

+49 (0)441 229-1277


Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
Fakultät VI Medizin und Gesundheitswissenschaften
Department für Humanmedizin
Postfach 5634
26046 Oldenburg

Zur Homepage vom Pius-Hospital Oldenburg

Priv.-Doz. Dr. rer. nat. Sonja Mertsch


Derzeitige Position

seit 16. Dezember 2018         
Leitung des Labors für Experimentelle Ophthalmologie, Projekt- und Arbeitsgruppenleitung, Modul und Lehrbeauftragte an der Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg Department für Humanmedizin, Klinik für Augenheilkunde, Labor für Experimentelle Ophthalomologie                                                     

Akademische Ausbildung und wissenschaftlicher Werdegang

seit 16. Dezember 2018         
Leitung des Labors für Experimentelle Ophthalmologie, Projekt- und Arbeitsgruppenleitung, Modul und Lehrbeauftragte, Augenklinik Oldenburg, Department Humanmedizin der Carl-von-Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg

2015 - 2018    
Leiterin des Labors für Experimentelle Ophthalmologie, Universitätsklinik Düsseldorf, Klinik für Augenheilkunde, Labor für Experimentelle Ophthalmologie

2011 - 2014   
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Institut für Experimentelle Ophthalmologie, Universitätsklinikum Münster, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster

2008 - 2011   

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Institut für Neuropathologie, Universitätsklinikum Münster, Arbeitsgruppe Kindliche Hirntumoren, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster

2005 – 2008

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin (PhD Studentin) am Institut für Neuropathologie, Universitätsklinikum Münster, Arbeitsgruppe Glioblastommigration, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster                                                                                                                                                   
Thema der Promotion: „Molekulare Mechanismen der Tumorzellmigration“                       
Bewertung: magna cum laude

2000 – 2005   
Studium der Biologie und Mathematik an der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster; Diplomarbeit in dem Institut für Neuropathologie,                                                                                  
Thema der Diplomarbeit: „Untersuchungen zur Funktion von Slit-2 und Robo-1 in Glioblastomen“

1997 – 2000

Studium der Humanmedizin an der Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen

Mitgliedschaften in wissenschaftlichen Fachgesellschaften

  • Deutsche Ophthalmologische Gesellschaft (DOG)
  • Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO)
  • Tear Film & Ocular Surface Society (TFOS)



[39]  I. Veernala, J. Jaffet, J. Fried, S. Mertsch, S. Schrader, S. Basu, G.K. Vemuganti, V. Singh, Lacrimal gland regeneration: The unmet challenges and promise for dry eye therapy, Ocul Surf 25 (2022) 129-141.


[38] S. Mertsch, I. Neumann, C. Rose, M. Schargus, G. Geerling, S. Schrader, The effect of Rho Kinase inhibition on corneal nerve regeneration in vitro and in vivo, Ocul Surf 22 (2021) 213-223. (awarded with the Hermine Heusler-Edenhuizen”Best Paper” Award 2022 from the University Oldenburg and the Freunde und Förderer der Universitätsmedizin Nordwest e.V.)

[37]  M. Hasenzahl, M. Müsken, S. Mertsch, S.Schrader, S. Reichl, Cell sheet technology: Influence of culture conditions on in vitro-cultivated corneal stromal tissue for regenerative therapies of the ocular surface. J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater. 2021 Feb 3. doi: 10.1002/jbm.b.34808


[36] S. Mertsch, M. Hasenzahl, S. Reichl, G. Geerling, S. Schrader, Decellularized human corneal stromal cell sheet as a novel matrix for ocular surface reconstruction, J Tissue Eng Regen Med 14(9) (2020) 1318-1332.

[35] J. Witt, J. Dietrich, S. Mertsch, S. Schrader, K. Spaniol, G. Geerling, Decellularized porcine conjunctiva as an alternative substrate for tissue-engineered epithelialized conjunctiva, Ocul Surf 18(4) (2020) 901-911.

[34] K. Ou, D.A. Copland, S. Theodoropoulou, S. Mertsch, Y. Li, J. Liu, S. Schrader, L. Liu, A.D. Dick, Treatment of diabetic retinopathy through neuropeptide Y-mediated enhancement of neurovascular microenvironment, J Cell Mol Med 24(7) (2020) 3958-3970.

[33] N. Feltgen, K.U. Bartz-Schmidt, N. Feltgen, F. Grehn, J. Lauermann, P. Maier, R. Merte, S. Pitz, N. Plange, I. Schmack, M. Altmann, G. Auffarth, M. Bohm, V. Brucher, L. Choritz, C. Deuter, N. Feltgen, M. Fuest, C. Girbhardt, A. Hassenstein, C. Holtmann, J. Kampmeier, K. Lenz, K. Loffler, B. Lorenz, P. Maier, C. Mardin, S. Mertsch, P. Moller, A. Mohi, V. Muller, M. Nentwich, A. Neugebauer, A. Pielen, U. Pleyer, V. Prokosch, I. Schmack, S. Schulze, B. Seitz, A. Stahl, N. Terai, F. Treumer, R. Wienrich, H. Ilhelm, D.-A. Lehre, G.O. Lehrbe, Ophthalmological student teaching-results of a survey at German universities, Ophthalmologe 117(3) (2020) 253-258.


[32] J. Witt, M. Borrelli, S. Mertsch, G. Geerling, K. Spaniol, S. Schrader, Evaluation of Plastic-Compressed Collagen for Conjunctival Repair in a Rabbit Model, Tissue Eng Part A 25(15-16) (2019) 1084-1095.

[31] K. Ou, S. Mertsch, S. Theodoropoulou, J. Wu, J. Liu, D.A. Copland, L.M. Scott, A.D. Dick, S. Schrader, L. Liu, Muller Cells Stabilize Microvasculature through Hypoxic Preconditioning, Cell Physiol Biochem 52(4) (2019) 668-680.

[30] K. Ou, S. Mertsch, S. Theodoropoulou, J. Wu, J. Liu, D.A. Copland, S. Schrader, L. Liu, A.D. Dick, Restoring retinal neurovascular health via substance P, Exp Cell Res 380(2) (2019) 115-123.

[29] S. Mertsch, J. Alder, H.S. Dua, G. Geerling, [Pathogenesis and epidemiology of neurotrophic keratopathy], Ophthalmologe 116(2) (2019) 109-119.

[28] J. Dietrich, M. Roth, S. Konig, G. Geerling, S. Mertsch, S. Schrader, Analysis of lacrimal gland derived mesenchymal stem cell secretome and its impact on epithelial cell survival, Stem Cell Res 38 (2019) 101477.

[27] J. Dietrich, L. Ott, M. Roth, J. Witt, G. Geerling, S. Mertsch, S. Schrader, MSC Transplantation Improves Lacrimal Gland Regeneration after Surgically Induced Dry Eye Disease in Mice, Sci Rep 9(1) (2019) 18299.

[26] J. Alder, S. Mertsch, J. Menzel-Severing, G. Geerling, [Current and experimental treatment approaches for neurotrophic keratopathy], Ophthalmologe 116(2) (2019) 127-137.


[25] J. Witt, S. Mertsch, M. Borrelli, J. Dietrich, G. Geerling, S. Schrader, K. Spaniol, Decellularised conjunctiva for ocular surface reconstruction, Acta Biomater 67 (2018) 259-269.

[24] K. Spaniol, J. Witt, S. Mertsch, M. Borrelli, G. Geerling, S. Schrader, Generation and characterisation of decellularised human corneal limbus, Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 256(3) (2018) 547-557.

[23] S. Mertsch, K. Schlicht, H. Melkonyan, S. Schlatt, S. Thanos, snRPN controls the ability of neurons to regenerate axons, Restor Neurol Neurosci 36(1) (2018) 31-43.

[22] J. Dietrich, C. Schlegel, M. Roth, J. Witt, G. Geerling, S. Mertsch, S. Schrader, Comparative analysis on the dynamic of lacrimal gland damage and regeneration after Interleukin-1alpha or duct ligation induced dry eye disease in mice, Exp Eye Res 172 (2018) 66-77.


[21] S. Mertsch, S. Thanos, Analysis of Histone Deacetylase-Dependent Effects on Cell Migration Using the Stripe Assay, Methods Mol Biol 1510 (2017) 61-75.

[20] S. Mertsch, O.H. Kramer, The interplay between histone deacetylases and rho kinases is important for cancer and neurodegeneration, Cytokine Growth Factor Rev 37 (2017) 29-45.

[19] I. Massie, K. Spaniol, A. Barbian, G. Poschmann, K. Stuhler, G. Geerling, M. Metzger, S. Mertsch, S. Schrader, Evaluation of Decellularized Porcine Jejunum as a Matrix for Lacrimal Gland Reconstruction In Vitro for Treatment of Dry Eye Syndrome, Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 58(12) (2017) 5564-5574.


[18] I. Massie, J. Dietrich, M. Roth, G. Geerling, S. Mertsch, S. Schrader, Development of Causative Treatment Strategies for Lacrimal Gland Insufficiency by Tissue Engineering and Cell Therapy. Part 2: Reconstruction of Lacrimal Gland Tissue: What Has Been Achieved So Far and What Are the Remaining Challenges?, Curr Eye Res 41(10) (2016) 1255-1265.

[17] J. Dietrich, I. Massie, M. Roth, G. Geerling, S. Mertsch, S. Schrader, Development of Causative Treatment Strategies for Lacrimal Gland Insufficiency by Tissue Engineering and Cell Therapy. Part 1: Regeneration of Lacrimal Gland Tissue: Can We Stimulate Lacrimal Gland Renewal In Vivo?, Curr Eye Res 41(9) (2016) 1131-42.


[16] K. Spaniol, M. Metzger, M. Roth, B. Greve, S. Mertsch, G. Geerling, S. Schrader, Engineering of a Secretory Active Three-Dimensional Lacrimal Gland Construct on the Basis of Decellularized Lacrimal Gland Tissue, Tissue Eng Part A 21(19-20) (2015) 2605-17.

[15] M. Roth, K. Spaniol, C. Kordes, S. Schwarz, S. Mertsch, D. Haussinger, N. Rotter, G. Geerling, S. Schrader, The Influence of Oxygen on the Proliferative Capacity and Differentiation Potential of Lacrimal Gland-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells, Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 56(8) (2015) 4741-52.

[14] V. Prokosch-Willing, M. Meyer zu Hoerste, S. Mertsch, T. Stupp, S. Thanos, Postnatal visual deprivation in rats regulates several retinal genes and proteins, including differentiation-associated fibroblast growth factor-2, Dev Neurosci 37(1) (2015) 14-28.

2014 - 2008

[13] S. Mertsch, S. Thanos, Opposing signaling of ROCK1 and ROCK2 determines the switching of substrate specificity and the mode of migration of glioblastoma cells, Mol Neurobiol 49(2) (2014) 900-15.

[12] S. Mertsch, P. Oellers, M. Wendling, W. Stracke, S. Thanos, Dissecting the inter-substrate navigation of migrating glioblastoma cells with the stripe assay reveals a causative role of ROCK, Mol Neurobiol 48(1) (2013) 169-79.

[11] M.R. Bohm, S. Mertsch, S. Konig, T. Spieker, S. Thanos, Macula-less rat and macula-bearing monkey retinas exhibit common lifelong proteomic changes, Neurobiol Aging 34(11) (2013) 2659-75.

[10] M. Krzyzankova, S. Mertsch, B. Koos, A. Jeibmann, A. Kruse, U. Kordes, M.C. Fruhwald, J.E. Wolff, W. Paulus, M. Hasselblatt, Loss of TP53 expression in immortalized choroid plexus epithelial cells results in increased resistance to anticancer agents, J Neurooncol 109(3) (2012) 449-55.

[9] B. Koos, S. Bender, H. Witt, S. Mertsch, J. Felsberg, R. Beschorner, A. Korshunov, B. Riesmeier, S. Pfister, W. Paulus, M. Hasselblatt, The transcription factor evi-1 is overexpressed, promotes proliferation, and is prognostically unfavorable in infratentorial ependymomas, Clin Cancer Res 17(11) (2011) 3631-7.

[8] B. Koos, A. Jeibmann, H. Lunenburger, S. Mertsch, N.N. Nupponen, A. Roselli, I. Leuschner, W. Paulus, M.C. Fruhwald, M. Hasselblatt, The tyrosine kinase c-Abl promotes proliferation and is expressed in atypical teratoid and malignant rhabdoid tumors, Cancer-Am Cancer Soc 116(21) (2010) 5075-81.

[7] M. Tomm, A. Koch, S. Mertsch, B. Wrede, A. Jeibmann, J. Wolff, W. Paulus, M. Hasselblatt, Role of Wnt inhibitory factor-1 and Wnt/wingless signaling in choroid plexus tumors, Pediatr Blood Cancer 53(6) (2009) 1152-5.

[6] S. Mertsch, L.J. Schurgers, K. Weber, W. Paulus, V. Senner, Matrix gla protein (MGP): an overexpressed and migration-promoting mesenchymal component in glioblastoma, Bmc Cancer 9 (2009) 302.

[5] S. Mertsch, M. Becker, A. Lichota, W. Paulus, V. Senner, Vesicle amine transport protein-1 (VAT-1) is upregulated in glioblastomas and promotes migration, Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol 35(4) (2009) 342-52.

[4] B. Koos, J. Paulsson, M. Jarvius, B.C. Sanchez, B. Wrede, S. Mertsch, A. Jeibmann, A. Kruse, O. Peters, J.E. Wolff, H.J. Galla, O. Soderberg, W. Paulus, A. Ostman, M. Hasselblatt, Platelet-derived growth factor receptor expression and activation in choroid plexus tumors, Am J Pathol 175(4) (2009) 1631-7.

[3] M. Hasselblatt*, S. Mertsch*, B. Koos, B. Riesmeier, H. Stegemann, A. Jeibmann, M. Tomm, N. Schmitz, B. Wrede, J.E. Wolff, W. Zheng, W. Paulus, TWIST-1 is overexpressed in neoplastic choroid plexus epithelial cells and promotes proliferation and invasion, Cancer Res 69(6) (2009) 2219-23. *contributed equally

[2] V. Senner, S. Ratzinger, S. Mertsch, S. Grassel, W. Paulus, Collagen XVI expression is upregulated in glioblastomas and promotes tumor cell adhesion, Febs Lett 582(23-24) (2008) 3293-300.

[1] S. Mertsch, N. Schmitz, A. Jeibmann, J.G. Geng, W. Paulus, V. Senner, Slit2 involvement in glioma cell migration is mediated by Robo1 receptor, J Neurooncol 87(1) (2008) 1-7.




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